Slide 53
Slide 53 text
What's New in OpenShift 4.10
Hybrid Helm Operator SDK plugin (Tech Preview)
▸ Jump start an Operator with Helm Chart and add advanced /
event-based Ops logics to Helm reconciler in Go.
▸ Continue adding new APIs/CRDs in the same project in Go.
Enable Ansible Operator insight (capability level IV)
▸ Ansible Operator SDK supports exposing custom metrics,
emitting k8s events, and better logging.
Resource pruning for Operator created objects
▸ A common library that helps enable Operators to
prune/delete cluster objects in GVK per customized
strategies or hooks.
cfg = Config {
log: logf.Log.WithName("prune"),
DryRun: false,
Clientset: client,
LabelSelector: "app=churro",
Resources: []schema.GroupVersionKind {
{Group: "", Version: "", Kind: JobKind},
Namespaces: []string {"churro-namespace"},
Strategy: StrategyConfig {
Mode: MaxCountStrategy,
MaxCountSetting: 10,
PreDeleteHook: myhook,
Operator SDK Enhancements
Operator Maturity increased via custom Helm reconciler, exposing metrics, and advanced capabilities
$ operator-sdk init --plugins \
--project-version="3" --repo
$ operator-sdk create api --plugins \
--group cache --version v1alpha1 --kind Memcached
$ operator-sdk create api --plugins=go/v3 \
--group cache --version v1 --kind MemcachedBackup --resource --controller
Digest-based bundle (for disconnected env)
▸ Easily package Operator project into an Operator bundle that
works in the disconnected environment with the OLM.
$ make bundle USE_IMAGE_DIGESTS=true