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Monitoring Kubernetes with Kubernetes Meetup Tokyo #2 June 20, 2016

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@spesnova Ops at Increments,Inc

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Qiita A service like a "Medium for developers in Japan"

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Slide mode has been released You can create a simple slide by using markdown on Qiita

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Theme: How to monitor Kubernetes "Monitoring Kubernetes" has two meanings • Monitoring Containers on Kubernetes • Monitoring Kubernetes cluster

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Monitoring Theory

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Datadog Monitoring Theory

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IUUQTEUZSBMMY[ZDMPVEGSPOUOFUCMPHJNBHFTIPXUPNPOJUPSBMFSUJOH@DIBSU@QOH Work metrics Work metrics indicate the top-level health of your system

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IUUQTEUZSBMMY[ZDMPVEGSPOUOFUCMPHJNBHFTIPXUPNPOJUPSBMFSUJOH@DIBSU@QOH Resource metrics A Resource metric measures how much of something is consumed by your system

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IUUQTEUZSBMMY[ZDMPVEGSPOUOFUCMPHJNBHFTIPXUPNPOJUPSBMFSUJOH@DIBSU@QOH Events Events capture what happened, at a point in time, with optional additional info

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IUUQTEUZSBMMY[ZDMPVEGSPOUOFUCMPHJNBHFTIPXUPNPOJUPSJOWFTUJHBUJOH@EJBHSBN@QOH Investigating recursively A work metric can be considered as a resource metric for other system

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Monitoring Containers

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Collecting Overview

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Collecting in servers / DC

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Collecting in servers / DC Scaling doesn’t happen so often Static config works

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Collecting in VMs / Cloud

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Collecting in VMs / Cloud Scaling happens often impossible to manage static config

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Collecting in VMs / Cloud New concepts came out

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Collecting in VMs / Cloud • Auto registration & de-registration • Role based aggregation New concepts came out

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Collecting in containers

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Collecting in containers • Dedicated monitoring agent container • Dynamic locating

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Pattern 1. Agent as side-cars container

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Pattern 1. Agent as side-cars container • Co-locating the agent and target • Grouping them as a Pod

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Pattern 2. Agent with service discovery

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Pattern 2. Agent with service discovery

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• Locate one agent per host • Get containers info from Kubernetes Pattern 2. Agent with service discovery

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Side-cars vs Service Discovery • Side-cars: • pros: simple • cons: bad efficiency • Service Discovery: • pros: efficiency • cons: not simple

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Native Solution

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Native solution

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Native solution 1. cAdvisor collects data on host 2. kubelet fetch data from cAdvisor 3. Heapster gathers and aggregate data from kubelet 4. Heapster pushs aggregated data to InfluxDB 5. InfluxDB stores the data 6. Grafana fetches data from InfluxDB and visualize 7. kubedash fetches data from Heapster and visualize

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cAdvisor • kubelet binary includes cAdvisor • Collects basic resource metrics as default • CPU, Mem, DiskIO, NetworkIO

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Collecting custom metrics NOTE: Custom metrics support is in Alpha (June 20, 2016)

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• Add endpoint which exposes custom metrics • User app: using Prometheus client library • Third-Party app: using Prometheus exporter • Metrics format: Prometheus metrics • Configure cAdvisor to those endpoints Collecting custom metrics NOTE: Custom metrics support is in Alpha (June 20, 2016)

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Prometheus • Inspired by Google's Borgmon monitoring system • Kubernetes and cAdvisor natively support • Kubernetes API - /metrics has prometheus metrics • cAdvisor API - /metrics has prometheus metricc • The second official component by the CNCF An OSS monitoring tool

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Monitoring with

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Why datadog? Picking up some reasons for kubernetes monitoring • Docker, Kubernetes and etcd integration • Long data retention • Events timeline • Query based monitoring

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Long data retention You should care about "roll-up" policy, not only retention period "Pro and Enterprise data retention is for 13 months at full resolution (maximum is one point per second)"

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Events timeline Events will be much more helpful to investigate issues in Kubernetes Many things will be operated automatically in Kubernetes Events will be key to understand what happened

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Query based monitoring • Dynamic location • You will want to view pods by many angles • replicaSet • namespace • labels • cluster wide You can’t track containers with Host-centric monitoring model

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How to setup?

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dd-agent container • dd-agent uses Service Discovery pattern • Deploy dd-agent on all nodes DaemonSets

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dd-agent container # dd-agent.ds.yaml apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: DaemonSet metadata: name: dd-agent spec: … spec: containers: - image: datadog/docker-dd-agent:kubernetes imagePullPolicy: Always name: dd-agent ports: - containerPort: 8125 name: dogstatsdport env: - name: API_KEY value: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" How dd-agent collects basic resource metrics

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dd-agent container How dd-agent collects basic resource metrics $ kubectl create -f ops.namespace.yaml $ kubectl create -f dd-agent.ds.yaml —namespace=ops $ kubectl get nodes --no-headers=true | wc -l 3 $ kubectl get ds —namespace=ops NAME DESIRED CURRENT NODE-SELECTOR AGE dd-agent 3 3 6d

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Collecting basic resource metrics How dd-agent collects basic resource metrics

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• Kubernetes is API promise, everything is plugable Replace behind cAdvisor • Fetch Pods list from kubelet to invest metadata • Fetch Pods metrics from cAdvisor Collecting basic resource metrics How dd-agent collects basic resource metrics

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Collecting custom metrics How dd-agent collects custom metrics (dd-agent’s Service Discovery feature)

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Collecting custom metrics 1. User sets "config template" for an image to KV store 2. dd-agent fetches "config template" from KV store 3. dd-agent fetches pods list from kubelet 4. dd-agent creates monitoring config for the image 5. dd-agent monitors containers • which are created from the image • which are on same host with dd-agent How dd-agent collects custom metrics (dd-agent’s Service Discovery feature)

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Collecting custom metrics How dd-agent collects custom metrics (dd-agent’s Service Discovery feature) /datadog/ check_configs/ docker_image_0/ - check_names: ["check_name_0"] - init_configs: [{init_config}] - instances: [{instance_config}] docker_image_1/ - check_names: ["check_name_1"] - init_configs: [{init_config}] - instances: [{instance_config}] … …

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Collecting custom metrics How dd-agent collects custom metrics (dd-agent’s Service Discovery feature) $ etcdctl mkdir /datadog/check_configs/nginx-example $ etcdctl set /datadog/check_configs/nginx-example/check_names '["nginx"]' $ etcdctl set /datadog/check_configs/nginx-example/init_configs '[{}]' $ etcdctl set /datadog/check_configs/nginx-example/instances '[{"nginx_status_url": "http://%%host%%:%%port%%/nginx_status/", "tags": "%%tags%%"}]'

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Collecting custom metrics How dd-agent collects custom metrics (dd-agent’s Service Discovery feature) # dd-agent.ds.yaml env: - name: SD_BACKEND value: "docker" - name: SD_CONFIG_BACKEND value: "etcd" - name: SD_BACKEND_HOST value: "" - name: SD_BACKEND_PORT value: ""

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Collecting custom metrics How dd-agent collects custom metrics (dd-agent’s Service Discovery feature) • Currently image name format (this will be updated soon) NG: "repo/user/image_name:tag" • Managing config templates in KV store git2etcd or git2consul is useful • dd-agent watches the KV store new config template will be applied immediately

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Monitoring Cluster

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What are work metrics for Kubernetes? How do you measure Kubernetes health and performance? • AFAIK there is no endpoint which has entire cluster health • Kubernetes responsibility: • Scheduling pods • Running services At lease if pods and services are healthy, I can say "Kubernetes is working" Monitor pods and services But this approach makes investigation harder…

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What are work metrics for Kubernetes? How do you measure Kubernetes health and performance? IUUQTEUZSBMMY[ZDMPVEGSPOUOFUCMPHJNBHFTIPXUPNPOJUPSJOWFTUJHBUJOH@EJBHSBN@QOH • Kubernetes is composed by many services • There is no "top-level" system like a traditional web app one service can be a resource for other services Kubernetes work metrics is a collection of each service’s work metrics

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Kubernetes components • kubelet • etcd • pods in "kube-system"

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Monitoring kubelet • Datadog has some checks for kubelet • check kubelet is running (with ping) • check docker is running • check synloop

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Monitoring etcd • Datadog has etcd integration • etcd has /stats endpoint which has statistics Datadog uses this endpoint Useful for work metrics (throughput, success, error, latency) • etcd has /metrics endpoint which has Prometheus metrics Includes work and resource metrics (internal metrics)

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Monitoring pods in "kube-system" # query sum:docker.containers.stopped{ kube_namespace:kube-system } by {kubernetescluster} You can see how many pods are stopped and health • componentstatus API

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Monitoring apiserver Many services use apiserver as resource • /healthz/ping endpoint for health check You can use Datadog’s http_check for it • /metrics endpoint has Prometheus metrics about API Currently dd-agent don’t use it It will be useful for collecting work and metrics

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Monitoring nodes • dd-agent container also monitors host • You can filter nodes by "kubernetes" tag

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Recap • Datadog monitoring theory is useful whatever you monitor • Side-cars or Service Discovery • Query based monitoring • Monitor each components for cluster monitoring

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Questions Questions from me! • Labeling best practice • What kind of labels should I add • How do you create and manage k8s cluster? • Do you separate cluster by environment like production and staging?

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