Slide 32
Slide 32 text
● Eliminate Waste like unnecessary code & functionality, unclear
requirements, less testing, bureaucracy, slow communication
● Amplify Learning instead of adding to documentation or planning, try &
● Decide as late as possible until they can be made on facts not
assumptions. Set-based development flow allows better solutions.
● Deliver as fast as possible, without speed decisions can't be delayed.
● Empower the team, find capable people and let them use their capability.
Enable their access to customer.
● Build integrity in product quality, keep it flexible, maintainable, efficient &
responsive. Solve requirements simultaneously as the information flows in both
direction, not sequentially.
● See the whole... larger the system, the more organizations &/or teams
involved, greater the importance of having well defined relationship. A part of
strong team is much more beneficial than minimum interaction departments.