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ELIXIR & PHOENIX What |> Syntax |> Concurrency |> Ecosystem |> Phoenix |> Fun & Profit

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WHAT IS ELIXIR Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications. Elixir leverages the Erlang VM, known for running low-latency, distributed and fault- tolerant systems, while also being successfully used in web development and the embedded so ware domain. From

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ERLANG AND BEAM Erlang is a general purpose, concurrent functional programming language created at Ericsson in the mid 80'ies as a new language for programming phone switches Designed by Joe Armstrong, Robert Virding, and Mike Williams

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ERLANG AND BEAM - CONT. Designed for Distribution Fault-tolerance High availability Hot code swapping Complies to bytecode and runs on the Erlang VM (BEAM) OTP provides useful middleware, libraries and tools (GenServer)

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Created by José Valim Full inter-operation with Erlang More or less shared type system with Erlang Ruby inspired syntax (on the surface) Steals great things from any language

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TYPES iex> 1 # integer iex> 0x1F # integer iex> 1.0 # float iex> true # boolean iex> :atom # atom / symbol iex> "elixir" # string iex> [1, 2, 3] # list iex> {1, 2, 3} # tuple

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OPERATORS Elixir supports the usual basic arithmetic operators like +, -, * and / ++ and -- are used to manipulate lists String concatenation are done with <> Comparing types are also possible, like iex> 1 < :atom true

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FUNCTIONS AND MODULES defmodule EnterpriseMath do def add(a, b) do do_add(a,b) end defp do_add(a, b) do a + b end end By conversion Elixir uses snake_case but module name are CamelCase.

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ANONYMOUS FUNCTIONS # Elixir also supports anonymous times_two = fn (a) -> a * 2 end two_times_two = times_two.(2) # But there is also a shorthand notation using the & times_three = &(&1 * 3) three_times_three = times_three.(3)

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COLLECTIONS # Keyword lists iex> list = [{:a, 1}, {:b, 2}] [a: 1, b: 2] iex> list == [a: 1, b: 2] true # Maps iex> map = %{:a => 1, 2 => :b} %{2 => :b, :a => 1} iex> map[:a] 1

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STRUCTS Structs are like maps, with a predefined set of fields defmodule Book do defstruct title: "", author: "" end # Create a book iex>the_trial = %Book{title: "The Trial", author: "Franz Kafka"} %Book{author: "Franz Kafka", title: "The Trial"} # Access fields iex>the_trial.title The Trial # In fact structs are just maps with a special property __struct__ iex>the_trial.__struct__ Book

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UNLEARN THE EQUAL SIGN “Joe Armstrong, Erlang’s creator, compares the equals sign in Erlang to that used in algebra. When you write the equation x = a + 1, you are not assigning the value of a + 1 to x. Instead you’re simply asserting that the expressions x and a + 1 have the same value. If you know the value of x, you can work out the value of a, and vice versa.” from "Programming Elixir 1.3"

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THE MATCH OPERATOR = iex>x = 1 1 iex>x 1 iex>1 = x 1 # lists iex> list = [1, 2, 3] [1, 2, 3] iex> [a, b, c ] = list [1, 2, 3] iex>a 1

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FUNCTION SIGNATURES defmodule Humanize do def join([]), do: "" def join([head | []]), do: head def join([head | [tail | [] ]]), do: head <> " and " <> tail def join([head | tail]), do: head <> ", " <> join(tail) end

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CONTROL STRUCTURES - CASE # case is like the match of F# defmodule Humanize do def join(list) do case list do [] -> "" [head | []] -> head [head | [tail | [] ]] -> head <> " and " <> tail [head | tail] -> head <> " , " <> join(tail) end end end

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CONTROL STRUCTURES - COND # cond can be arbitrary matches iex> cond do ...> 2 + 2 == 5 -> ...> "This is never true" ...> 2 * 2 == 3 -> ...> "Nor this" ...> true -> ...> "This is always true (equivalent to else)" ...> end "This is always true (equivalent to else)"

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CONTROL STRUCTURES - IF & UNLESS iex> if true do ...> "This works!" ...> end "This works!" iex> unless true do ...> "This will never be seen" ...> end nil

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THE PIPELINE OPERATOR The pipeline operator is one of the features that is stolen from another language (F#) The pipeline operator pipes the result of one function onto the first parameter od the next function in the pipeline (2..11) |> |> <> " cases of beer")) |> &1))

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PROCESSES In elixir everything lives inside a process Lightweight - unlike OS processes Processes are isolated from each other Communicates with other processes through messages Start new process with spawn Can be linked to process by link or spawn_link

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PROCESSES - CONTINUED iex> pid = spawn fn -> IO.puts "Time for beer yet?" end #PID<0.84.0> iex> Process.alive?(pid) false iex> Process.alive?(self()) true # Send receive iex> parent = self() #PID<0.41.0> iex> spawn fn -> send(parent, {:hello, self()}) end #PID<0.48.0> iex> receive do ...> {:hello, pid} -> "Got hello from #{inspect pid}" ...> end "Got hello from #PID<0.48.0>"

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IEX The Elixir REPL $>iex Erlang/OTP 19 [erts-8.0.2] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false] [dtrace] Interactive Elixir (1.3.2) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help) iex(1)>self #PID<0.80.0>

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MIX $> mix help mix # Runs the default task (current: "mix run") mix app.start # Starts all registered apps mix app.tree # Prints the application tree mix archive # Lists installed archives mix # Archives this project into a .ez file mix archive.install # Installs an archive locally mix archive.uninstall # Uninstalls archives mix clean # Deletes generated application files mix cmd # Executes the given command mix compile # Compiles source files mixie deps # Lists dependencies and their status ... mix run # Runs the given file or expression mix test # Runs a project's tests iex -S mix # Starts IEx and runs the default task

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PROJECT STRUCTURE $>mix new beerapp * creating * creating .gitignore * creating mix.exs * creating config * creating config/config.exs * creating lib * creating lib/beerapp.ex * creating test * creating test/test_helper.exs * creating test/beerapp_test.exs Your Mix project was created successfully.

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A MODERN WEB FRAMEWORK A productive web framework that does not compromise speed and maintainability.

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BUILDING BLOCKS Endpoint Router Controllers Views Templates Channels Under all of this there is: Plug

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MVC OF PHOENIX connection # Plug.Conn |> endpoint # lib/hello/endpoint.ex |> browser # web/router.ex |> # web/controllers/hello_controller.ex |> HelloView.render( # web/views/hello_view.ex "world.html") # web/templates/hello/world.html.eex

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WHAT DID I LEAVE OUT Lots of Phoenix (channels) Ecto Nerves (IOT) Clustering (scaling out) Loads more I still don't know about

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RESOURCES (book) (book) #myelixirstatus (twitter) (podcast) Programming Elixir 1.3 Programming Phoenix Elixir Fountain Awesome Elixir Why Eixir