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Text Summarization Abhishek Gautam (BT15CSE002) Atharva Parwatkar (BT15CSE015) Sharvil Nagarkar (BT15CSE052) Under Prof. U.A.Deshpande

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Recap ● We created an unsupervised model using sentence embeddings ● Model was extractive in nature 2

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Abstractive summarisation ● Limitations of extractive summarisation ● What abstractive model does differently ● Our approaches 3

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Our Approaches ● A domain specific abstractive model ● A neural network using reinforcement learning ● A Seq2Seq Neural Attention model 4

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Domain specific abstractive model ● Data ○ CNN Dailymail Dataset ○ Movie subtitles and their corresponding plots ■ Scraped movie subtitles data from ■ Scraped Wikipedia articles for extracting plots of movies 5

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Domain specific abstractive model ● Extractive model for pulling out most of the relevant information ● Applying Key-phrase extraction on the intermediate text generated for domain specific summary generation 6

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Key Phrase Extraction ● Automatic keyphrase extraction is typically a two-step process: ○ A set of words and phrases that could convey the topical content of a document are identified. ○ Then these candidates are scored/ranked and the “best” are selected as a document’s keyphrases. ● Key phrase extraction is achieved by SpaCy. 7

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1. Candidate Identification ● Common heuristics include filtering for words with certain parts of speech or, for multi-word phrases, certain POS patterns; and using external knowledge bases like WordNet or Wikipedia as a reference source of good/bad keyphrases. ● Noun phrases matching the POS pattern {(* + )? * +} (a regular expression written in a simplified format) 8

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2. Keyphrase Selection ● Graph-based ranking method, in which the importance of a candidate is determined by its relatedness to other candidates, where “relatedness” may be measured by two terms’ frequency of co-occurrence or semantic relatedness. This method assumes that more important candidates are related to a greater number of other candidates, and that more of those related candidates are also considered important 9

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Model using reinforcement learning ● Sequence to sequence sentence generation ● Reinforcement learning 10

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Sequence to sequence sentence generation 11 ● Used for various NLP tasks such as machine translation, Q&A, etc. ● Encoder and decoder architecture is used. ○ It consists of LSTM or bidirectional LSTM. ○ Word embeddings are fed to encoder at each timestep. ○ Encoder creates a context vector and passes it to decoder when it receives a EOS (end of sentence symbol). ○ In each time step decoder predicts the next word using the previous hidden state output and predicted word until it predicts a EOS symbol.

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Sequence to sequence sentence generation 12

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13 Encoder Using bidirectional LSTM

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Reinforcement learning ● Extractor: CNN-then-RNN. ● Extractor generates representation of important word, phrases and sentences. ● Using extractor’s output important sentences are selected using a Pointer Network. (Not shown in the image) 14

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Reinforcement learning ● Abstractor network then compresses and rewrite an extracted document sentences to a concise summary sentences. ● ROUGE score is calculated and then extractor is trained using it. 15

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Reinforcement learning (Extractor) 16

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What is attention? 17 ● What does current model do? ● How does attention help?

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What current model does? 18 ...front against russian terrorism defence...

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What current model does? 19 ● In the picture, “front”, “against” and “terrorism” words are fed into an encoder, and after a special signal the decoder starts producing a translated (simplified) sentence. ● The decoder is supposed to generate a translation solely based on the last hidden state from the encoder. ● It seems unreasonable to assume that we can encode all information about a potentially very long sentence into a single vector and then have the decoder produce a good translation based on only that. ● Attention model solves this problem.

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Attention Model 20 ● With an attention mechanism we no longer try encode the full source sentence into a fixed-length vector. ● Rather, we allow the decoder to “attend” to different parts of the source sentence at each step of the output generation. ● We let the model learn what to attend to based on the input sentence and what it has produced so far. ● Each decoder output word depends on a weighted combination of all the hidden states of input, not just the last state of input. ● Weights are updated during training.

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Cost of using Attention Model 21 ● We need to calculate an attention value for each combination of input and output word. ● If you have a 50-word input sequence and generate a 50-word output sequence that would be 2500 attention values.

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22 An Example Visualization of attention model

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Generating Summaries 23 ● Beam Search

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Generating Summaries 24 At each step, the decoder outputs a probability distribution over the target vocabulary. To get the output word at this step we can do the following: ● Greedy Sampling ○ Choose the word with highest probability at each timestep. ○ Sometimes tend to produce incorrect results. ● Better approach is to use Beam Search.

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Beam Search 25 ● Ideally all the possible branches should be checked for best result. ● But, this is not feasible as the number of possible hypotheses is exponential. ● Hence, we compromise between an exact solution and greedy approach using Beam Search. ● Essentially, Beam Search maintains k top hypothesis for the summary. ● It uses pruning to retain top k results. ● This ensures that each target word gets a fair shot at generating the summary.

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Beam Search Example 26

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Future Approach 27 ● Implementation of Seq2Seq model, attention model, etc. ● Testing with CNN/DM dataset, scraped movies dataset. ● Tuning the model, under supervision, to gain deep insights.

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References ● ● ● ● ● ● q.pdf 28

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Thank you! 29