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Heroku 2015: A Year in Review

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Terence Lee @hone02

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Agenda ● Heroku ● Postgres featuring @leinweber ● Ruby ● Ruby Core featuring @_ko1

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app.json { "name": "ruby-websockets-chat-demo", "description": "A template for getting started with the WebSockets on Heroku using Ruby.", "website": "...", "success_url": "/", "addons": ["rediscloud"], "env": {}, "scripts": {} }

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Github Integration

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PX Dynos in Europe ● 6GB ● not multitenant

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Cedar-14 Stack based off of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

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Cedar-14 Stack Migration $ heroku stack:set cedar-14 -a example-app … $ git commit -m "update to cedar-14" --allow-empty … $ git push heroku master …

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Cedar will be retired on Nov 4, 2015

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2 Factor Auth

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http git

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WebSockets enabled by default

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Heroku Postgres

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PostgreSQL 9.4 $ heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql --version=9.4

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JSON Support postgres=# CREATE TABLE rubies (id serial, data json); CREATE TABLE postgres=# INSERT INTO rubies (data) VALUES postgres-# ('{"engine":"ruby","version":"2.2.2"}'); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# SELECT * FROM rubies; id | data ----+------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | {"engine":"ruby","version":"2.2.2"} (1 row)

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JSONB Support postgres=# CREATE TABLE rubies (id serial, data jsonb); CREATE TABLE postgres=# INSERT INTO rubies (data) VALUES postgres-# ('{"engine":"ruby","version":"2.2.2"}'); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# SELECT * FROM rubies id | data ----+------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | {"engine":"ruby","version":"2.2.2"} (1 row)

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create_table :rubies do |t| t.jsonb :data end

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PG Backups heroku pgbackups -> heroku pg:backups

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PGBackups $ heroku pg:backups schedule \ HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_GOLD --at="02:00 PDT"

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Expensive Queries

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$ heroku addons:create \ heroku- postgresql:standard-4 \ --fork CHARCOAL --fast

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Ruby Updates

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Ruby 1.9.3 support has also ended

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Ruby 2.2 support on Day 0. Christmas 2014

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Built 55 Rubies across two stacks

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Puma is now recommended

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JRuby ● JDK8 Support ● JRuby 9k pre

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Ruby Core

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Heroku Matz team Mission of Heroku Matz team Design new Ruby and improve quality of MRI Three full time Ruby core developers in Japan named “Matz team”

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Yukihiro Matz Matsumoto Original creator of Ruby “I’m father of Ruby” • Direct new Ruby • mruby • Streem

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Nobuyoshi Nobu Nakada Patch monster “Fix Ruby, break Ruby, and fix Ruby”

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Nobuyoshi Nobu Nakada Patch monster

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Koichi Sasada (ko1) Low-level maintainer “Speed is all” •Original YARV developer since 2004/01 •YARV: Yet Another RubyVM •Introduced into Ruby (MRI) 1.9.0 and later •Introduce “Generational” and “Incremental” GC

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Ruby 2.2 Heroku Matz team and Ruby core team Recent achievement

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Ruby 2.2 •Some new features (see NEWS) •Internal improvements •Symbol GC •Incremental GC •Using frozen string objects •Fast keyword parameters Rails users love!

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Ruby 2.2 Fast keyword parameters “Keyword parameters” introduced in Ruby 2.0 is useful, but slow!! x30 slower

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Ruby 2.2 Fast keyword parameters x14 faster!! But still x2 times slower compare with normal dispatch

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Ruby 2.3 Next version will be released the end of this year Catch me and give me your feedback later

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Schedule Today (Wednesday) 4:10-5:30: Open Source Help Desk from the core teams of Rails, RSpec, memory_profiler Tomorrow (Thursday) 3:20-4:20: Book Signing with Schneems (while supplies last)

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Resources ● ● performance-dynos-in-europe ● https://blog.heroku. com/archives/2014/11/4/cedar_14_now_generally_available ● ● https://blog.heroku. com/archives/2014/12/5/http_git_now_generally_available ● ● beta

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Resources ● ● ● ● ● puma-web-server

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Thank You