Slide 24
Slide 24 text
Chris Clark | HotSci Talk, 3rd August 2022
Conclusions & Takeaways
Clark+ (subm.)
• Our new Herschel maps of Local Group galaxies M31, M33, LMC, and SMC, restore the
previously-removed large–scale dust emission. Data publicly available!
• Combination of high resolution, and large-scale sensitivity, allows us to probe a very
wide of ISM densities (up to 2 dex), and explore dust grain growth.
• We find evidence for strong grain-growth,
causing over 1 dex of evolution in D/G ratio.
• However, D/G, and how it evolves, is not set
purely by a galaxy’s mass and metallicity.
• “Turnover” in D/G at higher densities, and
the lingering discrepancy between UV
depletion and FIR values of D/G for the
SMC, hint at possible changes in dust mass
absorption coefficient.