Slide 12
Slide 12 text
feature 'Customer purchases an item' do
scenario 'with saved payment information' do
# .. setup
visit product_path(product)
expect(page).to have_selector('#productTitle', text:
expect(page).to have_selector('#priceblock_ourprice', '$19.99')
within '#buybox' { click_on 'Add to Cart' }
upsell_items = all('.huc-first-upsell-row a.huc-upsell-max-2-lines').map(&:text)
expect(upsell_items).to include(['Imploding Kittens', 'Cards Against Humanity'])
within '#ewc' { click_on 'Proceed to Checkout' }
expect(page).to have_selector(:css, '.header h1', text: 'Checkout')
within '.shipping-speeds:first' { choose('two') }
expect(page).to have_selector('.displayAddressUL', text: customer.shipping_address)
expect(page).to have_selector('#subtotalsSection .grand-total-price', text: "$19.99")
click_on 'Place your order'
expect(page).to have_content('Thank you, your order has been placed')