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WELCOME KOTLIN / Everywhere Nairobi Study Jam 3 / 6

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Expressive & Efficient Collection Processing in Kotlin HARUN WANGEREKA ANDROID DEVELOPER, APPS:LAB

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Agenda ● Basics ● Collections Playground ● Summary

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Heavily inspired by Scala

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Built on top of Java Collections API

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Defines collections in the kotlin.collections package

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public interface Iterable { public operator fun iterator(): Iterator } Basis for all collections

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Iterator object knows how to iterate over a collection public interface Iterator { public operator fun next(): T public operator fun hasNext(): Boolean }

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Next on hierarchy is Collection public interface Collection : Iterable { public val size: Int public fun isEmpty(): Boolean public operator fun contains(element: @UnsafeVariance E): Boolean override fun iterator(): Iterator public fun containsAll(elements: Collection<@UnsafeVariance E>): Boolean }

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Next hierarchy is Collection ● List ● Set ● Map

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Collection Mutable Read-Only ● MutableList ● MutableSet ● MutableMap ● List ● Set ● Map

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Collections Playground

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Inspired by the “collector”

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When the speaker is ready, the collector will appear

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No content

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Summary ● Create - We have mutable and read-only ● Operators - Functional operations plus,minus, plus assign and minus assign ● Transformers - build new collections based on conditions provided ● Aggregators - operations that return single value based on collection content ● Searching - getting particular elements ● Filtering - filter-in with some predicate/condition ● Actions - [action] on a particular iterable

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● Retrieving Collections Parts - Retrieves parts of collections - ● Retrieving Single Elements ● Collection Ordering ● Collections write operations - add(),remove() ● List/Set/Map Specific Operations

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Neat Stuff. The cool way

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..the old way var count = 0 var total = 0.0 for (album in albumList){ if (album.genre == "HipHop"){ count ++ total += album.averageRating } } val average = total/ count average.print()

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The collections.way val avg = albumList.filter { it.genre == "HipHop" } .map { it.averageRating } .average() .print()

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..the old way val speakersList :List = getSpeakersInfo() val sessionList : List = snapshots.toObjects() { sessionModel -> val sessionSpeakerIdList = sessionModel.speaker_id sessionSpeakerIdList.forEach { speakerId -> speakersList.forEach {speakerModel -> if (sessionSpeakerIdList.contains({ sessionModel.speakerList.add(speakerModel) } } } }

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The collections.way val speakerById : Map = getSpeakerInfo().associateBy {} val sessionList : List = snapshots.toObjects() sessionList.onEach { sessionsModel -> sessionsModel.speaker_id.mapNotNull { speakerById[it]?.let { speakerModel -> sessionsModel.speakerList.add(speakerModel) } } }

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articlesList.filter { it == "Kotlin Collections" }

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