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DevOps ?!@ what? HAZ! @utilities abionic@twitter abhishekkr@github

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Found DevOps

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Not A Role

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What Is DevOps? Solution to a Human Problem.

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● From what I heard... around mid 2009, Patrick Debois started formulating the term DevOps. Main consideration being increased feedback loops between business, software delivery and operations. idea?

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● From what I heard... around mid 2009, Patrick Debois started formulating the term DevOps. Main consideration being increased feedback loops between business, software delivery and operations. ● DevOps << Development IT Operations idea?

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● From what I heard... around mid 2009, Patrick Debois started formulating the term DevOps. Main consideration being increased feedback loops between business, software delivery and operations. ● DevOps << Development IT Operations ● CAMS : Culture, Automation, Measurement, Sharing soon became, CALMS ~ Lean CAMS Now even Wikipedia has a decent description ( after loads of revision ) around the Idea. Go read. Form your own opinion. idea? John Willis said Jez Humble added

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What Is DevOps? Id e a

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culture? ● organization ○ ops perspective in inceptions, showcases and retro ○ one product one team ~ you build you run (amazon) ○ trust your people or stop being agile

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culture? ● organization ○ ops perspective in inceptions, showcases and retro ○ one product one team ~ you build you run (amazon) ○ trust your people or stop being agile ● team ○ mixed stand-ups ○ devs rotation for tasks, collaborating all the time ○ devs and ops, both on release call and alert panel

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culture? ● organization ○ ops perspective in inceptions, showcases and retro ○ one product one team ~ you build you run (amazon) ○ trust your people or stop being agile ● team ○ mixed stand-ups ○ devs rotation for tasks, collaborating all the time ○ devs and ops, both on release call and alert panel ● personal ○ broaden perspective beyond localhost ○ find a common ground between change and stability ○ automate and measure every aspect of ecosystem

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What Is DevOps? Id e a C u ltu re

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practice? ● inception ○ scrap out legacy ops, or fake-API-fy them ○ evaluate scalability over size, geo-location & time ○ analyze current practices and the shift required

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practice? ● inception ○ scrap out legacy ops, or fake-API-fy them ○ evaluate scalability over size, geo-location & time ○ analyze current practices and the shift required ● development ○ repeatable and reliable ○ reviewable and rapid ○ resilient and robust

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practice? ● inception ○ scrap out legacy ops, or fake-API-fy them ○ evaluate scalability over size, geo-location & time ○ analyze current practices and the shift required ● development ○ repeatable and reliable ○ reviewable and rapid ○ resilient and robust ● delivery ○ automate the automation ○ secure the security ○ pin the lynchpin, and get rolling

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What Is DevOps? Id e a C u ltu re Practice Solution to a Human Problem in Industry. Being Agile.

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Agile Manifesto ● Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools ● Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation ● Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation ● Responding to Change over Following a Plan

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DevOps a Community Culture where idea of continuous delivery is practiced from infrastructure, data and configuration management to business.

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No matter how well we ideate, create, test, surround & provide the entire product. $#!t happens Need to 'Monitor' every important aspect of product and product ambience. Place 'Alert' on events, that you can wiki-fy on how to handle.

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DevOps HAZ! Alerting

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Softwares don't breath on Developer nodes. They are born there. Softwares live in varied environments like QA/Staging/Production. To understand how our product works, we need to notice its activities on environments. Log & Analyze

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DevOps HAZ! Analyzing Alerting

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either you will be using ● PaaS (no system level tasks) Platform ● IaaS (no physical maintenance) Infras. ● NaaS (seriously, you Dinosaurus) Null automate everything required for an auto- scaled environment on that NodeModel

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DevOps HAZ! Infrastructure Analyzing Alerting

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more complex application's architecture is; the more components to interact; hence more to scale, monitor, log and secure... Analyze and Update Component's Properties

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DevOps HAZ! Application Infrastructure Analyzing Alerting

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predictable, reliable; fast feedback, quickly respond to demand; fail fast, continuous improvement; delivery power in hands of business Continuous Integration Continuous Deployment Continuous Delivery

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DevOps HAZ! Application Infrastructure Analyzing Alerting Continuous delivery

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Lean ● Eliminate Waste like unnecessary code & functionality, unclear requirements, less testing, bureaucracy, slow communication ● Amplify Learning instead of adding to documentation or planning, try & learn ● Decide as late as possible until they can be made on facts not assumptions. Set-based development flow allows better solutions. ● Deliver as fast as possible, without speed decisions can't be delayed. ● Empower the team, find capable people and let them use their capability. Enable their access to customer. ● Build integrity in product quality, keep it flexible, maintainable, efficient & responsive. Solve requirements simultaneously as the information flows in both direction, not sequentially. ● See the whole... larger the system, the more organizations &/or teams involved, greater the importance of having well defined relationship. A part of strong team is much more beneficial than minimum interaction departments.

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DevOps Required

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until now... DevOps