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Just-So Stories for AI Explaining Black Box Predictions Sam Ritchie (@sritchie) Strange Loop 2017 St Louis, Missouri

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Outline • ML Techniques for detecting Fraud • Interpretable Models vs “Black Box” Models • Explanations (?) for Black Box Models • Why this is so important!

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class BinaryClassifier { def predict(features: Map[String, FeatureValue]) : Double // % chance of fraud - [0, 1] }

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Decision Trees :)

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Decision Trees :) • Interpretable

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Decision Trees :) • Interpretable • Every decision has a built-in explanation!

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Decision Trees :) • Interpretable • Every decision has a built-in explanation! • Easy to Trust

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Decision Trees :) • Interpretable • Every decision has a built-in explanation! • Easy to Trust • NOT a Black Box.

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Decision Trees :(

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Decision Trees :( • Shallow trees are not very accurate

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Decision Trees :( • Shallow trees are not very accurate • Deep trees are not interpretable

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Decision Trees :( • Shallow trees are not very accurate • Deep trees are not interpretable • Deep trees can overfit to a training set

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Decision Trees :( • Shallow trees are not very accurate • Deep trees are not interpretable • Deep trees can overfit to a training set • Limitations on Public Data

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Random Forest

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Random Forest

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Random Forest

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Random Forest

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Random Forest

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200 Trees 12k Splits / Tree 2.4M Possible “Explanations”

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Post-Hoc Explanations

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Paths are Rules

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case class Predicate( name: String, op: Operation, constant: FeatureValue ) val predicate = Predicate( “unique_card_ip_address_24_hrs”, Op.Gt, 10)

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case class Explanation(preds: List[Predicate]) val explanations = Explanation( List( Predicate( “unique_card_ip_address_24_hrs”, Op.Gt, 10), Predicate( “billing_country_matches_card_country”, Op.NotEq, true), Predicate(“card_type”, Op.Eq, “mastercard”) ))

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type Model = Vector[Explanation] type ExplanationModel = Vector[(Model, Label, ScoreRange)] Explanation Model Structure

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Training Explanation Models 1. Generate a ton of possible predicates 2. weight predicates by precision given SOME recall (5% or higher) 3. Sample top-N predicates (1000 or so) 4. Set those aside 5. Combine all predicates to make N x N "explanations" 6. GO back to step 3! 7. Iterate... 8. Set aside the highest precision “explanation” of ALL. 9. Toggle the positives that this catches, go back to 2. 10. COVERAGE! (~80 explanations)

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{ "prediction": 0.48, "threshold": 0.3, "explanation": [ { "feature": "unique_card_ip_address_24_hrs", "op": ">", "constant": 10 }, { "feature": "billing_country_matches_card_country", "op": "!=", "constant": true }, { "feature":"card_type", "op": "==", "constant": "mastercard" }]}

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{ "feature": "unique_card_ip_address_24_hrs", "op": ">", "constant": 10 }

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{ "feature": "unique_card_ip_address_24_hrs", "op": ">", "constant": 10 }

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“Humans decisions might admit post-hoc interpretability despite the black box nature of human brains, revealing a contradiction between two popular notions of interpretability.”

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“You can ask a human, but… what cognitive psychologists have discovered is that when you ask a human you’re not really getting at the decision process. They make a decision first, and then you ask, and then they generate an explanation and that may not be the true explanation.” - Peter Norvig

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P. 65, “Waking Up” by Sam Harris

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"In the rush to gain acceptance for machine learning and to emulate human intelligence, we should be careful not to reproduce pathological behavior at scale."

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“If I apply for a loan and I get turned down, whether it’s by a human or by a machine, and I say what’s the explanation, and it says well you didn’t have enough collateral. That might be the right explanation or it might be it didn’t like my skin colour. And I can’t tell from that explanation.”

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In Conclusion…

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Sam Ritchie (@sritchie) Strange Loop 2017 :: St Louis, Missouri Thanks!