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CaptionsLIVE Raw Transcript
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to have said yes in order to get a project. You don't have a portfolio full of
noes, that would be the absence of a portfolio. I get how we wouldn't
have got there but if we never talk about how would no ever happen,
when is it ever going to happen, right? What could be the practice?
I found that sense of maybe saying no, which seems extreme, but
like resisting, tends to come from a place that is like a middle more
inward. I found for myself at least, I have had this thing which I am
calling that quiet letter voice which many of you have probably heard in
your careers, might be the best substitute we have, that quiet little voice
that I know is inside me, every time it spoke up, do you know what I did?
I went "Shoosh, not now bro. You have a good thing, don't blow it." Do
you know what I mean? That sense of maybe we should change that - no,
shoosh, not now, now is not a good time. Again and again and again,
through my whole career I kept doing it. I was starting to notice the
commercial career that I had, I was worried I was going to start becoming
numb to that feeling. I want to give examples of how that quiet little voice
has shown up in my career, and I am ashamed to have to explain that I
went shoosh to everyone of these examples. I don't think they are
profound but I am hoping that you might recognise some of them
because you may have heard them in your career.
What is design's relationship to power and privilege? There is 10.
Which humans are we centring when we say Human-Centered Design?
Who gets to be called a designer? How do we wean design's addiction
from whiteness? How can designers say no to work when we have to pay
off our - blank, mortgage, medical debt? Design is often sink or swim but
why is drowning so common? This industry is brutal. How do designers
decide which people in need to serve? What is the framework there? Why
does philanthropy, not community, set the agenda for social change?
What's the cost of speaking up? But what's the cost if we don't? I think