Layer 2 person spoofing
and impostor syndrome
% sudo ifconfig en0 ether 78:4f:43:69:1b:10 \
&& ifconfig en0 | head -3
en0: flags=8863 mtu 1500
ether 78:4f:43:69:1b:10
inet netmask 0xfffffc00 broadcast
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 1
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Who's this clown? (1/2) 2
• Security Engineer at Stripe.
• Infrastructure security at Etsy.
• Opera5ons engineer at Puppet.
• Two 5me sponsor of Wrong Island Con.
2 h$ps:/
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 2
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Who's this whingeing pom? (2/2)
• Knows how to pronounce "router".
• Is delighted to be back here enjoying the 300/400ms latency on
• Has had his Instagramme stuck giving him NZ ads for the past 3
months. (if you know how to fix this, please help me!)
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 3
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is heaps be)er than
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 4
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is also be)er than both
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 5
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But first!
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 6
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A trigger warning
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 7
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This talk is about
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vulnerability |vʌln(ə)rəˈbɪlɪ4|
noun (plural vulnerabili*es) [mass noun]
the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being
a5acked or harmed, either physically or emo:onally: conserva:on
authori:es have realized the vulnerability of the local popula:on
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 9
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the quality or state of being exposed
to the possibility of being a5acked
or harmed, either physically or
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 10
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So if you're looking for 0-day, you
may be in the wrong room.
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 11
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Impostor syndrome!
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 12
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Impostor syndrome is when high-
achieving individuals are marked by
an inability to internalise their
accomplishments & a persistent fear
of being exposed as a "fraud"
— clinical psychologists Dr. Pauline R. Clance & Suzanne A. Imes
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 13
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"Am I even qualified to give this
— Me, earlier today, proving that I probably am.
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"But everyone has this, no?"
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Actually liking things to be 2dy
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"I am going to be discovered and
— Me, then.
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It makes it real hard to do good work
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 21
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Which then just perpetuates itself
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 22
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Which leads to burnout...
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@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 24
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@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 25
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Reality vs. Percep0on of others
From h'ps:/
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 26
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(Best (worst) stock photo ever?)
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 31
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Impostor syndrome can be a sign
that you're about to learn awesome
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 32
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It can be a sign you have a lot of
knowledge to share too!
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 33
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Straw poll
How many people have you heard of ge3ng
fired due to knowing nothing?
How many people have you heard of having
impostor syndrome?
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 34
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So why do our brains make this
trade off?
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 35
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@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 36
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Did I men)on I work in security?
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 37
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Infosec problems (including but not limited to)
• Has a&ackers. Coders have bugs, ops people have well the world.
There are real humans a&acking you trying to break your shit.*
• There is very clear win/lose stakes.
• Especially in the con scene, a lot of posturing.
• DefCon sCll exists (;
* Assume blue team here, I know...
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...which leads to
• people not showing their vulnerabili3es (not that kind).
• people not admi:ng they don't know something out of fear.
• people burning out and leaving the industry.
• Infosec not being the most diverse and inclusive industry.
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 39
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"well don't think of yourself as an
imposter, think of yourself as not a
— Sco& Roberts
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 40
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"One of the best things I've done for
myself lately: created a doc where I
copy-paste compliments I've go
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"For passphrases, make them
something posi2ve and encouraging,
so every 2me you have to type them
in, you feel a li:le be:er about the
— paraphrased from an Anonymous Canadian
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 42
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@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 43
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Aside: cogni,ve dissonance
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 44
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@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 45
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What can you do as an organisa0on?
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Acknowledge it!
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 47
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It's okay to say what's okay
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From The Recurse Center
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Obligatory reference to blameless
postmortems as I'm contractually
bound to by Etsy
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Praise others, because they may feel
this too.
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Tip for praise: Don't personalize. For
the same reason you wouldn't say
"You're a dumbass," don't just say
"You're a genius."
— @candor 5
5 Blameless praise! from Slack's great ar5cle on giving feedback
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Stop the nerd snipe, even if it's good
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Your culture o*en affects people in
seemingly invisible ways
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Just don't go too far (;
Dunning–Kruger effect
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Let's hope I'm on track for 2me!
• be understand to people, this is hard.
• be kind to yourself, even if you're a jerk like me.
• seek help if you can (friends, therapists, coworkers)
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This affects people differently
• Confidence sadly o.en comes with privilege.
• As does arrogance.
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Mess of links that will be useful when I tweet the URL to this
• Impostor Syndrome in DFIR - Sco5 Roberts fantas9c piece on
the topic.
• Allowed To Apply - blog on telling yourself you can do this.
• How to get a promo9on
• Blue Hackers - site on mental health in the tech community and
how to help.
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 58
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If this sounds like an environment
you'd like to work in, come talk to
me about
Jobs at Stripe
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 59
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• My blog post on the subject
• Fax: +1 (415) 484-7239
• Twidder: @benjammingh
• SpeakerDeck:
@benjammingh for BsidesNZ 60