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PHP 7 Not for kids

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“ Performance

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“ Mudanças para o usuário

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Static calls to non-static methods

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PHP 4 style constructors

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Removed Extensions and SAPIs Extensions: ereg, mssql, mysql, sybase_ct. Servers APIs: aolserver, apache, apache_hooks, apache2filter, caudium, continuity, isapi, milter, nsapi, phttpd, pi3web, roxen, thttpd, tux, webjames.

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Null coalesce operator

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Null coalesce operator

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Spaceship operator

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Spaceship operator

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Spaceship operator

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Nullable types

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“ Errors and exceptions ╺ Any fatal error can be catch; ╺ E_STRICT notices have been reclassified to E_WARN and E_NOTICE; ╺ Fatal errors are or inherit the class "Error"; ╺ Syntax parsing errors generate "ParseError"; ╺ "Error" and "Exception" implement interface "Throwable".

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“ Errors and exceptions

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“ Errors and exceptions

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“ Scalar type hints ╺ Weak mode; ╺ Strict mode.

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“ Scalar type hints

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“ Scalar type hints * Only non-NaN floats between PHP_INT_MIN and PHP_INT_MAX accepted. † Non-numeric strings not accepted. Numeric strings with trailing characters are accepted, but produce a notice. ‡ Only if it has a __toString method.

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“ Argon2 password hash

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“ libsodium

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“ Mudanças internas

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“ 64-bit support ╺ Strings greater than 2³¹; ╺ Large file support (LFS); ╺ 64-bit integer support.

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“ AST PHP 5 PHP 7 PHP Parser Opcodes Execution PHP Parser AST Opcodes Execution

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“ Hashtable [0]: empty [1]: empty [2]: empty [3]: empty “foo” hash Credits: Nikita Popov

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“ Hashtable [0]: empty [1]: [2]: empty [3]: empty “foo” hash data key: “foo” zval Credits: Nikita Popov

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“ Hashtable [0]: empty [1]: [2]: empty [3]: empty “foo” hash data key: “foo” zval “bar” Credits: Nikita Popov

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“ Hashtable [0]: empty [1]: [2]: empty [3]: empty “foo” hash data key: “foo” “bar” next data key: “bar” next = NULL Credits: Nikita Popov

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“ Hashtable [0]: empty [1]: [2]: empty [3]: empty “foo” hash data key: “foo” “bar” next data key: “bar” next = NULL head tail

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“ Já no PHP7 Hashtable

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“ Hashtable [0]: empty [1]: [2]: empty [3]: “foo” hash data key: “foo” “bar” next data key: “bar” next = NULL “baz” data key: “baz” next = NULL Credits: Nikita Popov

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“ Hashtable [0]: empty [1]: [2]: empty [3]: “foo” hash data key: “foo” next = NULL TOMBSTONE “baz” data key: “baz” next = NULL Credits: Nikita Popov

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“ Hashtable ╺ Hashtable reduced from 72 to 56 bytes; ╺ Bucket reduced from 72 to 32 bytes.

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“ Data structure optimization ╺ Average of 20% of the time in PHP 5 was memory allocation; ╺ Reduced number of allocations; ╺ Reduced memory consumption; ╺ Reduced number of indirect; ╺ Strings are refcounted.

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“ zval Credits: Nikita Popov ty value

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“ zval Credits: Nikita Popov ty value (simple) null, bool, int, float

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“ zval Credits: Nikita Popov ty value (complex) complex data structure: string, array, object

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“ zval Credits: Nikita Popov refcount=1 ty value (complex) complex data structure: string, array, object zval* $a

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“ zval Credits: Nikita Popov refcount=1 ty value (complex) complex data structure: string, array, object zval* $a

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“ zval Credits: Nikita Popov refcount=2 ty value (complex) complex data structure: string, array, object zval* $a zval* $b

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“ zval Nos dias de hoje...

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“ zval Credits: Nikita Popov type_info value (complex) zval* $a zval* $b refcount=2 complex data structure: string, array, object

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“ zval Credits: Nikita Popov type_info value (complex) $a $b refcount=2 complex data structure: string, array, object type_info value (complex)

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PHP5 Credits: Nikita Popov zval* refcount=1 ty value (simple) null, bool, int, float ╺ 1 memory allocation; ╺ 1 level of indirection; ╺ 40 bytes. type_info value (simple) null, bool, int, float PHP7 ╺ no memory allocation; ╺ without indirection; ╺ 16 bytes.

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PHP5 Credits: Nikita Popov zval* refcount=1 ty value (complex) ╺ 2 memory allocation; ╺ 2 levels of indirection; ╺ 40 bytes. type_info value (complex) PHP7 ╺ 1 memory allocation; ╺ 1 level of indirection; ╺ 24 bytes. complex data structure: string, array, object refcount=1 complex data structure: string, array, object

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“ zval

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“ PHP.NEXT ╺ Immutable classes and properties; ╺ Arrow functions; ╺ Traits with interfaces; ╺ Named parameters; ╺ Operator functions.

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