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Deploying Node.js Applications with Confidence using Kubernetes Gergely Nemeth | | @nthgergo

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Who am I? ● Gergely Nemeth ● Engineering Manager @ Uber (Web Platform, and I am hiring) ● Software Developer ● Coffee Lover ☕ ○

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Deploying Node.js Applications with Confidence using Kubernetes Gergely Nemeth | | @nthgergo

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Agenda 1. How Kubernetes is architected - (very briefly) 2. Running Kubernetes 3. Containerizing Node.js Applications 4. Handle Application Lifecycle Events 5. Packaging Applications 6. Securing the Kubernetes Cluster 7. Resource Constraints 8. Disaster Recovery

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Kubernetes architecture 101

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Kubernetes architecture ● At least one master ● Multiple worker nodes

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Master ● Provides the cluster’s control plane ● Makes the cluster’s current state match the desired state ● Makes global decisions about the cluster (for example, scheduling)

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Nodes ● Node components run on every node, maintaining running pods and providing the Kubernetes runtime environment.

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Running Kubernetes

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Just use GCP's Kubernetes Engine, if you can.

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Or if you feel a bit more adventurous, AWS.

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Running Kubernetes ● Follow Kelsey Hightower's Kubernetes The Hard Way to understand how each component work together: ○ containerd Container Runtime ○ gVisor ○ CNI Container Networking ○ etcd

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Running Kubernetes Locally ● With the help of ○ Minikube - ○ Skaffold -

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apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: localstack spec: selector: matchLabels: app: localstack template: metadata: labels: app: localstack spec: containers: - name: localstack image: localstack/localstack:0.8.6 ports: # exposing dynamodb - containerPort: 31001 env: - name: SERVICES value: "dynamodb:31001" - name: PORT_WEB_UI value: "32000"

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apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: localstack spec: # selector tells Kubernetes what Deployment this Service # belongs to selector: app: localstack ports: - port: 32000 protocol: TCP name: ui nodePort: 32000 - port: 31001 protocol: TCP name: dynamodb nodePort: 31001 type: LoadBalancer

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apiVersion: skaffold/v1alpha2 kind: Config build: artifacts: - imageName: your-app workspace: . docker: {} bazel: null local: skipPush: null googleCloudBuild: null kaniko: null deploy: helm: null kubectl: manifests: - path-to-localstack-manifest.yml - path-to-your-app-manifest.yml

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Containerizing Node.js Applications

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Let's look at a common Dockerfile for Node.js apps!

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Most Node.js Docker tutorials have this FROM node:8.6.0-alpine WORKDIR /usr/src/app COPY package-lock.json . RUN npm ci COPY . . EXPOSE 3000 CMD node index.js

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Most Node.js Docker tutorials have this ● But it has the following issues: ○ Does not handle proper signal forwarding for sudo and su ○ Does not use an unprivileged user for running the applications ● These best practices are handled out of the box in the godaddy/docker-node images ○ ○

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Handle Application Lifecycle Events

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What are Pods? ● Smallest deployable unit ● It is a group of one or more containers ○ Shared networking and storage ○ The “one-container-per-Pod” model is the most common Kubernetes use case ● Each pod has a unique IP address

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Application life-cycle 1/2 1. Application are running in Pods a. represents a running process on your cluster 2. Possible states: a. Pending b. Running c. Succeeded d. Failed e. Unknown

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Application life-cycle 2/2 ● States are determined using probes ○ Liveness ■ to know when to restart a container ○ Readiness ■ to know when a container is ready to start accepting traffic

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What happens when you deploy a new version of your application?

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What does your application have to do when shutting down? 1. Finishes (or tries to finish) all ongoing requests 2. Free up used resources (database connections, file handlers, etc…) 3. Stop. This is called graceful shutdown.

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Terminus is an open-source project that adds health checks and graceful shutdown to your applications.

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const terminus = require('@godaddy/terminus'); const server = http.createServer(app); async function onSignal() { console.log('server is starting cleanup'); } async function onHealthCheck() {} terminus(server, { signals: ['SIGTERM'], healthChecks: { '/healthcheck': onHealthCheck, }, onSignal }); server.listen(3000);

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Be careful with the NGINX ingress controller!

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The NGINX ingress controller ● By default, if a Pod receives a SIGTERM, it gets removed from the load-balancer (Service) ● The NGINX ingress controller does not use a Service under the hood, it routes traffic directly to the pods, so: ○ NGINX may route traffic to Pods which are terminating (the requests will fail), ○ To fix that, you have to delay the shutdown with gracePeriod seconds ♂

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Packaging Applications

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Before start using Kubernetes, you have figure out how to write configuration for it.

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Kubernetes can become extremely complex with all the objects you need to handle.

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Hi Helm! ● Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes ○ You can focus on building application logic, and not yet-another environment ○ Helm provides "1-click" deployment, making adoption simpler ○ Reusability

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The Anatomy of a Helm Charts node-app/ Chart.yaml # A YAML file containing information about the chart LICENSE # OPTIONAL: A plain text file containing the license for the chart # OPTIONAL: A human-readable README file requirements.yaml # OPTIONAL: A YAML file listing dependencies for the chart values.yaml # The default configuration values for this chart charts/ # A directory containing any charts upon which this chart depends. templates/ # A directory of templates that, when combined with values, # will generate valid Kubernetes manifest files. templates/NOTES.txt # OPTIONAL: A plain text file containing short usage notes

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Securing the Kubernetes Cluster

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You tell Kubernetes what to do through a REST API.

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Securing Kubernetes - Access ● To secure access to the Kubernetes cluster, and the resources it is responsible for: ○ make sure to use TLS for all communication towards the API, ○ use role-based access control for authorization.

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But it is not just the API. What about running apps?

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Securing Kubernetes - Pod Security Policies ● Pod Security Policies: ○ can prevent Pods from running with root privileges, ○ can limit what volumes Pods can access, ○ can prevent pods from accessing host ports, ○ support AppArmor and Seccomp.

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Securing Kubernetes - Audit by

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Resource Constraints

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Most Kubernetes deployments run multiple different applications.

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Just as in a PaaS environment, some multitenancy problems apply to Kubernetes too.

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Let's talk about performance ● You have two applications running in Kubernetes ○ One service sending out marketing emails ○ The other serving HTTP traffic ● What happens with different traffic patterns?

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Let's talk about performance

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Let's talk about performance

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Let's talk about performance ● Resource Constraints to the rescue ○ You can define Pod-level resource limits for CPU and memory ○ Or on the namespace level too

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Let's talk about performance apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: cpu-demo namespace: cpu-example spec: containers: - name: cpu-demo-ctr image: vish/stress resources: limits: cpu: "1" requests: cpu: "0.5" apiVersion: v1 kind: LimitRange metadata: name: mem-limit-range spec: limits: - default: memory: 512Mi defaultRequest: memory: 256Mi type: Container for pods / deployments for namespaces

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Disaster Recovery

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Set of policies and procedures - they answers the question of what to do when a disaster hits the system?

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● Ark gives you tools to backup and restore your Kubernetes cluster resources and persistent volumes: ○ Take backups of your cluster and restore in case of loss ○ Copy cluster resources across cloud providers ○ Replicate your production environment for development and testing environments Ark by Heptio

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Ark is not enough. Backups are only valuable if you know how to use them.

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Schedule regular practice runs to simulate disaster recovery.

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That's it folks. Gergely Nemeth | | @nthgergo

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Further reading ● ● ● ●