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Hadley Wickham on behalf of 
 The R Consortium Working Group on OOP R7: A fi rst look at a new OOP system for R June 2022

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bizarro < - function(x) { if (is.numeric(x)) { - x } else if (is.logical(x)) { !x } else if (is.character(x)) { str_reverse(x) } else if (is.factor(x)) { levels(x) < - rev(level(x)) x } else { stop("Not supported") } } Why do we need OOP? This is even more important for functions in base R, like print()

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S3 S4 English Fairy Tales (1918) by Flora Annie Steel, illustrated by Arthur Rackham R7 R7 = S3 + S4

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library(R7) bizarro < - new_generic("bizarro", "x") With R7, we fi rst de fi ne a generic Name of the generic Name of the argument used for dispatch

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method(bizarro, class_numeric) < - function(x) { - x } method(bizarro, class_logical) < - function(x) { !x } method(bizarro, class_character) < - function(x) { str_reverse(x) } Then we de fi ne methods Name of the generic Built-in class

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bizarro #> function (x, . . . ) with 4 methods: #> 1 : method(bizarro, "integer") #> 2 : method(bizarro, "double") #> 3 : method(bizarro, "character") #> 4 : method(bizarro, "logical")

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bizarro(1) #> [1] -1 bizarro(TRUE) #> [1] FALSE bizarro(mean) #> Error: generic `bizarro()` can't f i nd method #> for function object

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Generics de fi ne behaviour Classes de fi ne data

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range < - new_class("range", properties = list( start = class_numeric, end = class_numeric ) ) Creating a new class Name of the class Property type Property name Constructor function

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x < - range(start = 1, end = 10) x #> #> @ start: num 1 #> @ end : num 10 x@start x@end < - 20 x@end < - "x" #> Error: @end must be , not

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r < - range(start = 10, end = 1) 
 #> #> @ start: num 10 #> @ end : num 1 But…

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range < - new_class("range", properties = . . . , validator = function(self) { if (length(self@start) ! = 1) { "@start must be length 1" } else if (length(self@end) ! = 1) { "@end must be length 1" } else if (self@end < self@start) { "@end must be greater than or equal to @start" } } ) Can add a validator to prevent that from happening

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range < - new_class("range", properties = list( start = class_double, end = class_double, length = new_property( getter = function(self) self@end - self@start, ) ), … ) Can also create dynamic properties

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S3 S4 English Fairy Tales (1918) by Flora Annie Steel, illustrated by Arthur Rackham R7

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1. Team e ff ort. 2. Formal de fi nition of class and properties (like S4). 3. Embrace data access. 4. Backward compatible with S3. 5. Pit of success. Why do we hope this will succeed?

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Please try it out! remotes : : install_github("rconsortium/OOP-WG") What doesn’t work? 
 What don’t you understand? These slides at fi rst-look

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