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Playing TOKYO #50 TALK theme "3D City Platform | Project PLATEAU"#3 4
Dembski, F.; Wössner, U.; Letzgus, M.; Ruddat, M.; Yamu, C.
Urban Digital Twins for Smart Cities and Citizens: The Case
Study of Herrenberg, Germany. Sustainability 2020, 12, 2307.
Kilsedar, C.E.; Brovelli, M.A. Multidimensional Visualization and
Processing of Big Open Urban Geospatial Data on the Web.
ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2020, 9, 434.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 2307 7 of 17
Sustainabilityȱ2020,ȱ12,ȱxȱREVISIONȱ 7ȱofȱ17ȱ
mobileȱ applicationȱ “Reallaborȱ Tracker”ȱ usedȱ inȱ theȱ citizens’ȱ scienceȱ projectȱ toȱ collectȱ qualitativeȱ
perceptualȱ dataȱ andȱ quantitativeȱ dataȱ onȱ people’sȱ movementȱ pathsȱ andȱ urbanȱ obstaclesȱ (below)ȱ
Figure 1. Mounting a test sensor in the street (top) to collect environmental data and the developed
mobile application “Reallabor Tracker” used in the citizens’ science project to collect qualitative
perceptual data and quantitative data on people’s movement paths and urban obstacles (below) (photos
credited to Dembski, 2019).