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Spying Linux processes @javierhonduco

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Before this summer

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CODE CODE *printf debugging* CODE

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This summer

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CODE *printf debugging* *debugging* *wth is wrong… it _should work_!* CODE *WAT* *debugging* *moar printf debugging* CODE

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*debugging* *WAT* *debugging* *debugging* *debugging* *eats a cookie* *debugging* CODE

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The OS ~= API ● Network: bind(), listen(), accept(), read()... ● Files: open(), read(), write()... ● Memory allocation: mmap(), malloc(), brk()? ● Threads et al: pthreads_

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Mmmm, something’s not quite ok!

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1. My process is kindof stuck for no reason! 2. The file it should write is empty! 3. Its socket doesn’t get a single byte! 4. I just run out of FDs, but I was only using one 5. {CPU, disk, memory} usage is too high

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Let’s peek into!

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1. Stuck process. Let’s strace!

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strace -p

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2. It’s writing to another file! Let’s strace again

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It opens the wrong file!!! But I set another path in the “WHATEVER_LOGGER” ENV variable...

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Let’s into /proc//environment

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Ooops! The ENV var was not set in the appropriate place

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/proc//<*> is pretty rad Exposes kernel data structures in the VFS

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3. It doesn’t reach a server ngrep to the rescue!

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4. I run out of FDs asks coworker :D

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“Javier, try with lsof”

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lsof -p

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Thousands like this!

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It ended up being a bug on a Ruby library written in C

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perf (A bit out of the scope of this talk. Also, I’m even more newbie on this! )

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Linux 4.1 and above… BPF Compiler Collection (BCC) Basically low overhead kernel tracing!

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Flamegraphs, heatmaps, histograms etc etc

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valgrind --leak-check=yes \ ./maybe_leaking_program

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What have I learnt? ● Unix tools are awesome! ● /proc//<*>!! ● I write lots of bugs! (but hopefully, got a bit better at debugging) ● Things are going to fail in every single way they can (and that could be fun!)

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Interesting links/ bibliography [1] iovisor: [2] Julia Evans: [3] perf: [4] Brendan Gregg: [6] BPF syntax [7] Man pages are useful too! (but I do need examples as well :P)