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Production Engineering was created at Facebook to work with engineering teams and partners to champion the Reliability,
Scalability, Performance, and Security posture of production services. PEs are hybrid software and systems engineers; they
are the glue holding things together, whether that’s infrastructure and software or teams and processes.
The true power of Production Engineering comes from developing strong relationships with partner engineering teams and
valuing collaboration and knowledge sharing to build technical expertise and community. PE’s write production code and
solve hard problems in systems serving billions of people across Facebook, services like Instagram, WhatsApp, and Oculus,
and in diverse infrastructure areas like machine learning/inference, storage, and networking.
Production Engineering at Facebook - Engineering at Meta
We adapted ideas to suit our scale with three key goals in reorganizing the teams:
• Focus on automation over manual toil
• Reducing the number of disconnected teams with operational responsibility; and,
• Producing ready to use tools and infrastructure for all Shopify developers
The resulting model was a new organization called Production Engineering. This organization brought together the various
teams that previously split operations responsibility, along with a roughly equal number of developers from other
development teams.
Why Shopify Moved to The Production Engineering Model — Infrastructure