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Swift Code Patterns May 12, 2016 • Mike Zornek

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Questions, anytime.

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What’s Inside?

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NSLocalizedString("Job Request", comment: "header text for information regarding a job")

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NSLocalizedString("shopping-cart.create-order.button", comment: "Title for footer button in Shopping Cart")

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TODO Comments

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// TODO: Add proper error handling.

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// TODO: Add proper error handling. //

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struct AppNameStoryboards { static func logInStoryboard() -> UIStoryboard { return UIStoryboard(name: "LogIn", bundle: nil) } } // LoginViewController.swift private struct Segue { static let PINSetup = "showPinSetup" static let RetrieveUsername = "showRetrieveUsername" static let ResetPassword = "showResetPassword" static let ResendActivationLink = "showResendActivationLink" }

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Filenames URLs Preference Names JSON keys

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Forgive my indentation.

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let c1 = UIColor.redColor() let c2 = UIColor(hue: 0.8, saturation: 0.8, brightness: 0.8, alpha: 1.0) let c3 = UIColor(red: 50/255, green: 25/255, blue: 32/255, alpha: 255/255) let c4 = UIColor(hex: 0xE6A024)

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public extension UIColor { convenience init(hex: UInt32) { let red = CGFloat((hex >> 16) & 0xff) / 255 let green = CGFloat((hex >> 8) & 0xff) / 255 let blue = CGFloat((hex ) & 0xff) / 255 self.init(red: red, green: green, blue: blue, alpha: 1) } }

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public extension UIColor { convenience init(bnr_hex: UInt32) { let red = CGFloat((hex >> 16) & 0xff) / 255 let green = CGFloat((hex >> 8) & 0xff) / 255 let blue = CGFloat((hex ) & 0xff) / 255 self.init(red: red, green: green, blue: blue, alpha: 1) } } bnr_hex

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struct DayTheme { static let backgroundColor = UIColor(hex: 0xfefefe) static let textColor = UIColor(hex: 0x121212) static let highlightColor = UIColor.redColor() } greetingLabel.textColor = DayTheme.textColor

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let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("CustomCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! CustomCell let cell = tableView.dequeue(cellOfType: CustomCell.self, indexPath: indexPath)

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extension UITableView { func dequeue(cellOfType type: V.Type, indexPath: NSIndexPath, reuseIdentifier: String? = nil) -> V { let identifier = reuseIdentifier ?? String(type) return dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier(identifier, forIndexPath: indexPath) as! V } } String(type) // old way NSStringFromClass(type)

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Custom Table Cells

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protocol NibLoadable: class { static var nibName: String { get } static var nib: UINib { get } } extension NibLoadable { static var nib: UINib { return UINib(nibName: nibName, bundle: NSBundle(forClass: self)) } }

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protocol NibLoadable: class { static var nibName: String { get } static var nib: UINib { get } func createView(ofType _: View.Type) -> View } extension NibLoadable { static var nib: UINib { return UINib(nibName: nibName, bundle: NSBundle(forClass: self)) } // Useful for custom view designed in xibs, eg: table header view, section headers, etc. static func createView(ofType _: View.Type) -> View { let nib = View.nib let nibContents = nib.instantiateWithOwner(nil, options: nil) assert(nibContents.count == 1, "\(nib) should hold only a single view, but found \(nibContents.count) items: \(nibContents)") return nibContents.first as! View } }

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class ChangePasswordCreateViewController: FormTableViewController { private lazy var tableHeaderView: FormTableHeaderView = { let headerView = createView(ofType: FormTableHeaderView.self) headerView.textLabel.text = NSLocalizedString("settings.change- password.create-new.header", comment: "Form table header text for new password creation.") Themer.themeDarkFormHeader(headerView) return headerView }() private func setupTableView() { // other stuff tableView.tableHeaderView = tableHeaderView } }

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Humanize TableView Layout

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class StoreDetailsController: UITableViewController { private enum CellType: String { case Map = "MapCell" case Title = "TitleCell" case Address = "AddressCell" case Phone = "PhoneCell" case StoreHours = "StoreHoursCell" } private var cells: [CellType] = [] private var store: Store! func configure(store: Store) { = store cells = [.Map, .Title, .Address] if store.locationPhone != nil { cells.append(.Phone) } if store.storeHours != nil { cells.append(.StoreHours) } } }

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override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { let cellType = cells[indexPath.row] let reuseIdentifier = cellType.rawValue let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier(reuseIdentifier, forIndexPath: indexPath) switch cellType { case .Map: print("custom config") case .Title: print("custom config") case .Address: print("custom config") case .Phone: print("custom config") case .StoreHours: print("custom config") } return cell }

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enum UserProfileSections { case UsageDataSection case ContactInfoSection static let count = 2 } enum UsageDataRows { case NumberOfTweetsRow case NumberOfFollowersRow static let count = 2 } enum ContactInfoRows { case EmailRow case PhoneRow case PostalRow static let count = 3 }

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enum WebServiceResult { case Success(String) case Error(Int) } let result = downloadWebContent() switch result { case .Success(let content): print("Success content: \(content)") case .Error(let errorCode): print("Error code: \(errorCode)") }

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extension UIImage { enum AssetIdentifier: String { case Location = "icon-location-small-gray" case Phone = "icon-phone" case Star = "icon-fav-location-off" case StarOn = "icon-fav-location-on" case StarGrey = "icon-fav-location-small-gray" case Time = "icon-time" case ChevronDown = "icon-chevron-down" case Error = "icon-error" } convenience init!(_ assetIdentifier: AssetIdentifier) { self.init(named: assetIdentifier.rawValue) } } let icon = UIImage(.Star)

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Dependency Injection Tell, Don’t Ask

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Not Easy :(

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extension DashboardViewController { func configure(toDoListStore: ToDoListStore, delegate: DashboardViewControllerDelegate) { self.toDoListStore = toDoListStore self.delegate = delegate } }

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Launch / Debug Menu

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struct MenuItem { let title: String let details: String? let runAction: ((navigation: UINavigationController) -> ())? } struct MenuSection { let title: String let items: [MenuItem] } struct Menu { let title: String let sections: [MenuSection] }

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extension Menu { static func appMemu() -> Menu { let uiColorDemo = MenuItem(title: "UIColor", details: "Building colors from hex values”, runAction: { (navigation) in let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "UIColorDemo", bundle: nil) let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("UIColorDemoViewController") as! UIColorDemoViewController navigation.pushViewController(vc, animated: true) }) let demos = MenuSection(title: "Demos", items: [uiColorDemo]); let menu = Menu(title: "Menu", sections: [demos]) return menu } } class MenuViewController: UITableViewController { ... }

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Many DataSources

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Resources • Weather Demo, that illustrates some of the patterns discussed. • Collection of source files, used to prep slides. •

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Learn More?

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Thank you. Michael Zornek @zorn