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19+ Tips From 19+ Years In Marketing & Management THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION SUMMIT - MANCHESTER Danny Denhard // Marketing Director // JustGiving

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My Long History Short 1. At School: Library assistant // Paper boy // KFC 2. Post School: Painter & Decorator // Bar Manager // Sales & Marketing - Computers 3. 20’s: Digital Project Manager - Finance // Went agency side ran both Marketing & Product 4. 30’s: Went through an IPO // Created my own consultancy // New Product launch - Crowdfunding // Director of Marketing // Leadership teams 1990’s TODAY @dannydenhard

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Things To Remember

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The world is very different to when I started back in 1999 @dannydenhard

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We are in the anywhere, anytime generation @dannydenhard

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Humans Do Not Want To Think Anymore! @dannydenhard Source

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@dannydenhard Source

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This deck is 19+ tips from 19 years in marketing, growth, tech & innovation

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Everyone is a marketing expert “Have you thought of x, y, z.” “I have an idea…” @dannydenhard

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You never know everything Especially when sex and relationships are involved @dannydenhard

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Work to the time that works for you Let your team do the same @dannydenhard

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Management is getting harder but is also more rewarding. Work out what rewards your team @dannydenhard

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Meetings are hell for everyone No-one loves them @dannydenhard

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@dannydenhard Source

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Communication Is Everything Short and precise over long and strong @dannydenhard

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People want to look smart Sarah Cooper has the best breakdowns Source

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Freedom within frameworks Flexible can be your guide @dannydenhard

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Frameworks That Could Help You Download these from @dannydenhard • The Eisenhower matrix • Swot Analysis • The John Whitmore model (kiss model / keep it simple, stupid) • The feedback model (plus advice, compliment vs criticism, suggestion) • The subtle signals model • The Maslow pyramid (the things we desire the most are the things we need the least) • The AI model (what kind of discussion type are you) • The prisoners dilemma (game theory, when is it worth trusting someone) • The Hersey-blanchard model. Situational leadership

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@dannydenhard Source: Imgur

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STRATEGY @dannydenhard

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Think of strategy like baking a cake Everyone starts with the same ingredients, It’s experience, confidence and timing that makes your cake tasty @dannydenhard

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No one creates strategies the same way Some have to think of the huge overachieving goal and work down, Others have to build to a targeted number and build out @dannydenhard

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Strategy is now a 90 day game A year long strategy cannot exist in 2018 or beyond @dannydenhard

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Age is just a number Talent shouldn’t have an age restriction @dannydenhard

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Embrace change quickly Algorithms control our daily lives already @dannydenhard

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We all work with idiots Especially within the open office environment @dannydenhard

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Experience this? I bet you have Source

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We are fighting for micro and snack moments Dedicated marketing time does not exist @dannydenhard

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No content

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Your “silver bullet” lasts for 30 seconds You are dilutable as soon as your product goes live @dannydenhard

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Product trumps beats everything else A good product is priceless. A great product is a unicorn @dannydenhard

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Data is essential Until you get analysis paralysis @dannydenhard

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Performance anxiety is a real thing Start with small wins @dannydenhard

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1 Problem 2 Solutions Problems kill creativity & productivity @dannydenhard

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Everyone has off days Off weeks aren’t normal @dannydenhard

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Thank you is the most powerful word Thank people the way they appreciate thanks @dannydenhard

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Fast / close following only gets you so far Innovation & duplication can only last so long @dannydenhard

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Head Heart Gut We are all different @dannydenhard

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Empathy is the most important skill we have as a human Ask how people are, ask what is going on, if you can help them @dannydenhard

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Thank you ! Image Sources – unless source referenced in deck