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Papers We Love: ARC after dark CTO [email protected] Bryan Cantrill @bcantrill

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Papers we love: ARC • Discussing ARC: A self-tuning, low overhead replacement cache by Nimrod Megiddo and Dharmendra Modha • Appeared in USENIX FAST ’03 • Has been broadly deployed in production — most notably in ZFS, in at least illumos (SmartOS, etc.) and FreeBSD • As much as possible, want to let the paper speak for itself — and provoke discussion!

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ARC in the abstract

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Book of Genesis, 1:1

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The Von Neumann architecture

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“The Memory Organ”

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“Entirely impractical”

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The problem

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Main themes

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Related work: Optimal

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Related work: Using recency with LRU

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Related work: Using frequency with LFU

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Related work: LRU-2

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Related work: LRFU

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Related work: ALRFU (AYFKM?!)

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Related work: MQ

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Related work: MQ, cont.

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Related work: “Multiple experts”

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Related work: Ghost caches

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Generic cache replacement policy (?)

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Fixed replacement cache

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Adaptive replacement cache

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Adaptive replacement cache

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Adaptive replacement cache

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Adaptive replacement cache

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Adaptive replacement cache

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Adaptive replacement cache

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Adaptive replacement cache

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ARC performance

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ARC performance

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ARC performance

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ARC performance vs. LRU

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ARC performance vs. FRC offline

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ARC performance: “Empirically universal”

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ARC performance: p over time

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ARC: Conclusions

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ARC: Endnotes

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ARC: Endnotes

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ARC: Epilogue • The ARC is the basis of the cache used by ZFS, with many enhancements over time: • Variable sized buffers — though now returning to be fixed blocks with ARC buffer data (ABD) • L2ARC to allow SSDs to be used as a cache • Separate metadata lists • Compressed ARC • A challenge has been to make all of ARC variable-sized…

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Peril of a variably-sized ARC!