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ES6 for Rubyists @rafaelrinaldi

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ES6 ❤ Ruby

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JavaScript is awesome but also kind of awkward

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“Toy language” legacy

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The web evolved really fast

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XMLHttpRequest, jQuery, MooTools…

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Largely inspired by Ruby

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Transpiles to vanilla JavaScript

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Adopted by Rails on version 3.1

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Big influence on the future of JavaScript

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class Animal # `@` is a reference to `this` constructor: (@name) -> move: (meters) -> # String interpolation alert @name + " moved #{meters}m." # Class inheritance support class Snake extends Animal move: -> # No need of parentheses nor semicolons alert "Slithering..." super 5 class Horse extends Animal move: -> alert "Galloping..." super 45 sam = new Snake "Sammy the Python" tom = new Horse "Tommy the Palomino" sam.move() tom.move()

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# `::` is a reference to the object’s `prototype` String::dasherize = -> # No need to use `return` this.replace /_/g, "-"

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›❯ Fat arrow; ›❯ Array ranges; ›❯ Destructuring of arrays and objects; ›❯ String interpolation; ›❯ Heredoc.

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Node.js and Harmony

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Harmony is the code-name for the 6th version of ECMAScript standard (ES6)

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Very influenced by CoffeeScript and CommonJS

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ES6 Features

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›❯ Block scope; ›❯ Arrow functions; ›❯ Function parameters; ›❯ Object literals; ›❯ Template strings; ›❯ Better async with Promises and Generators; ›❯ Classes and inheritance; ›❯ Module syntax; ›❯ Module loader.

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Block scope

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With `let` and `const` we don’t have to worry about hoisting anymore

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No more `var self = this;` madness

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// ES5 function test() { 'use strict'; if (true) { var foo = 'bar'; } console.log(foo); // bar }

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// ES6 function test() { if (true) { let foo = 'bar'; } console.log(foo); // ReferenceError: foo is not defined }

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Arrow functions

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/** * Arrow functions */ let sum = (x, y) => x + y; sum(5, 5); // 10 [1, 2, 3].map(x => x * 2); // 2 4 6

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Function parameters

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/** * Default parameters */ function printNumber(number=42) { console.log(number); } printNumber(); // 42 printNumber(3.14); // 3.14

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/** * Named parameters */ function addUser(id, {name, age}) { console.log(name, age); } addUser(1, {name: 'John Doe', age: 42}); // John Doe 42

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/** * Rest parameters */ function setupList(id, ...values) { console.log(id, values); } setupList('colors', 'red', 'green', 'blue'); //[ 'red', 'green', 'blue' ]

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/** * Spread operator */ let colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue']; function setupList(id, ...values) { console.log(id, values); } setupList('colors', ...colors); // [ 'red', 'green', 'blue' ]

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Object literals

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/** * Object literals */ let object = { // Equivalent of `foo: foo` foo, // Method shorthand bar() { return 'baz'; }, // Computed property name ['id-' + (() => 42)()]: 'foo' };

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Template strings

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// ES5 multiline through string concatenation var markup = '' + '' + '' + ' ' + '


' + ' ' + '' + '';

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// ES5 multiline through escaping new lines var markup = '\ \ \ \


\ \ ';

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// ES5 multiline using an array var markup = [ '', '', '', '


', '', '' ].join('\n');

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// Way better in ES6! var markup = `


` // String interpolation let name = 'John Doe'; let age = 42; let greetings = `My name is ${name} and I am ${age}`;

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Better async (with Generators and Promises)

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Generators have the ability of controlling the whole execution flow of a function

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// The `*` indicates that this function is a generator let iterate = function* () { let index = 0; while(true) { // `yield` will stop the generator and wait for an “answer” to continue yield index += 5; } } // Create the iterator let iterator = iterate(); console.log(; // { value: 5, done: false } console.log(; // { value: 10, done: false } console.log(; // { value: 15, done: false }

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Promises really come in handy when dealing with async code as well

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// Simple XHR request implementation function ping(url) { // Return a new promise return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url); request.onload = function() { if (request.status == 200) { // Resolve the promise with the response text resolve(request.response); } else { // Otherwise reject with the status text // which will hopefully be a meaningful error reject(Error(request.statusText)); } }; // Make the actual request request.send(); }); }

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get('') .then(function(response) { console.log('yay', response); }, function(error) { console.error('meh', error); });

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Classes and inheritance

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ES6 offers a way of using classical class-based architecture

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// The good old prototypal inheritance function Color() {} Color.prototype.setHexa = function(code) { this.hexa = code; } Color.prototype.toString = function() { return this.hexa; } function Yellow() { this.setHexa('#ffd200'); } function Blue() { this.setHexa('#00cdfa'); } Yellow.prototype = Object.create(Color.prototype); Blue.prototype = Object.create(Color.prototype); var x = new Yellow(); var y = new Blue(); console.log(x.toString()); // #ffd200 console.log(y.toString()); // #00cdfa

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class Color { set hexa(code) { this._hexa = code; } get hexa() { return this._hexa; } toString() { return this.hexa; } } class Yellow extends Color { constructor() { this.hexa = '#ffd200'; } } class Blue extends Color { constructor() { this.hexa = '#00cdfa'; } } let x = new Yellow(); let y = new Blue(); console.log(x.toString()); // #ffd200 console.log(y.toString()); // #00cdfa

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Module syntax

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JavaScript has no native module system implementation (until now)

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We rely on other techniques to write modular code

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/** * Example of CommonJS module */ // Self contained module, the file itself is a clojure // List of module’s dependencies var IO = require('fs/io'); var pluck = require('helpers').pluck; // Exports the public API module.exports = { toString: function() { return 42; } };

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/** * Example of AMD module */ // Pass on a list of dependencies and the module implementation define(['fs/io', 'helpers/pluck'], function(IO, pluck) { // Module implementation goes here // Exports the public API return { toString: function() { return 42; } } });

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// Import a module from a package import 'io' from 'fs/io'; // Named imports import {pluck, sort} from 'helpers'; // Wildcard and module aliasing import * as core from 'core'; // Exports `toString` to the public API export let toString = () => 42; // Exports a constant to the public API export const PI = 3.14; // You can also export a module default function export default function() { console.log('Default function!'); }

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Module loader

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ES6 provides a way of dynamically loading modules

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The module loading is async but the implementation has a synchronous nature

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// Dynamically imports a module System.import('path/to/module') .then(module => { // Do something with the module });

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You can use promises to load a batch of modules

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Promise.all( ['pluck', 'format', 'reduce'].map(module => System.import(module))) .then(([pluck, format, reduce]) => { // Modules available in for implementation } );

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ES6 today

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You can use ES6 today by using a transpiler

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The most popular ones are Babel and Traceur

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Babel is going to be part of the next Sprockets release

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Thanks @rafaelrinaldi