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Sarah Pantry VIP Development Consultant How To Do More With PHPCS

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PHP CodeSniffer is a pair of scripts that tokenize PHP, JavaScript and CSS files to detect and fix violations of a defined coding standard -phpcs Detects violations -phpcbf Fixes violations What is PHPCS

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How you get it? You can find PHPCS at - composer global require "squizlabs/php_codesniffer=*" - pear install PHP_CodeSniffer

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There are many sets of standards available for free download. -Doctrine -Drupal -Joomla -Magento -Symfony -WordPress -WordPress-VIP -Yii -And More Available Standards

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How it works Coding Standards - Specified by an XML file - Can extend a parent standard - Specifies which rules apply - Assigns or overrides severity and messages for individual rules

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Sniffs - Defined by a PHP file - Lists supported languages eg PHP, JS or CSS - Registers for specific tokens - Defines tests for compliance - Adds errors, warnings and descriptive messages How it works

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- Security - escaping, sanitizing, nonces, injection - Performance - slow queries, uncached functions, enqueing, remote calls - Platform issues - disk writes, Memcached, Batcache or Varnish blockers - Settings alterations - ini_set, error_reporting - Unused and undefined variables - usually caused by typos - Unnecessary code - blocks of commented out or debug code - Adding more all the time What we look for

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A Rockin’ Subtitle Director of WordPress VIP Custom Integrations

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PHPCS and PHPStorm

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VIP Go GitHub review integration

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Sarah Pantry @anigelUK Questions?