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Android DarkTheme + CodeLab

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안성용 SOUP [email protected]

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Why? Battery Environment Accessibility Up to 60%

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Why? ✨

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• Android Q
 Settings > Display > Dark Theme
 ( 'যف਍ ప݃' QuickSettingب ୶оؽ ) • Android P
 Settings > System > Developer options > Night mode
 ( ࢖ࢿ ױ݈਷ 'ঠр ݽ٘' QuickSetting ઁҕ ) OS Setting New
 in Q

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٣੗ੋ ܻࣗझܳ ߸҃ೞ૑ ঋҊ, ׮௼ప݃ ޷ܻ ੸ਊ೧ࠁӝ ݾ಴

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 in Q • জਸ ׮௼ ప݃۽ ੗ز ߸ജೞח ӝמ • API 29 ( ) ীࢲ݅ ࢎਊоמ ForceDark

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Custom Force Dark

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• ݽٚ জী force-darkܳ ੸ਊೞח ѐߊ੗ ݽ٘ • Android Q Settings > System > Developer options > Override force-dark Override ForceDark • ೞ૑݅ Q Beta4ࠗఠ ز੘ೞ૑ ঋח׮. $ F O R C E D A R K

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• জ ప݃੄ forceDarkAllowed ࣘࢿਸ true۽ ࢸ੿ೞݶ ഝࢿചػ׮.
 • ױ, Light ప݃݅ ForceDarkо ੸ਊؼ ࣻ ੓׮. Enable ForceDark F O R C E D A R K true</item> <item name="isLightTheme">true</item>

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• ࠗ࠙੸ਵ۽ ForceDarkܳ ࠺ഝࢿചೡ ࣻب ੓׮. // For Kotlin view.isForceDarkAllowed = false // For Java view.setForceDarkAllowed(false) Disable ForceDark (Partially) F O R C E D A R K

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After ForceDark

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After CodeLab

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CodeLab Android DarkTheme

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CodeLab ⚠ ௏٘ە਷ ੉ ݃௼о ੓ח ಕ੉૑ܳ ٮۄ ૓೯ؾפ׮. Ѿҗ ޙઁ ࢸݺ ੸ਊ

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CodeLab • Android Studio 3.4 ੉࢚ • API 21 ੉࢚ Emulator / ױ݈ӝ (STEP7਷ Q ೙ਃ) • Kotlin • DataBinding ળ࠺ $ git clone

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Java/Kotlin ࣻ੿ೞ૑ ঋҊ, ׮௼ప݃ ੸ਊೞӝ ௏٘ە ݾ಴

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CodeLab • ঠр/઱р ݽ٘о ߸҃غ૑ ঋח ޙઁ • AppCompatDelegate API ഐ୹ द,
 AppCompatActivityо ੤द੘غ૑ ঋח׮. Step 1. CodeLab

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AppCompat 1.1.0 Recreate Activities on Night Mode Changes

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• Android 4.0 (API14) ੉࢚ ૑ਗ • AppCompat 1.1.0ীࢲ ز੘ ѐࢶ • Night Modeо ߸҃غݶ AppCompatActivityо ੗زਵ۽ ੤द੘ػ׮. AppCompat: Night Mode

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 ೦࢚ যنѱ ಴द • MODE_NIGHT_NO
 दझమ ࢸ੿ী ٮۄ ߸҃ • MODE_NIGHT_AUTO_BATTERY
 ੺੹ݽ٘ীࢲ যنѱ ಴द Modes N I G H T M O D E App
 Compat 1.1.0 API21 ↑

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• ঠрݽ٘ܳ ࢸ੿ೞח ߑߨ੉ 2о૑ ੓׮. Set night mode N I G H T M O D E // public abstract void setLocalNightMode(@NightMode int mode); public static void setDefaultNightMode(@NightMode int mode) { ... } • ଵҊ: ч੉ in-memoryী ੷੢غ޲۽, ߹ب۽ чਸ ੷੢/ࠂҳ ೧ঠ ೠ׮.

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• Configuration ੿ࠁ۽ ঠрݽ٘ ੸ਊ ৈࠗܳ ഛੋೡ ࣻ ੓׮. Get night mode N I G H T M O D E fun isDarkTheme(config: Configuration): Boolean { return config.uiMode and // andח &৬ زੌ Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK == Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES }

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• Activityܳ ੤द੘ೞ૑ ঋҊ, ࣻزਵ۽ DarkThemeܳ ੸ਊೡ ࣻب ੓׮. Manual Night Mode N I G H T M O D E class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onConfigurationChanged(newConfig: Configuration) { super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig) val isDarkTheme: Boolean = isDarkTheme(newConfig) ... UI সؘ੉౟ ... } }

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CodeLab • start/build.gradle S T E P 1 Use AppCompat 1.1.0 (1/1) //TODO: STEP1 - Use AppCompat 1.1.0 implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0-rc01'

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CodeLab • DarkTheme.kt (Pre-defined) S T E P 1 Done! fun apply(enabled: Boolean = false) { val nightMode = if (enabled) { AppCompatDelegate.MODE_NIGHT_YES } else { AppCompatDelegate.MODE_NIGHT_NO } AppCompatDelegate.setDefaultNightMode(nightMode) }

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CodeLab • ঠрݽ٘ীࢲ ࢚࢝ ߸҃੉ হח ޙઁ • ঠрݽ٘ ܻࣗझܳ ୶о೧ঠ ೠ׮. Step 2. CodeLab

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Dark Theme

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• L OS ੉੹ীח ӝࠄ ప݃о Dark Theme৓׮. Dark Theme Dark Theme: Light Theme:

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• AppCompatীࢲب Dark Themeܳ ઁҕೠ׮. Dark Theme Dark Theme: Light Theme:

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'-night' Resource Qualifier

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• Night Modeীࢲח -night resource qualifierо ഝࢿചػ׮. • '-night' ಫ؊ী ܻࣗझܳ ୶о೧ঠ ೠ׮. • ৘) values-night, raw-night ١١ '-night' Resource Qualifier Link: #000000 #ffffff

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• ⚠ Resource Qualifier ਋ࢶࣽਤܳ ઱੄೧ঠ ೠ׮. '-night' Resource Qualifier res/drawable-hdpi/ic_example.png res/drawable-night-hdpi/ic_example.png res/drawable-land/ic_example.png res/drawable-land-night/ic_example.png

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CodeLab • res/values-night/styles.xml S T E P 2 Declare '-night' resources (1/3) ... ...

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CodeLab • res/values-night/colors.xml S T E P 2 Declare '-night' resources (2/3) #121212 #000000 #00c300 #202020 ... #202020

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CodeLab • Splash ۽Ҋ ੉ܴ ߸҃ S T E P 2 Declare '-night' resources (3/3) Before: res/drawable-night/ic_logo_soup_night.png After: res/drawable-night/ic_logo_soup.png

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CodeLab • ঠрݽ٘ীࢲ ࢚࢝੉ ੸੺ೞѱ ࠁੋ׮. S T E P 2 Done!

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CodeLab • ঠрݽ٘ ই੉௑੄ दੋࢿ੉ ڄয૑ח ޙઁ Step 3.

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CodeLab • ঠрݽ٘ ই੉௑੄ दੋࢿ੉ ڄয૑ח ޙઁ • Drawable ࢚࢝੉ Ҋ੿غয ੓׮. Step 3.

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Tint View, VectorDrawable, etc…

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PorterDuff.Mode Link:

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BlendMode Link: ই݃ب ForceDark??

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• খࢲ ࠄ Modeܳ ੉ਊೞৈ Drawableী ࢝ઑܳ ੑ൧ ࣻ ੓׮. (ӝࠄ: SRC_IN) • ColorStateList۽ Stateful Tintب оמೞ׮. • API 21 ࠗఠ ୶оغ঻૑݅, Compat APIо ઁҕػ׮. • DrawableCompat • VectorDrawableCompat Tint

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• Drawable XMLীࢲ android:tint ࣘࢿਸ ࢎਊೡ ࣻ ੓׮. Tinting Drawables

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• Viewب Tint APIо ઁҕػ׮. Tinting Views imageView.setImageTintList(ColorStateList) view.setBackgroundTintList(ColorStateList) ImageViewCompat.setImageTintList(view, ColorStateList) ViewCompat.setBackgroundTintList(view, ColorStateList)

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CodeLab • res/drawable/ic_round_favorite_off.xml S T E P 3 Tinting icons (1/2)

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CodeLab • res/drawable/ic_round_error_outline.xml S T E P 3 Tinting icons (2/2)

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CodeLab • Drawable ࢚࢝੉ ੸੺ೞѱ ࠁੋ׮. S T E P 3 Done!

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CodeLab • Lottieо ঠрݽ٘۽ ߄Շ૑ ঋח ޙઁ • Lottie Bug! Step 4.

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• Animation ࢸ੿ೡ ٸ, زੌ ܻࣗझ IDח সؘ੉౟غ૑ ঋח ੉गо ੓׮. Lottie Issue // private static String rawResCacheKey(@RawRes int resId) { return "rawRes_" + resId; } Link:

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CodeLab • res/layout/home_card_moop.xml S T E P 4 Set 'Lottie' dynamically (1/2)

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CodeLab • LottieBindingAdapter.kt S T E P 4 Set 'Lottie' dynamically (2/2) @BindingAdapter("lottie_rawResDay", "lottie_rawResNight") fun setAnimationAsync(view: LottieAnimationView, @RawRes dayRawRes: Int, @RawRes nightRawRes: Int) { if (DarkTheme.isEnabled(view.context)) { view.setAnimation(nightRawRes) } else { view.setAnimation(dayRawRes) } }

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CodeLab • Lottieо ੸੺൤ ߸҃ػ׮. S T E P 4 Done!

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CodeLab Step 5. #FF00c300 #FF00b300 #FF00c300 #FFffffff #FF000000 #FF000000 #FFeeeeee #1A000000 #FF121212 #1F000000 #33000000 #dd000000 #FFee4b4b #FFffffff #FF00c300 #FF00b300 #FF00c300 #FFffffff #FF000000 #FF000000 #FFeeeeee #1A000000 #FF121212 #1F000000 #33000000 #dd000000 #FFee4b4b #FFffffff • ҙܻೞח Colorо ݆ই૑ח ޙઁ • Color Attributeܳ ੉ਊೞৈ
 Ӓܛ ױਤ۽ ҙܻೡ ࣻ ੓׮.

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ColorStateList with 'android:alpha' attribute

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• android:alpha attributeо API 21 ࠗఠ ୶оغ঻णפ׮. ColorStateList

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• android:alpha attribute੉ ನೣػ ColorStateList ܻࣗझܳ ੍ਸ ٸ,
 API 23 ੉ೞ ߡ੹ীࢲח AppCompat APIܳ ࢎਊ೧ঠ ೤פ׮. ColorStateList AppCompatResources.getColorStateList(context, R.color.divider)

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CodeLab • res/values/attrs.xml S T E P 5 Use color attribute (1/5)

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CodeLab • res/values/styles.xml S T E P 5 Use color attribute (2/5) ... <!-- TODO: STEP5 - Use color attribute --> <item name="colorOnBackground">@android:color/black</item>

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CodeLab • res/values-night/styles.xml S T E P 5 Use color attribute (3/5) ... <!-- TODO: STEP5 - Use color attribute --> <item name="colorOnBackground">@android:color/white</item> <style>

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CodeLab • res/color/divider.xml S T E P 5 Use color attribute (4/5)

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CodeLab • res/layout/home_card_soup.xml • res/layout/home_card_moop.xml S T E P 5 Use color attribute (5/5)

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CodeLab • زੌೠ ࢚࢝ਵ۽ ੸ਊػ׮. S T E P 5 Done!

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Color Attributes in Material Design Components

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Pre-Defined Color Attributes in MDC

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CodeLab • AppThemeܳ ࢎਊೞ૑ ঋח ࠗ࠙਷
 ঠрݽ٘ীࢲ ߋѱ ࠁ੉ח ޙઁ • android:theme ࣘࢿਸ ੜ ഛੋ೧ࠁ੗. Step 6.

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DayNight Themes AppCompat, MDC

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• AppCompatীࢲ DayNight themeܳ ઁҕೠ׮. DayNight Theme values/theme.xml values-night/theme.xml

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• AppCompatীࢶ ThemeOverlayب DayNight themeܳ ઁҕೠ׮. DayNight Theme values/theme.xml values-night/theme.xml

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• MDCীب DayNight themeܳ ઁҕೠ׮. DayNight Theme values/theme.xml values-night/theme.xml

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• ೞ૑݅ MDCী ThemeOverlayח DayNight themeܳ ૑ਗೞ૑ ঋח׮. DayNight Theme values/theme.xml values-night/theme.xml

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CodeLab • res/layout/home_activity.xml S T E P 6 Use DayNight theme (1/1)

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CodeLab • ݫ׏ ࢚࢝੉ ੸੺ೞѱ ࠁੋ׮. S T E P 6 Done!

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CodeLab • WebViewח ೦࢚ ߋѱ ࠁ੉ח ޙઁ • ForceDarkܳ ੉ਊೞৈ যنѱ ಴द೧ࠁ੗. Step 7. Optional

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"Developing Themes with Style" #3. Layer your themes for re-use Link:

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CodeLab • start/build.gradle S T E P 7. O P T I O N A L Layer your themes (1/4) //TODO: STEP7 - Layer your themes android { compileSdkVersion 29 buildToolsVersion "29.0.0" defaultConfig { applicationId "soup.codelab.darktheme" minSdkVersion 21 targetSdkVersion 29 ...

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CodeLab • res/values/themes.xml S T E P 7. O P T I O N A L Layer your themes (2/4)

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CodeLab • res/values-v29/themes.xml S T E P 7. O P T I O N A L Layer your themes (3/4) <item name="android:isLightTheme">true</item> <item name="android:forceDarkAllowed">true</item>

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CodeLab • res/values/styles.xml • res/values-night/styles.xml S T E P 7. O P T I O N A L Layer your themes (4/4)

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CodeLab • Web Contents ࢚࢝੉ ߈੹غয ࠁੋ׮. S T E P 7. O P T I O N A L Done!

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CodeLab • ׮௼ప݃ীࢲ BottomSheet दੋࢿ ޙઁ • Elevationਵ۽ ੋೠ Ӓܿ੗о ੜ উࠁੋ׮.
 Black Bg + Black Shadow = Black Step 8. Optional

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MDC 1.1.0 Elevation Overlays for Dark Theme

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• Higher elevation, lighter surface • ߋӝח ߈ైݺೠ ൟ࢝ overlay۽ ઑ੺ػ׮. • Elevation (0dp ~ 24dp) • Overlay Transparency (0% ~ 16%) Elevation Surface Elevation Overlay

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Shadow Surface

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• MDC Componentsח ইې ࣘࢿী ٮۄ Elevation Overlaysо ੸ਊػ׮.
 • MaterialShapeDrawable, ElevationOverlayProviderܳ ੉ਊೞݶ
 Custom Viewب Elevation Overlaysܳ ࣚऔѱ ੸ਊೡ ࣻ ੓׮. • ਗ஖ ঋח ҃਋, elevationOverlaysEnabled ࣘࢿਸ false۽ ߸҃ೞݶ ػ׮. Elevation Overlays E L E V A T I O N <item name="elevationOverlaysEnabled">true</item> <item name="elevationOverlaysColor">?attr/colorOnSurface</item>

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• Elevationী ٮۄ Overlay ࢚࢝җ ߓ҃࢝ਸ ੸੺൤ ࢴযળ׮. ElevationOverlayProvider E L E V A T I O N MDC 1.1.0 @ColorInt // layered color, if elevationOverlaysEnabled == true public int layerOverlayIfNeeded(@ColorInt int bgColor, float elevation) @ColorInt // layered color, always public int layerOverlay(@ColorInt int bgColor, float elevation) @ColorInt // layered color, of attr/colorSurface public int getSurfaceColorWithOverlayIfNeeded(float elevation) C

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• MDCীࢲ ߓ҃ী ࢎਊغח Drawable۽,
 ղࠗ੸ਵ۽ ElevationOverlayProviderܳ ࢎਊೠ׮.
 • ز੸ਵ۽ Elevation ߸҃੉ оמೞ׮. MaterialShapeDrawable E L E V A T I O N private val bgDrawable = MaterialShapeDrawable().apply { initializeElevationOverlay(context) fillColor = context.getColorAttr(R.attr.colorSurface) } bgDrawable.setElevation(float elevation) C

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• MDC Guideline: WCAG’s AA ળࣻܳ ӂ੢ • ੘਷ ఫझ౟ - ୭ࣗ 4.5:1 • ௾ ఫझ౟ - ୭ࣗ 3.0:1 • Text, BG р ؀࠺о ୭ࣗ 15.8:1 ח غযঠ
 24dp elevationীࢲ body textо AAܳ ݅઒ • 24dp = ୭؀ elevation (MDC) Accessibility E L E V A T I O N #121212 8% Primary Dark Primary #1F1B24 Link:

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CodeLab • start/build.gradle S T E P 8. O P T I O N A L Get Lighter Surface (1/4) //TODO: STEP8 - Get Lighter Surface implementation ''

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CodeLab • res/values/styles.xml S T E P 8. O P T I O N A L Get Lighter Surface (2/4) <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item> <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item> <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item> <item name="colorSurface">@color/colorBackground</item>

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CodeLab • MaterialViewBindingAdapter.kt S T E P 8. O P T I O N A L Get Lighter Surface (3/4) /* TODO: STEP8 - Get Lighter Surface */ @BindingAdapter("elevationOverlaysEnabled") fun setElevationOverlaysEnabled(view: View, enabled: Boolean) { view.background = if (enabled) { MaterialShapeDrawable.createWithElevationOverlay( view.context, view.elevation) } else { ... } }

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CodeLab • res/layout/home_bottom_sheet.xml S T E P 8. O P T I O N A L Get Lighter Surface (4/4)

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CodeLab • BottomSheet ಴ݶ੉ ߋѱ ࠁੋ׮. S T E P 8. O P T I O N A L Done!

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• Notification਷ ੗ز ੸ਊػ׮. • Custom Notification਷ ইې styleਸ ࢎਊೡ Ѫ • TextAppearance.Compat.Notification • ױ, ࢖ࢿ P OSח ੸ਊ ؀࢚੉ ইפ׮. Notification