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Slide 1 text YOUTH AHEAD: Policy Innovations to create opportunities for young people in Africa’s agrifood systems @MaMoPanel MaMoPanel #MaMoForum 13th Malabo Montpellier Forum 14 February 2024 H.E. Rhoda Tumusiime Former Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture at the AUC, Chairperson HOPE

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Report findings Introduction Challenges faced by youth Solutions and Opportunities Experience from 4 African countries • Methodology • Key findings of country analyses Recommendations

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Introduction Africa is the world’s youngest continent. Median age in Africa is 18 years. More than 70 percent of Africa’s youth live on less than USD 2.00 per day. ©

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Introduction: Rising youth labor force Nearly 11 million young people join the African labor market annually. Yet, only 3.7 million jobs are created per year. Thus, many African youth are facing unemployment – currently 16 million. This is set to rise as Africa’s youth population is expected to grow by 181% by 2100. © 2024

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Introduction: Agrifood systems - a key to future employment opportunities © 2022 Africa’s agrifood systems hold significant promise for improving youth employment. Africa’s food systems are projected to add more jobs by 2025. Partly due to the growing urban population and middle-class demand for more varied nutritious processed foods.

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Introduction: Agrifood systems - key to future employment opportunities - cont’d Increased demand for these foods can generate new jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities for youth along African agribusiness value chains. Young people are not sufficiently pursuing these employment opportunities. ©

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Challenges and barriers to youth employment in agrifood systems Access to modern tools tools, technologies, & machinery – 91% Youth-friendly loans and financial services - 90% Poor infrastructure – 82% Favourable policies for youth in agriculture - 78% Access to agricultural inputs across agrifood value chain -76% © 2024

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Data for decision-making - 76% Training in digital skills - 73% Training in business skills - 72% Access to agricultural output for processing or trade - 71% Access to markets - 69.6% Negative perception of the agrifood sector - 68.3% © B&FT Online 2021 Challenges and barriers to youth employment in agrifood systems – cont’d

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Challenges and barriers to youth employment in agrifood systems – cont’d Knowledge & training in modern agricultural and processing practices - 65%. Mismatch between supply and demand of skills. Climate change and environmental degradation. Social and cultural factors. Rural-urban migration. ©

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Opportunities: Are there solutions to advance youth engagement in Africa’s agrifood systems? 16% 24% 20% 4% 14% 4% 13% 5% Agrifood sectors youth most involved in Extension services Animal farming Crop Production Food Marketing Food Processing Food Trade Other Provision of inputs Agrifood sectors that youth are most involved in 80% of the survey respondents agreed that the agrifood sector offers opportunities for youth.

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Opportunities: Solutions to advance youth engagement in Africa’s agrifood systems – cont’d Many profitable job opportunities at harvest & postharvest. Africa’s food processing sector is rapidly modernizing and transforming. © Modern Ghana 2024 • Cleaning • Packaging • Storage • Transportation • Processing • Marketing & trade • Grading

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Opportunities: Agro-food processing Agro-food processing segment Is a potential source of employment generation for youth. It offers • application of novel digital technologies & tools for innovation & • higher incomes. Yet, few youths are involved in food processing - 14% of the survey respondents. © Modern Ghana 2024

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Opportunities: Food market and trade © Little investment is needed to conduct food trade, especially informally. Thus, food trade provides opportunities for youth to create jobs for themselves in agribusiness. Various ICTs can transform agricultural markets.

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Opportunities: Youth voices Agripreneurship Technology and Innovation Access to Finance. Market Linkages and Value Chain Integration Education and training Programs Access to Land and Agribusiness Incubators Organic Farming and Sustainable Agriculture Agro-Tourism Policy Advocacy and Leadership Roles – youth involvement

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Opportunities: Skills development and upgrading These opportunities can only be realized if proper investments are made in: • upgrading education systems & • developing sound vocational & business management training. For young people to engage across agrifood systems (R&D, production, processing to consumption). ©

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Upgrading education systems would meet the demands of the rapidly evolving agrifood systems. • the digital technology-based 4th Industrial Revolution. African youth need skills to lead in developing and applying emerging digital technologies. • create innovative businesses that solve problems along value chains. Opportunities: Skills development and upgrading ©

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Experience from 4 African countries - Methodology Aim: Identify African countries with the most progress on youth empowerment in agrifood systems. A 3-step approach was taken using the 3 indicators o Educated Youth (share among employed youth) o Youth in Agriculture Employment o API Per Capita Growth Indicators were compared to rank and select countries based on their performances (only countries with data for the 3 indicators considered).

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Our methodology: 3 step process to select country case studies – cont’d Step 1: High ranking countries in Educated Youth and Youth in Agriculture Employment LOW HIGH LOW Burkina Faso Benin Lesotho Botswana Liberia Djibouti Mauritania Egypt Senegal Kenya Togo Mauritius Namibia Seychelles Somalia South Africa Tunisia YOUTH IN AGRICULTURE EMPLOYMENT EDUCATED YOUTH LOW HIGH HIGH Angola Gambia Burundi Ghana Chad Nigeria Comoros Uganda Côte d'Ivoire Zambia Guinea-Bissau Zimbabwe Mali Niger Rwanda Sierra Leone Tanzania YOUTH IN AGRICULTURE EMPLOYMENT EDUCATED YOUTH

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Our methodology: 3 step process to select country case studies – cont’d Step 2: High ranking countries in Educated Youth and API Per Capita Growth LOW HIGH LOW Angola Egypt Burkina Faso Gambia Chad Mauritius Comoros Namibia Liberia Nigeria Mali Seychelles Mauritania Somalia Niger Togo Tanzania API PER CAPITA GROWTH EDUCATED YOUTH LOW HIGH HIGH Burundi Benin Côte d'Ivoire Botswana Guinea-Bissau Djibouti Lesotho Ghana Rwanda Kenya Senegal South Africa Sierra Leone Tunisia Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe API PER CAPITA GROWTH EDUCATED YOUTH

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Step 3: Selection of countries that ranked high in both steps 1 and 2, for case study analyses. o Ghana, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe Our methodology: 3 step process to select country case studies – cont’d

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Ghana: Youth empowerment policies and programs Youth Employment Agency Bill National Youth Policy Education Strategic Plan (2018- 2030) Youth in Agriculture Programme (YIAP) ©

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Uganda: Youth-focused innovation hubs and programs Presidential Zonal Industrial Hubs Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI) Innovation Centre Youth Livelihood Programme Agro-industrialization Program Digital Skills Acceleration Program ©

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Zambia: Financing youth skills training and start-ups Skills Development Levy Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Authority (TEVETA) Youth Development Fund (YDF) ©

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Zimbabwe: Youth economic empowerment Access to finance: • EmpowerBank • Youth desks in most government ministries Youth-focused policies • National Youth Policy • Technical Vocational Education and Training Policy ©

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Recommendations from the Youth survey Better representation of youth in institutions – 92% 1 Increased funding for youth's access to skills TVET – 91% 2 Increased youth-focused training programs in skills – 90% 3 Increased youth-tailored loan schemes – 90% 4 Formulation of policies that prioritize youth's access to land – 90% 5

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Recommendations from the Youth survey – cont’d Adding ICT education in the curricula at all education levels – 86% 1 Investment in modern tools, digital technologies for cheap hire – 86% 2 Increased Youth incubation hubs/centres – 85% 3 Increased funding for youth to enroll in tertiary education in agrifood courses – 84% 4

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Recommendations from the Youth Forum Policies that enhance market access for youth. Integrating modern and sustainable agricultural techniques and skills training into formal education curricula. Integrating climate-smart agriculture practices into agricultural policies. Increased efforts in investing in Africa’s rural infrastructure development. ©

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Action Agenda 1 4 1. Diversify education and training programs for youth entrepreneurship 2. Address trade barriers coupled with technology infrastructure for jobs 3. Design and implement dedicated processes to include youth in policy- and decision-making 4. Simultaneously address green growth and employment agenda with youth as investors

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