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ngComponent als wiederverwendbare Komponente für beliebige JavaScript Apps DWX Nürnberg 2018 Thomas Gassmann @gassmannT

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Thomas Gassmann Senior Consultant, Trainer, Speaker @gassmannT 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 3

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Agenda 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 4 ▪ Intro Angular Elements ▪ Web Components ▪ Getting started with Angular Elements ▪ Outlook v7

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Angular Elements 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 5

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26.06.2018 Angular Elements 6 «Angular is ideal for building complete applications, and our tooling, documentation and infrastructure are primarily aimed at this case.» Rob Wormald, Angular Team

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Platform 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 7 Dependency Injection Decorators Zones Compile Binding Render Material Mobile Universal CLI Language Service Augury ngUpdate Router Animation i18n

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26.06.2018 Angular Elements 8 «[…] but it’s quite challenging to use in scenarios that don’t fit that specific Singe Page Application model.» Rob Wormald, Angular Team

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Use case 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 9 ▪ Enhancing existing HTML Pages ▪ Content Management Systems ▪ Use components in other environments or frameworks ▪ Microfrontends ▪ Reuse components across teams

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26.06.2018 Angular Elements 10

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26.06.2018 Angular Elements 11 Web Components

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Web Components 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 12 Web Components are a set of features added by the W3C ▪ HTML Template: Template of the HTML ▪ Shadow DOM: DOM and style encapsulation ▪ HTML Imports: Imports in HTML ▪ Custom Elements: Ability to add to the HTML vocabulary

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26.06.2018 Angular Elements 13

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Custom Elements 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 14 Custom elements share the same API surface as native DOM objects: ▪ Attributes ▪ Properties ▪ Methods ▪ Events

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Create and Define a Custom Element 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 15 class myElement extends HTMLElement { … } customElements.define('my-element', myElement);

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Reactions 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 16 class myElement extends HTMLElement { connectedCallback() { ... } disconnectedCallback() { ... } }

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Attributes 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 17 class myElement extends HTMLElement { static get observedAttributes() { return ['country']; } attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) { if (name === 'country') { // do something with newValue } } }

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26.06.2018 Angular Elements 18

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Properties 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 19 class myElement extends HTMLElement { get country() { return this.getAttribute('country'); } set country(val) { this.setAttribute('country', val); } }

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26.06.2018 Angular Elements 20 let matches = document.querySelector('app-matches-by-country’); = 'ger';

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Custom Events 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 21 class myElement extends HTMLElement { emitCountryChange() { this.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('country-change', { detail: })); } }

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26.06.2018 Angular Elements 22 let matches = document.querySelector('app-matches-by-country’); matches.addEventListener('country-change', event => { ... });

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Custom Elements in Angular 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 23 => Angular has been designed for this

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Enter Angular Elements 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 24 Provides a bridge from angular concepts to web components. ▪ @HostBinding() => Attributes ▪ @Input() => Properties ▪ @Output() => CustomEvents ▪ Lifecycle Hooks => Reactions

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A lot of framework exists 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 25

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Getting started 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 26

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Platform 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 27 Dependency Injection Decorators Zones Compile Binding Render Material Mobile Universal CLI Language Service Augury ngUpdate Router Animation i18n

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First Steps 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 28 Update Angular CLI Update Angular CLI to > 6 ng new angularElements Create a new Angular CLI project ng add @angular/elements Add support for angular elements ng g c matchToday -v Native Generate new component

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Component 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 29 @Component({ selector: 'app-matches-today', templateUrl: 'matches-today.component.html’, styleUrls: ['matches-today.component.css’], encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Native }) export class MatchesTodayComponent implements OnInit { public matches$: Observable; constructor(private matchService: MatchService) {} ngOnInit() { this.matches$ = this.matchService.getTodayMatches(); } }

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Module 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 30 @NgModule({ imports: [BrowserModule, HttpClientModule], declarations: [AppComponent, MatchesTodayComponent], entryComponents: [MatchesTodayComponent], providers: [] }) export class AppModule { … }

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Module 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 31 export class AppModule { constructor(private injector: Injector) {} ngDoBootstrap() { const el1 = createCustomElement( MatchesTodayComponent, { injector: this.injector }); customElements.define('app-matches-today', el1); } }

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26.06.2018 Angular Elements 32

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Use with Javascript 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 33 const matchesToday = document.createElement('app- matches-today'); document.body.appendChild(matchesToday); = 'SUI'; matchesToday.setAttribute('country', 'GER');

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Use with Custom Element API 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 34 const MatchToday = document.get('app-matches-today’); const matchToday = new MatchToday(); // or const matchToday = new MatchToday(differencInjector);

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Angular Elements are the Host Element 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 35 export class TestComponent implements OnInit { constructor(el: ElementRef) { el.nativeElement // <- Angular Element } @HostListener('click’) onHostClick($event) { ... } @HostBinding('attr.selected') isActive: boolean; }

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Dependency Injection 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 36 Plattform Injector (Renderer) Module Injector (Services) Component Injector (ElementRef)

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Dependency Injection in Angular Elements 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 37 Plattform Injector (Renderer) Module Injector (Services) Element Injector (ElementRef) Element Injector (ElementRef)

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Module 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 38 export class AppModule { constructor(private injector: Injector) {} ngDoBootstrap() { const el1 = createCustomElement( MatchesTodayComponent, { injector: this.injector }); customElements.define('app-matches-today', el1); } }

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26.06.2018 Angular Elements 39 Dependency Injection works!

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Demo 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 40

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Content Projection 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 41 Hallo DWX @Component({ selector: 'app-test’, template: ` ` }) export class TestComponent { }

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Shadow DOM 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 42 @Component({ … encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Native }) export class MatchesTodayComponent implements OnInit { … }

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Demo 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 43

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Angular Elements in V6 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 44 ▪ It is just the beginning ▪ Size is too big for shipping in non Angular projects ▪ Will be much better with Ivy (V7) ▪ Will be much easier with V7 ▪ Browser Support.

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Outlook V7 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 45 @Component({ selector: 'app-test', template: '...', customElement: true }) export class TestComponent { ... }

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26.06.2018 Angular Elements 46 How to use it today in non Angular Projects?

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Combine bundle in a single file 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 47 npm install concat --save-dev Install package concat npm install fs-extra --save-dev Install package fs-extra "build:elements": "ng build --prod --output- hashing none && node build-elements.js" Add script command

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build-elements.js 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 48 const fs = require('fs-extra'); const concat = require('concat'); (async function build() { const files = [ './dist/dwxComponent/runtime.js’, './dist/dwxComponent/scripts.js’, './dist/dwxComponent/polyfills.js’, './dist/dwxComponent/main.js’ ]; await fs.ensureDir('elements’); await concat(files, 'elements/world-cup.js');'Wold Cup Element created successfully!'); })();

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Demo 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 49

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26.06.2018 Angular Elements 50 It is just the beginning. Stay tuned with Angular 7

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Ressources 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 51 ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

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Thank you Thomas Gassmann @gassmannT [email protected] 26.06.2018 Angular Elements 52

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