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@saro0h A year of Sarah Khalil

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A little disclaimer

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A little disclaimer E_TOO_MANY_NEWS

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A little disclaimer E_TOO_MANY_NEWS You won’t remember everything

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A little disclaimer E_TOO_MANY_NEWS You won’t remember everything Relax Enjoy as much as you can "

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A little disclaimer E_TOO_MANY_NEWS You won’t remember everything Relax Enjoy as much as you can " Mission: Adopt Symfony 4!

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Between decem ber 2016 & m arch 2017

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What’s the plan?

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What’s the plan? Community

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What’s the plan? Community Some code 3.3 3.4

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What’s the plan? Community Some code 3.3 3.4 A little of 4

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What’s the plan? Community Some code 3.3 3.4 A little of 4

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The Core team: New members Robin Chalas (@chalasr) Maxime Steinhausser (@ogizanagi)

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The Core team: Thank you so much guys! # Bernhard Schussek (@webmozart) Abdellatif Ait Boudad (@aitboudad)

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Pull Requests & Issues since last SymfonyCon

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Pull Requests & Issues since last SymfonyCon $ $ $ $ $ $

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Pull Requests & Issues since last SymfonyCon $ $ $ $ $ $ $ " %

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Let’s see some code! 3.3 3.4

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x.x Link to have a look later Some explanations Since which version What’s that about?

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Form and Validator components

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Form improvements New HTML5 types: • TelType (obvi ) • ColorType (color picker) • And some more! )* 3.4

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Form improvements New HTML5 types: • TelType (obvi ) • ColorType (color picker) • And some more! )* 3.4

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debug:form command • Lists form types, service types, extensions and guessers. • Get precise information about a type. • Get information by passing the type and an option name. 3.4

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Validation improvement: Group validation in embedded object 3.4 class Author { /** @Assert\NotBlank */ protected $firstName; /** @Assert\Valid(groups={"basic"}) */ protected $address; } class Address { /** @Assert\NotBlank(groups={"basic"}) */ protected $street; /** @Assert\Length(max = 5) */ protected $zipCode; }

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Validation improvement: new panel (1/2) 3.4

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Validation improvement: new panel (2/2) 3.4

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Validation improvement: new panel (2/2) 3.4

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Validation improvement: new panel (2/2) 3.4

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Developer eXperience improvements

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Prefix in the route name use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route; /** * @Route("/blog", name="blog_") */ class BlogController extends Controller { /** * @Route("/", defaults={"page": "1"}, name="index") * @Route("/page/{page}", name="index_paginated") */ public function indexAction($page, $_format) { ... } /** * @Route("/posts/{slug}", name="post") */ public function showAction(Post $post) { ... } } • blog_index • blog_index_paginated • blog_post 3.4

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Get the project root directory %kernel.root_dir%/../web/ Before %kernel.project_dir%/web/ After 3.3

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debug:autowiring command 3.4

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About command 3.3

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Translation: Support of XLIFF 2.0 notes new true user login original-content translated-content 3.4

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PHPUnit tests: Better code coverage reports (1/2) • The code coverage = executed code. 3.4 Before

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PHPUnit tests: Better code coverage reports (1/2) • The code coverage = executed code. 3.4 Before

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PHPUnit tests: Better code coverage reports (1/2) • The code coverage = executed code. 3.4 • By hand, add @covers to specify what’s covered. Before

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PHPUnit tests: Better code coverage reports (1/2) • The code coverage = executed code. 3.4 • By hand, add @covers to specify what’s covered. Before

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PHPUnit tests: Better code coverage reports (2/2) 3.4 • Guesses the test class App\Tests\FooTest exists for App\Foo. • Adds @covers on classes that can be guessed. • You can do your own Listener if you don’t follow conventions. After

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New twig functions {% if workflow_has_marked_place(cart, 'paid') %} ... {% endif %} {{ workflow_marked_places(post)|join(',') }} Check if the given object has the given state Get all possible places for a given object 3.3

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UserPasswordEncoderCommand improved 3.3

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Firewall listener • Only executed listeners are loaded, just by upgrading! • And we get more info about execution of listeners: 3.4

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Improved impersonation • In the log we get impersonator_username along with user provider and the impersonated username. • More info in the WDT 3.4

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Supports of Argon2i password hasher • You need first to: • either run your Symfony app with PHP 7.2 • or install the Libsodium PHP extension on your server • or install libsodium-php library to your project • Then: 3.4 # app/config/security.yml security: # ... encoders: Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\User: algorithm: 'argon2i'

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use Symfony\Component\Security\Guard\AbstractGuardAuthenticator; class TokenAuthenticator extends AbstractGuardAuthenticator { public function getCredentials(Request $request) { if (!$token = $request->headers->get('X-AUTH-TOKEN')) { return null; } return ['token' => $token]; } } class TokenAuthenticator extends AbstractGuardAuthenticator { public function supports(Request $request) { return $request->headers->has('X-AUTH-TOKEN'); } public function getCredentials(Request $request) { return ['token' => $request->headers->get('X-AUTH-TOKEN')]; } } If returns null, you’ll get an exception. Before After

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Performance improvement

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Routing component: Faster routing Lots of micro improvements made to the URL matching process In an app that have 900 routes from 7.5ms to 2.5ms Interesting for app having lots of routes 3.3

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2 new components

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WebLink component • Specifications implementation: HTML5 Links, Preload, Resource hints • Assets preloading and prefetch (HTTP 2) • links between resources • HTTP/2 pushes Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\WebLinkExtension 3.3

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Webpack Encore component Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\WebLinkExtension Manages assets (replaces Assetic) Webpack overlay CSS and Javascript processing Helps with the fastidious configuration 3.3

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Let’s see 5 of them

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Let’s see 5 of them

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PSR-4 based Service Discovery services: AppBundle\: resource: ../src/{Controller,Command} services: AppBundle\: resource: '../../src/AppBundle/*' exclude: '../../src/AppBundle/{AppBundle.php,Entity}' 3.3

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All services are private by default • Inject the container and get service(s) from there bad practice • Hides real dependencies • Coupled to external config • Hard to test • Hard to review… • No need to have public services anymore (most of the cases). 3.4

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Local service binding (1/2) 3.4 services: # … App\Some\Service1: $projectDir: '%kernel.project_dir%' App\Some\Service2: $projectDir: '%kernel.project_dir%' App\Some\Service3: $projectDir: '%kernel.project_dir%' Before After services: _defaults: # … bind: $projectDir: '%kernel.project_dir%'

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Local binding (2/2) services: _defaults: bind: BarInterface: '@normal_bar_service' # ... special case for Foo: bind: BarInterface: '@special_bar_service' 3.4

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Environment variables: very cool processing stuff (1/3) • Type cast (int, bool, float & string) • Resolve 3.4 parameters: # roughly equivalent to "(int) getenv('DATABASE_PORT')" app.connection.port: '%env(int:DATABASE_PORT)%' parameters: project_dir: '/foo/bar' env(DB): 'sqlite://%%project_dir%%/var/data.db' db_dsn: '%env(resolve:DB)%'

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Environment variables: very cool processing stuff (2/3) • File & Json • Base64 • Const 3.4 parameters: env(SECRETS_FILE): '/etc/secure/' app.secrets: '%env(json:file:SECRETS_FILE)%' parameters: env(SOME_VALUE): 'NWE3OWExYzg2NmVmZWY5Y2ExODAwZjk3MWQ2ODlmM2U=' app.some_value: '%env(base64:SOME_VALUE)%' parameters: env(NUM_ITEMS): 'App\\Entity\\BlogPost::NUM_ITEMS' app.num_items: '%env(constant:NUM_ITEMS)%'

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Environment variables: very cool processing stuff (3/3) 3.4 And you can create your own processor!

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Environment variables: very cool processing stuff (3/3) 3.4 And you can create your own processor!

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Lazy loaded commands All commands needed to be instantiated to be registered. 3.4 Before After Make it lazy loaded by adding: app.command.complex_command: # ... tags: - { name: console.command, command: app:my-command }

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Just 2 more!

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Trusted proxies: trusted_proxies parameter removed Before After # app/config/config.yml framework: # ... trusted_proxies: [,] // app.php $kernel = new AppKernel('prod', false); Request::setTrustedProxies( ['', ’’], Request::HEADER_FORWARDED ); $request = Request::createFromGlobals(); 3.3

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Assets: provide request context in console 3.4 # app/config/parameters.yml asset.request_context.base_path: '/subfolder' false asset(‘/foo/image.jpg’) /subfolder/foo/image.jpg

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New way of developing with 4

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Symfony Flex

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Have the minimum to begin easily with a light app • Symfony 4 === Features of 3.4! • Preparing the future: • PHP based config for everything (to avoid having to install yaml dependency) • Simpler logger • …

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About Bundle Inheritance: It’s gone! • No more bundles in Symfony 4 • The inheritance for controllers, routes, templates, services… is still possible! • Use solutions that doesn’t involve bundles

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Let’s help to get there! • Please take time to test the version 4. • Documentation on Symfony 4 evolutions needs to be completed. • Bundles needs to become Symfony 4 compatible (have a at the Google sheet). • Create recipes for these bundles. 4.0

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Give help: Make a bundle compatible with Symfony 4 • First steps: • In composer.json file, for any symfony/* lines, add |^4.0 to it. • In the .travis.yml file, make it test against Symfony 4. • Then: • Submit your pull request. • See if there are failures. To fix them 4.0

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@catlannister Get more involved to get to learn more! ♥

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@catlannister Get more involved to get to learn more! ♥