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Expanding API test coverage through a pipeline Elias Nogueira Principal Software Engineer in Test eliasnogueira

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Disclaimer This presentation will be done (almost) in a reverse order

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Disclaimer The Test Pyramid focus will be on the API part, not related to Unit and UI layers

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Original Test Pyramid UI Tests Service Tests Unit Tests more isolation more integration faster slower

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Ideal Test Pyramid

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Individual APIs API API API API API API API API We’ll assume that each API is already tested Unit Test must be done

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Individual APIs API API API API API API API API Functional testing in each API

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Contract and E2E testing API API API API API API API API Contract & E2E Testing

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Contract and E2E testing API API API API API API API API Contract & E2E Testing Guarantee that they are communicating without problem

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Contract and E2E testing API API API API API API API API Contract & E2E Testing Assure that they can be used together (e2e)

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Rest-Assured Java DSL for simplifying testing of REST based services import static io.restassured.RestAssured.*; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*; public class RestAssuredExampleTest { @Test public void welcome() { given(). param("name", "Elias"). when(). post("/register"). then(). body("message", is("Hello Elias")); } }

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import static io.restassured.RestAssured.*; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*; public class RestAssuredExampleTest { @Test public void welcome() { given(). param("name", "Elias"). when(). post("/register"). then(). body("message", is("Hello Elias")); } } Rest-Assured Java DSL for simplifying testing of REST based services. import libraries

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import static io.restassured.RestAssured.*; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*; public class RestAssuredExampleTest { @Test public void welcome() { given(). param("name", "Elias"). when(). post("/register"). then(). body("message", is("Hello Elias")); } } Rest-Assured Java DSL for simplifying testing of REST based services request pre-condition

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import static io.restassured.RestAssured.*; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*; public class RestAssuredExampleTest { @Test public void welcome() { given(). param("name", "Elias"). when(). post("/register"). then(). body("message", is("Hello Elias")); } } Rest-Assured Java DSL for simplifying testing of REST based services action (request)

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import static io.restassured.RestAssured.*; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*; public class RestAssuredExampleTest { @Test public void welcome() { given(). param("name", "Elias"). when(). post("/register"). then(). body("message", is("Hello Elias")); } } Rest-Assured Java DSL for simplifying testing of REST based services assert the response body

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SUT – System Under Test

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SUT – System Under Test | Front-end We should inform a CPF * Its a Brazilian social security number If a restriction is found, show a message

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SUT – System Under Test | Front-end Fill in loan information

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SUT – System Under Test | Front-end CRUD operations

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API Pipeline Health Check Contract Functional Acceptance Verify if the endpoint is alive Assert that the specs haven’t changed Assert all the criteria from the requirement + happy/sad paths Assert that the most important user scenarios still works

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Health Check Pipeline (pyramid view) Contract Acceptance Functional

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Enabling the Pipeline Create a way to, easily, filter the tests by their focus/function/level… @Test(groups = "functional") public void testNgGroup() { // test goes here } @Test @Tag("functional") void junitTag() { // test goes here } XML file Suite Class Suite

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[how to] Enabling the Pipeline In the example 1. Create a strategy to filter your tests ○ Example of using groups in a test [1] 2. Create a strategy to enable the test be executed by command line ○ JUnit 5 already do it through the maven-surefire-plugin ○ We must pass the property –Dgroup=“group-name” in the command line 3. Create a pipeline as a code ○ Example using GitHub Actions [2] [1] [2] test-execution.yml

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API health-check Health Check Contract Functional Acceptance Verify it the endpoint is alive Assert that the specs haven’t changed Assert all the criteria from the requirement + happy/sad paths Assert that the most important user scenarios still works

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heath-check Verify if the API is available If there’s no way to verify by a monitoring strategy we can make a request and validate the status code @Test(groups = "health") public void healthCheckViaActuator() { basePath = "/actuator"; when(). get("/health"). then(). statusCode(200). body("status", is("UP")); } via monitoring @Test(groups = "health") public void healthCheckViaAPI() { given(). pathParam("cpf", "81016654049"). when(). get("/restrictions/{cpf}"). then(). statusCode(200); } via API

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[how to] health-check 1. Identify if you have a health check endpoint ○ If true find out, beyond the endpoint, any return status ○ If false, make a request to the easiest endpoint (GET?)

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[how to] health-check In the example ● In the local project hit http://localhost:8088/actuator/health ○ You’ll see the health status ● See the implemented tests on: ○ CreditHealthCheckTest [1] ● Items to pay attention: ○ It’s getting the health context from the file because it does not have the /api/v1 to hit the actuator endpoint [1]

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API contract Health Check Contract Functional Acceptance Verify it the endpoint is alive Assert that the specs haven’t changed Assert all the criteria from the requirement + happy/sad paths Assert that the most important user scenarios still works

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● It’s the name given to the pact between producer and consumer ● Ensures that API changes do not invalidate consumption: ● path ● parameters ● sending data (request) ● return data (response body) ● json-schema is a contract that defines the expected data, types and formats of each field contract

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{ "name": "Elias", "age": 37 } { "$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": { "name": { "type": "string" }, "age": { "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "name", "age" ], "additionalProperties": false } json-schema

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{ "name": "Elias", "age": 37 } { "$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": { "name": { "type": "string" }, "age": { "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "name", "age" ], "additionalProperties": false } json-schema has the attribute name and data type json-schema

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{ "name": "Elias", "age": 37 } { "$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": { "name": { "type": "string" }, ”age": { "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "name", "age" ], "additionalProperties": false } both attributes must be present json-schema

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{ "name": "Elias", "age": 37 } { "$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": { "name": { "type": "string" }, "age": { "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ ”name", ”age" ], "additionalProperties": false } json-schema no other attributes are allowed

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[how to] contract 1. Create schema files ○ We can use online tools to create if it’s not available 2. Create a test making a request and validating the json schema ○ Add json-schema-validator library ○ Statically import the matcher ○ Use the matcher against json schema file

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[how to] contract In the example ● See the implemented tests on: ○ [1] ○ [2] ● Items to pay attention: ○ The validation is done by the matcher matchesJsonSchemaInClasspath, checking the response body with the json schema file ○ If you want to see different API enable the test contractOnV2 on RestrictionsContractTests [1] [2]

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API functional Health Check Contract Functional Acceptance Verify it the endpoint is alive Assert that the specs haven’t changed Assert all the criteria from the requirement + happy/sad paths Assert that the most important user scenarios still works

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functional Validate positive and negative scenarios (happy and sad path) @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void existentSocialSecirityNumber() { given(). pathParam("cpf", "66414919004"). when(). get("/simulations/{cpf}"). then(). statusCode(200). body( "id", equalTo(1), "name", equalTo("Oleksander"), "cpf", equalTo("66414919004"), "email", equalTo(""), "amount", equalTo(11000f), "installments", equalTo(3), "insurance", equalTo(true) ); } data validation

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[how to] functional 1. Create the tests avoiding repetitions ○ Use Test Data Factories and Data Driver in your advantage 2. Apply the strategy you like ○ All tests in the same class ○ One class per test

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[how to] functional In the example ● See the implemented tests on: ○ [1] ○ [2] ● Items to pay attention: ○ The tests are using a soft assertion for the body validation ○ MessageFormat class is used to properly concatenate String ○ SimulationsFunctionalTests is using Test Data Factory, Builders for the model object and Data Driven [1] [2]

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Assert all the criteria from the requirement + happy/sad paths API acceptance Health Check Contract Functional Acceptance Verify it the endpoint is alive Assert that the specs haven’t changed Assert that the most important user scenarios still works

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Testing from the user's perspective ● Access the page and make the restriction search by the CPF ● Insert a credit simulation

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acceptance (e2e) @Test(groups = "e2e") public void completeSimulation() { new RestrictionsClient().queryRestrictionAndReturnNotFound(); new SimulationsClient().submitSuccessfulSimulation(); }

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[how to] acceptance (e2e) 1. Create the tests avoiding repetitions ○ Use Request and Response Specifications ○ Try to break out in reusable methods common actions 2. Do the User Journey ○ The few most important user journeys must run before the functional tests

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[how to] functional In the example ● See the implemented tests on: ○ [1] ● Items to pay attention: ○ There’s a utility class with the suffix Client in order to have an easy way to make request and response calls ○ The request and response calls are Specification Re-use [2] created to reuse these actions ○ See also the packages client [3] and specs [4] [1] [2] [3] client package [4] specs package

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For free Work in progress in 2 languages Access Leanpub and subscribe

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Thank you! @eliasnogueira