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What about CSS? Ire Aderinokun | Fronteers Conference 2016 Progressive Enhancement & CSS

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Ireoluwa Akanke Elizabeth Oluwasore Aderinokun

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Lagos, Nigeria

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User Interface Designer & Front-End Developer

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Google Developer Expert, Web Technologies

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Progressive Enhancement & CSS

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What is Progressive Enhancement?

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Let’s go back to 2003

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The Sound of the Internet

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The State of the Web

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Graceful Degradation

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The practice of building your web functionality so that it provides a certain level of user experience in more modern browsers, but it will also degrade gracefully to a lower level of user experience in older browsers.

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HTML Your browser sucks so this feature won’t work for you. Go download Chrome.

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March 11 2003

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Stephen Champeon “Inclusive Web Design for the Future” at SXSW

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The Problems with Graceful Degradation • “Doesn’t straddle technology inflection points well” • “Many designers don’t test anything but one version back” • “Does not address different needs of different audiences” • “It’s expensive to retrofit to new alternate devices” • “Whatever is ‘good enough’ usually rules”

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Enter “ Progressive Enhancement ”

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“ Web design must mature and accept the developments of the past several years ” — Stephen Champeon

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“ The goal of Web design is not merely to dazzle, but to deliver information to the widest audience ” — Stephen Champeon

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Okay, but what does this actually mean in practice?

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5 “Guidelines” for Progressive Enhancement

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Basic content and functionality should be accessible to all web browsers

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Sparse, semantic markup should contain all content

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Clinics 'R Us

Find a clinic near you

Where are you? Search or use current location ...

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Content Should be Defined in Plain Text in the Markup

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Enhanced layout can be provided by CSS stylesheets

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Enhanced behaviour can be provided by unobtrusive JavaScript

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Search without JavaScript

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Search with JavaScript

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End-User web browser preferences should be respected

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Why is Progressive Enhancement Important Today?

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The world in 2016 is very different…

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More Browsers 7% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 14% 50% (other)

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More Versions

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More Technologies

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More People Online 0 1,000,000,000 2,000,000,000 3,000,000,000 4,000,000,000 2003 2016

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The Web is Still Open

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Progressive Enhancement & JavaScript

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What can go Wrong? • JavaScript is not enabled in the browser • The browser does not support a particular JavaScript feature

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How do we Deal with This?

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Make the Website Functional without JavaScript

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JS if ( ‘serviceWorker’ in navigator ) { // Do stuff with service worker } Detect Feature Support

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JS if ( !(’Promise’ in self ) ) { loadScript(‘promise-polyfill.js’) } Polyfill Unsupported Features

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Simple Enough

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Progressive Enhancement & HTML

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What can go Wrong? • The browser does not understand the semantic meaning of an HTML element tag

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Website Header

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

We Write This…

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Website Header

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

The Browser Sees This

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How do we Deal with This?

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Website Header

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

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Simple Enough

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So, What about CSS?

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The Problem with Progressive Enhancement & CSS

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CSS is a declarative language for describing presentation of a document written in markup language

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CSS .foo { display: flex; }

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CSS .foo { display: flex; } The Selector

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CSS .foo { display: flex; } The Property

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CSS .foo { display: flex; } The Value

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What Happens if Something Goes Wrong?

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Desired Result

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Result image { transform: rotate(90deg); } CSS Faulty Selector

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Result img { transformer: rotate(90deg); } CSS Fault Property

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Result img { transform: rotate(90degrees); } CSS Faulty Value

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Result in Opera Mini img { transform: rotate(90deg); } CSS

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Nothing Happens

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Why is this a problem? • Unlike JavaScript, we can’t prepare for unsupported features • Unlike HTML, there is no “built-in” fallback

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Debugging CSS

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Today’s Solutions for Progressive Enhancement & CSS

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Start with Sensible HTML

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body { display: flex; } header { order: 1; } nav { order: 2; } main { order: 3; } footer { order: 4; } CSS HTML Don’t Do This!

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body { display: flex; } CSS HTML Do This!

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The Progressive Enhancement M&M

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Take Advantage of the Cascade

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CSS div { /* Legacy styles before */ background-color: #c00; /* Modern styles after */ background-image: linear-gradient(#f00, #a00); }

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CSS .foo { -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); transform: translate(-50%, -50%); } Using Vendor-Prefixed Rules

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Go “Mobile-First”

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When Using Media Queries, min-width > max-width

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CSS /* Will work on any screen size */ .foo { width: 100%; } @media (min-width: 960px) { /* Will only work on larger screen sizes */ .foo { width: 600px; } }

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Use Flexbox

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Flexbox is Designed to be a Progressive Enhancement

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CSS .center-children { text-align: center; /* Will be overridden if Flexbox is supported */ display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; /* Flex Styles */ display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; }

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Separate Stylesheets?

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As a last resort, create separate stylesheets

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JS if ('querySelector' in document && 'localStorage' in window && 'addEventListener' in window) { // Bootstrap with latest features }

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The Future of Progressive Enhancement & CSS

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What about Feature Queries?

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CSS Feature Queries allow authors to condition rules based on whether particular property declarations are supported by the current browser

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CSS @supports ( /* condition */ ) { /* rules */ }

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CSS @supports ( display: flex ) { .foo { display: flex; } } Detect if a feature is supported

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CSS @supports ( (font-kerning: normal) and (font-feature-settings: "kern" 1) ) { .foo { font-kerning: normal; font-feature-settings: "kern" 1; } } Detect if all of several features are supported

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CSS @supports ( (tranform: translate(-50%, -50%)) or (-webkit-tranform: translate(-50%, -50%)) ) { .foo { -webkit-tranform: translate(-50%, -50%); tranform: translate(-50%, -50%); } } Detect if either of several features are supported

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CSS @supports not ( display: flex ) { .foo { display: table; } } Detect if a feature is not supported

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Perfect, Isn’t it?

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How can we use Feature Queries Today?

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CSS @supports ( object-fit: cover ) { img { object-fit: cover; } }

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4 Scenarios Supports Feature Queries Does Not Support Feature Queries Supports CSS Feature Does Not Support CSS Feature

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Supports Feature Queries & Supports CSS Feature Supports Feature Queries Does Not Support Feature Queries Supports CSS Feature Does Not Support CSS Feature

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Supports Feature Queries & Does Not Support CSS Feature Supports Feature Queries Does Not Support Feature Queries Supports CSS Feature Does Not Support CSS Feature

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Does Not Support Feature Queries & Does Not Support CSS Feature Supports Feature Queries Does Not Support Feature Queries Supports CSS Feature Does Not Support CSS Feature

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Does Not Support Feature Queries & Supports CSS Feature Supports Feature Queries Does Not Support Feature Queries Supports CSS Feature Does Not Support CSS Feature

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What’s the Solution?

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Progressive Enhancement!

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Use Feature Queries as a Progressive Enhancement, rather than a Requirement

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CSS /* Fallback Code Above */ img { width: 100%; } /* Enhancement After */ @supports ( object-fit: cover ) { img { object-fit: cover; } }

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The world in 2030?

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More “Browsers”

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More Technologies 23.0

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More People Online

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“ Leave no one behind ” — Stephen Champeon

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Thank You! @IreAderinokun