(Or not …)
Paul Souche Front End Developer @ github paulsouche twitter @paulsouche
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January 2015
TypeScript + AngularJS : The meeting
Paul Souche Front End Developer @ github paulsouche twitter @paulsouche
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2015 First design patterns
Paul Souche Front End Developer @ github paulsouche twitter @paulsouche
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September 2015
Paul Souche Front End Developer @ github paulsouche twitter @paulsouche
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Paul Souche Front End Developer @ github paulsouche twitter @paulsouche
What do we have ?
- Compile support
- Build system
- Tests
- Linters
What do we want ?
The same but with external modules
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Slide 6 text
Paul Souche Front End Developer @ github paulsouche twitter @paulsouche
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Paul Souche Front End Developer @ github paulsouche twitter @paulsouche
Questions ?