Slide 7
Slide 7 text
2023/03/19 ⽇本地理学会2024年春季学術⼤会 7
BoK (初版)の実例
• Set type font, size, style, and color for labels on a map by applying basic typography design prin-
• Create a set of mapping problems that can be used to illustrate point, line, and area label con-
ventions for placing text on maps
• Solve a labeling problem for a dense collection of features on a map using minimal leader lines
Unit CV4 Graphic representation techniques
This unit addresses mapping methods and the variations of those methods for specialized mapping and
visualization instances, such as thematic mapping, dynamic and interactive mapping, Web mapping,
mapping and visualization in virtual and immersive environments, using the map metaphor to display
other forms of data (spatialization), and visualizing uncertainty. Analytical techniques used to derive the
data employed in these graphic representations are discussed in Knowledge Area: Analytical Methods
(AM) and Unit DN2 Generalization and aggregation.
Topic CV4-1 Basic thematic mapping methods
• Describe the design considerations for each of the following methods: choropleth, dasymetric,
proportioned symbol, graduated symbol, isoline, dot, cartogram, and flow map
• Evaluate the strengths and limitations of each of the following methods: choropleth, dasymetric,
proportioned symbol, graduated symbol, isoline, dot, cartogram, and flow map
• Explain why choropleth maps should (almost) never be used for mapping count data and sug-
gest alternative methods for mapping count data
• Choose suitable mapping methods for each attribute of a given type of feature in a GIS (e.g.,
roads with various attributes such as surface type, traffic flow, number of lanes, direction such
as one-way)
• Select base information suited to providing a frame of reference for thematic map symbols (e.g.,
network of major roads and state boundaries underlying national population map)
GIScience and Technology Body of Knowledge (GIS&T BoK) 1st edition, 2006
(CV:Cartography and Visualization)