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Open Source Stewardship A talk about how to build the best version of your software

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Stewardship is an old word

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Stewardship (n.) An ethic that embodies the responsible planning and management of resources. Old English: stiward, stigweard "house guardian, housekeeper," from stig "hall, pen for cattle, part of a house"

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What's the use of an old word in this brave new world?

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ISO 20121 Event Sustainability Management System Requirements with guidance for use; ❡3.20: "Responsibility for sustainable development shared by all those whose actions affect environmental performance, economic activity, and social progress, reflected as both a value and a practice by individuals, organisations, communities, and competent authorities."

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Gift Economy

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Commodity vs. Gift Exchange "Gifts and Commodities" (1982), by Chris Gregory — immediate vs. delayed exchange — alienable vs. inaliable goods — indepedent vs. dependent actors — quantitative vs. qualitative relationships — between objects vs. people

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Gift Economies create a virtuous cycle

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$ whoami - AFNetworking - Nomad CLI - - - Helios - Ono - TTTAttributedLabel - FormatterKit - TransformerKit - InflectorKit - CargoBay - GroundControl - SkyLab - Orbiter - ...

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That Doesn't Matter

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This talk is as much aspirational as it is (hopefully) instructive. I could be so, so much better at this. I want to be so much better at this. I hope we can get there together.

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How to Be a Steward of Open Source

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Every Project Has a Lifecycle - Creating - Maintaining - Transitioning

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Minimum Viable Project - README - Screenshot - Example Project - License - Means of Distribution

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What's in a README? — A short introduction — A section describing the basic usage — A list of requirements and instructions on how to install the project — Links to documentation and resources for additional information — Contact information for the creator — A quick statement about licensing

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A screenshot is worth 1000 seconds

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Example Project

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(Insert Example)

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s t r e t c h Your Code - Static Analyzer - Automated Unit Tests - Complete Examples - Use in Production Applications

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Good fences make good neighbors

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Popular Objective-C Open Source Licenses — MIT — Apache 2.0 — BSD — zlib

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tl;dr MIT License Can — Commercial Use — Private Use — Modify — Distribute — Sublicense

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tl;dr MIT License Cannot — Hold Liable

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tl;dr MIT License Must — Include Copyright — Include License

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NSHipsterKit.podspec do |s| = 'NSHipsterKit' s.version = '1.0.0' s.license = 'MIT' s.summary = "A pretty obscure library. You've probably never heard of it." s.homepage = '' s.authors = { 'Mattt Thompson' => '' } s.source = { :git => '', :tag => '1.0.0' } s.source_files = 'NSHipsterKit' end

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$ pod push

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4779 Libraries Currently available through CocoaPods

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$ pod install

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Maintaining - Responding to Issues - Answering Questions - Versioning

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Responding to Issues

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You know you've made it when you're writing more on GitHub than in Xcode

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Answering Questions

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Each question is a data point for what's confusing about your software

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Semantic Versioning major . minor . patch

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Semantic Versioning Guidelines — MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes, — MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and — PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.

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How often to bump?

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Transitioning - Delegating - Recruiting - Sunsetting

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Delegating is one of the hardest things to do. Period.

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@protocol OSSDelegate @property (getter = isEmpathetic) BOOL empathetic; - (void)communicateWithClass:(Class)always; - (void)take:(id)charge and:(id)responsibility; - (void)knowWhatThe:(id)bleep theyAreDoingWith:(id)domain; @optional - (BOOL)conformsToYourExactWayOfDoingThings; @end

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Contributor today, maintainer tomorrow

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Without a graceful exit, a project is doomed to do more harm than good.

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Wrapping Up — Announce the end of the project, offering suggestions for how to migrate to another solution. — Keep the project around, but make a commit that removes source files from the master branch. (git will keep everything safe in history) — Thank everyone involved for their help and contributions.

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Wrapping Up

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We are in the midst of a Renaissance with Objective-C ...and it has as much to do with the language as it does with the community

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