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making open source projects thrive … As narrated by @shazow (Andrey Petrov)

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Bit about me... ● Open Sourcing things since ~2007 ● Mildly popular on Github… ● I like doing startuppy things ○ Y-Combinator ○ Google Acquihiree ○ Bootstrapping Briefmetrics and other things

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First Why and how to get started with open source Second What to do once you already have a project and want it to thrive

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What’s Open Source?

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Why open source your code?

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Why open source your code? ● Mechanism for reducing sunk cost

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Why open source your code? ● Mechanism for reducing sunk cost ● Free replicated backups

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Why open source your code? ● Mechanism for reducing sunk cost ● Free replicated backups ● Easy to link to and ask for help

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Why open source your code? ● Mechanism for reducing sunk cost ● Free replicated backups ● Easy to link to and ask for help ● Even more emails from recruiters

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Why open source your code? ● Mechanism for reducing sunk cost ● Free replicated backups ● Easy to link to and ask for help ● Even more emails from recruiters ● That smug feeling of being better than other people

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Bad reasons for not open sourcing ● “Somebody might see my terrible code!”

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Bad reasons for not open sourcing ● “Somebody might see my terrible code!” ● “It’s not ready yet.”

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Bad reasons for not open sourcing ● “Somebody might see my terrible code!” ● “It’s not ready yet.” ● “It’s just one file.”

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Bad reasons for not open sourcing ● “Somebody might see my terrible code!” ● “It’s not ready yet.” ● “It’s just one file.” ● “I don’t want to write docs for it.”

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Bad reasons for not open sourcing “I don’t have enough time”

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Quick survey! ● Who here uses Python?

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Quick survey! ● Who here uses Python? ● … do you use urllib3?

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Quick survey! ● Who here uses Python? ● … urllib3? ● … requests?

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Quick survey! ● Who here uses Python? ● … urllib3? ● … requests? ● … pip?

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TRICK QUESTION!! pip ⊃ requests ⊃ urllib3 Which brings me to...

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What is success?

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What is success? ● ○ Published in 2008 ○ Used by millions today ○ 785 stars on Github ○ Slow, steady, calculated growth

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What is success? ● ○ Fun weekend project a few months ago ○ Used by like 15 people today ○ 1560 stars on Github ○ Huge burst of early growth, but mostly abandoned

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What is success? ● ○ Lovingly maintained for years ○ Used by me, often linked to others ○ 7 stars on Github

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What is success? ● ○ Lovingly maintained for years ○ Used by me, often linked to others ○ 7 stars on Github ○ Intrinsically motivated, never going away

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Step 1. What do you really want? ● Users?

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Step 1. What do you really want? ● Users? ● Contributors?

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Step 1. What do you really want? ● Users? ● Contributors? ● Praise?

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Step 1. What do you really want? ● Users? ● Contributors? ● Praise? ● Talk opportunities?

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Step 1. What do you really want? ● Users? ● Contributors? ● Praise? ● Talk opportunities? ● Dolla dolla billz?

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Step 1. What do you really want? ● Users? ● Contributors? ● Praise? ● Talk opportunities? ● Dolla dolla billz? ● More recruiter emails?

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Step 2. Figure out what to build

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Step 2. Figure out what to build ● Contribute to an existing project?

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Step 2. Figure out what to build ● Contribute to an existing project? ○ A noble endeavour ○ Fix what you’re already using

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Step 2. Figure out what to build ● Contribute to an existing project? ○ A noble endeavour ○ Fix what you’re already using ● Start a new project?

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Step 2. Figure out what to build ● Contribute to an existing project? ○ A noble endeavour ○ Fix what you’re already using ● Start a new project? ○ More glory ○ Need to figure out what’s valuable...

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Problem: Upload billions of images to S3 in 2008. The story of urllib3

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Problem: Upload billions of images to S3 in 2008. Problem: It’s going to take +3 weeks because there is no concurrency. The story of urllib3

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Problem: It’s going to take +3 weeks because there is no concurrency. Solution: s3funnel, multithreaded S3 client The story of urllib3

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Solution: s3funnel, multithreaded S3 client Problem: Managing threads is painful. >.< The story of urllib3

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Solution: s3funnel, multithreaded S3 client Problem: Managing threads is painful. >.< Solution: workerpool (used in s3funnel) The story of urllib3

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Solution: s3funnel, multithreaded S3 client Solution: workerpool (used in s3funnel) The story of urllib3

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Solution: s3funnel, multithreaded S3 client Solution: workerpool (used in s3funnel) Problem: HTTP libraries don’t re-use connections, most solutions aren’t threadsafe, and no multipart (filepost) encoding. The story of urllib3

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Problems all the way down

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Solution: s3funnel, multithreaded S3 client Solution: workerpool (used in s3funnel) Solution: urllib3 (used in s3funnel) The story of urllib3

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Solution space s3funnel Usecase: Upload things to S3

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Solution space workerpool s3funnel Usecase: Manage your threads (not a super-common use case in Python-land)

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Solution space workerpool s3funnel urllib3 Usecase: ALL http related things. APIs, crawling… and APIs!!

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Problems seeking solutions urllib3 workerpool s3funnel

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Problems seeking solutions urllib3 workerpool s3funnel

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Maybe it was all timing? ● Python in 2008 was not as mature, easier to make a popular http library?

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Maybe it was all timing? ● Python in 2008 was not as mature, easier to make a popular http library? ○ urllib3 didn’t get “big” until ~2012

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Maybe it was all timing? ● Python in 2008 was not as mature, easier to make a popular http library? ○ urllib3 didn’t get “big” until ~2012 ● Find any 7-yearold language and write http clients for it?

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Maybe it was all timing? ● Python in 2008 was not as mature, easier to make a popular http library? ○ urllib3 didn’t get “big” until ~2012 ● Find any 7-yearold language and write http clients for it? ○ Not that simple, Go launched with a comparatively great HTTP client right out of the gate.

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Step 3. Minimum Viable OSS

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Step 3. Minimum Viable OSS ● Open source it, put it on Github.

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Step 3. Minimum Viable OSS ● Open source it, put it on Github. ● README

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Step 3. Minimum Viable OSS ● Open source it, put it on Github. ● README ○ What is it? Can I use it? ● Really good README ○ What's the license? What can I do with it? How to contribute?

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Step 3. Minimum Viable OSS ● Open source it, put it on Github. ● README ○ What is it? Can I use it? ● Really good README ○ What's the license? What can I do with it? How to contribute? ● Even better README

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Making it thrive ● If you build it, that doesn’t mean they’ll come.

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Making it thrive ● If you build it, that doesn’t mean they’ll come. ● ○ 44 source projects ○ 16 with more than 5 stars ○ Arguably 3 “popular” projects

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ASK FOR HELP ● Get people to send pull requests

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ASK FOR HELP ● Get people to send pull requests ● Ask specific people to help review

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ASK FOR HELP—AND ACCEPT IT!!! ● Get people to send pull requests ● Ask specific people to help review ● Accept pull requests very generously, especially in the beginning

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ASK FOR HELP—AND ACCEPT IT!!! ● Get people to send pull requests ● Ask specific people to help review ● Accept pull requests very generously, especially in the beginning ● Get people involved!

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ASK FOR HELP—AND ACCEPT IT!!! ● Get people to send pull requests ● Ask specific people to help review ● Accept pull requests very generously, especially in the beginning ● Get people involved! ● Please be nice

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Promote your project ● Write interesting blog posts (and promote them)

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… If only I could retweet my own tweets. >.>

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Promote your project ● Write interesting blog posts ● Answer StackOverflow questions

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“If anyone is up for improving our documentation to this effect, that would be greatly appreciated. :) …”

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“I would be +1 to adding something like this if you’re interested in making a PR. :) (Opened an issue here…)”

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Promote your project ● Write interesting blog posts ● Answer StackOverflow questions ● Participate in discussions (HN, Reddit, etc)

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Feed the non-trolls

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… Would you rather click Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ( 8 points by batman 3 hours ago | flag | 1 comments Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ( 8 points by batman 3 hours ago | flag | 7 comments

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Promote your project ● Write interesting blog posts ● Answer StackOverflow questions ● Participate in discussions (HN, Reddit, etc) ● Sell to other projects and establish partnerships.

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So you’re swimming in pull requests, what’s next? Monetizing Open Source

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So you’re swimming in pull requests, what’s next? Dolla dolla billz, ofc. Monetizing Open Source

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“We want to be like Docker…”

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“We want to be like Docker…” ● Why is Docker doing so well? ○ Very well funded. ○ Thousands of contributors helping for FREE!

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“We want to be like Docker…” ● Why is Docker doing so well? ● Kinda like having your cake and eating it too (you’ll need two cakes).

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“We want to be like Docker…” ● Why is Docker doing so well? ● Kinda like having your cake and eating it too (you’ll need two cakes). ● This is actually somewhat common...

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Corp’en Source business models ● Open Core (Docker)

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Corp’en Source business models ● Open Core (Docker) ● Dogfooding (Gratipay)

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Corp’en Source business models ● Open Core (Docker) ● Dogfooding (Gratipay) ● Consulting & Support (Nginx)

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Corp’en Source business models ● Open Core (Docker) ● Dogfooding (Gratipay) ● Consulting & Support (Nginx) ● Advertising (Mozilla)

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Corp’en Source business models ● Open Core (Docker) ● Dogfooding (Gratipay) ● Consulting & Support (Nginx) ● Advertising (Mozilla) ● Charity & Grants (GnuPG)

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Corp’en Source business models ● Open Core (Docker) ● Dogfooding (Gratipay) ● Consulting & Support (Nginx) ● Advertising (Mozilla) ● Charity & Grants (GnuPG)

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Corp’en Source business models ● Open Core (Docker) ● Dogfooding (Gratipay) ● Consulting & Support (Nginx) ● Advertising (Mozilla) ● Charity & Grants (GnuPG, urllib3?)

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Moving forward: Monetizing 0$$

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Moving forward: Monetizing 0$$

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Results: HUGE SUCCESS* * ‘success’ is a lie.

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Results: HUGE SUCCESS* ● One $5 donation via Donorbox (via Stripe!) ● One $5 Bitcoin donation via Coinbase. ● Gittip grew by 50% ($1/wk → $1.50/wk, lol) ● … Lessons were learned. * ‘success’ is a lie.

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Funding Open Source ● Significant time chunks required for meaningful progress (at least half-day slots).

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Funding Open Source ● Significant time chunks required for meaningful progress (at least half-day slots). ● Peer-funded is not practical for most cases.

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Funding Open Source ● Significant time chunks required for meaningful progress (at least half-day slots). ● Peer-funded is not practical for most cases. ● Need to hack accounting for corporate funding.

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Funding Open Source ● Significant time chunks required for meaningful progress (at least half-day slots). ● Peer-funded is not practical for most cases. ● Need to hack accounting for corporate funding. ● Fantasy: Government-funded open source.

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Dear Stripe, Your contributions had a big impact on open source. I hope more companies will follow your lead. Thank you. Love, Andrey

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Corp’en Source business models ● Open Core (Docker) ● Dogfooding (Gratipay) ● Consulting & Support (Nginx) ● Advertising (Mozilla) ● Charity & Grants (GnuPG, urllib3?) ● … More???

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Corp’en Source business models ● Open Core (Docker) ● Dogfooding (Gratipay) ● Consulting & Support (Nginx) ● Advertising (Mozilla) ● Charity & Grants (GnuPG, urllib3?) ● Kickstarter (Neovim)

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Corp’en Source business models ● Open Core (Docker) ● Dogfooding (Gratipay) ● Consulting & Support (Nginx) ● Advertising (Mozilla) ● Charity & Grants (GnuPG, urllib3?) ● Kickstarter (Neovim) ● Speculation (Bitcoin)

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Corp’en Source business models ● Open Core (Docker) ● Dogfooding (Gratipay) ● Consulting & Support (Nginx) ● Advertising (Mozilla) ● Charity & Grants (GnuPG) ● Kickstarter (Neovim) ● Speculation (Bitcoin)

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Corp’en Source business models Open source first, make money later?

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Making your OSS thrive

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Making your OSS thrive ● Make an awesome README.

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Great README ● What is it? Is it what I’m looking for?

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Great README ● What is it? Is it what I’m looking for? ● Demo? What else can I do with it?

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Great README ● What is it? Is it what I’m looking for? ● Demo? What else can I do with it? ● Link to more docs?

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Great README ● What is it? Is it what I’m looking for? ● Demo? What else can I do with it? ● Link to more docs? ● License?

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Great README ● What is it? Is it what I’m looking for? ● Demo? What else can I do with it? ● Link to more docs? ● License? ● How do I contribute? Run Tests?

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Great README ● What is it? Is it what I’m looking for? ● Demo? What else can I do with it? ● Link to more docs? ● License? ● How do I contribute? Run Tests? ● Goals? Future milestones?

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Making your OSS thrive ● Make an awesome README. ● Push to Github.

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Making your OSS thrive ● Make an awesome README. ● Push to Github. ● Maybe even write some code!

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Making your OSS thrive ● Make an awesome README. ● Push to Github. ● Maybe even write some code! (And push it) ● Get people involved, be generous and nice.

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Get people involved ● Ask for help. ● Call specific people out. ● Please be nice. ● Accept generously.

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Making your OSS thrive ● Make an awesome README. ● Push to Github. ● Maybe even write some code! (And push it) ● Get people involved, be generous and nice. ● Promote your work.

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Promote your work ● Write interesting blog posts. ● Share it with your friends, multiple times. ● Find people with the problem you solved. ● Give talks about it. ● Find projects which benefit from your solution.

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Making your OSS thrive ● Make an awesome README. ● Push to Github. ● Maybe even write some code! (And push it) ● Get people involved, be generous and nice. ● Promote your work. ● Do it a bunch of times.

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You don’t need to wait for my next talk to read my tweets!

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You don’t need to wait for my next talk to read my tweets!