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Going Serverless Effectively (Using Cloud Run) Aditya Satrya Head of Engineering at Jabar Digital Service

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What is Serverless 2 No infra management Fully managed security Pay-per-usage

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3 Focus on your code, not infrastructure

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Full Stack Serverless in GCP 4

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Serverless Compute Options 8 Serverless Functions Serverless Applications Serverless Containers Cloud Functions App Engine Cloud Run Deploy snippet of code Deploy app code Deploy Containers

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How to choose? 9

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10 Cloud Functions Good fit for: ● Event-driven applications ● “Glueing” systems together ● Simple API Bad fit for: ● Stateful systems ● Large, complex APIs ● Require a high level of control ● Need custom runtimes or binaries

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Example: Data e-KTP Data Extractor Source: https:/ / 11

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12 App Engine Good fit for: ● Stateless applications ● Rapidly developing CRUD-heavy applications ● App composed of a few services ● Deploying complex APIs Bad fit for: ● Stateful systems ● Slow startup time ● Require protocol other than HTTP

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13 Cloud Run Good fit for: ● Stateless services that are easily containerized ● Event-driven applications ● Require custom dependencies Bad fit for: ● Highly stateful systems ● Require protocols other than HTTP

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14 Cloud Function App Engine Cloud Run Deployment unit Code snippet App code Container Custom URL No Yes Yes Run any language No No Yes Background process No Yes No

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15 Serverless is not for every case

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Disadvantages of Serverless 16 ▷ Testing and debugging become harder ▷ may cost more to run long-running processes ▷ Performance may be affected ▷ Vendor lock-in is a risk

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How to choose serverless or not? 17

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How to choose serverless option? 18

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Cloud Run 19

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What is Cloud Run? 20 Custom/given domain TLS certificate Autoscale Pay while request handled

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Cloud Run: Concepts 21

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Cloud Run: Concepts 22 ▷ Containers ▷ Resource model ▷ Concurrency ▷ Autoscaling

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Containers 23

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Resource Model 25 Service Revision Instance

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Concurrency 26

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27 400 clients are making 3 requests per second to a Cloud Run Concurrency = 1 Concurrency = 80

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Limitation of concurrency settings considerations 28 ▷ CPU and memory usage per request ▷ Application design: ○ can handle multiple requests at the same time? ▷ Lower concurrency ~ lower scaling performance

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Autoscaling 29 Max simultaneous requests = concurrency per instance * max instances Limitation considerations: ● cost control ● compatibility with backing resources

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Container Runtime Contract 30 ▷ Stateless ▷ Listen for HTTP request on $PORT ▷ Startup times < 4 mins ▷ No CPU outside request scope

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Cloud Run: Use Cases 31 Public ● Website ● API endpoint ● Mobile/IoT backend ● Webhook Private ● Microservices ● Async tasks

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Cloud Run: Development Tips 32

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On Migrating Existing Service 33 Modify your code to: ▷ Listen on the port defined by PORT environment variable ▷ Remove reliance on local filesystem for persistent storage ▷ Add a Dockerfile ▷ Send logs to stdout, stderr, or /var/log

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Writing Effective Service 34 ▷ Avoiding background activities ▷ Deleting temporary files ▷ Do not let service crash on errors

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Optimizing Performance 35 ▷ Minimize image size ○ Use lean base image (exp: alpine, scratch) ○ Multi stage build image ▷ Minimize entrypoint execution time ▷ Use dependency wisely ▷ Use lazy initialization for global variables

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Fine-Tuning Concurrency 36 ▷ Find the maximum stable concurrency level: ○ Set expected_concurrency value ○ Load test your system ○ If poorly, reduce expected_concurrency ○ If well, increase expected_concurrency ○ Continue iterating until you find the maximum stable concurrency ▷ Also increase memory_limit when increasing expected_concurrency

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Demo 37

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Demo 1: Code, Build, Deploy easily using Cloud Build and Cloud Run 38 ▷ Create Python Hello World application ▷ Create Dockerfile ▷ Build and push image using Cloud Build ▷ Deploy to Cloud Run ▷ Access your production-ready live app on provided domain

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Demo 2: Find stable concurrency level using Load Testing 39 ▷ Set max instance = 1 ▷ Load test with 2500 concurrent users ▷ See number of users vs response time, it’s not stable ▷ Set max instance = 1000 ▷ Load test with 2500 concurrent users ▷ See number of users vs response time, it’s stable

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References 40 ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ -vs-paas-vs-faas ▷ gcp-a-decision-tree ▷ pute-decision-tree ▷ ▷ ▷ ▷ ion-dan-cloud-vision-api-4655db21d084