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Focus on your strengths in a biased tech world @magdamiu

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Unconscious biases are learned assumptions, beliefs, or attitudes that we aren’t necessarily aware of. Unconscious bias is a cognitive shortcut based on our experiences and cultural norms. The human brain can process 11 million bits of information every second. But our conscious minds can handle only 40 to 50 bits of information a second.

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WORKPLACE BIASES SIMILARITY When individuals have traits similar to ours, we are more likely to see them favorably. EXPEDIENCE Individuals tend to rush to conclusions to minimize cognitive effort. EXPERIENCE People are predisposed to believe that their understanding of the world is more accurate than anyone else’s perspective. DISTANCE Individuals tend to assign greater value to what is closer than what is further away. SAFETY Humans are more likely to over-account for negative outcomes than positive ones, which prevents us from taking risks.

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Candidate / Employee Employer Software HOW A BIAS AFFECTS US

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Step 1 Recognize that you have biases Step 2 Identify and analyse what those biases are Step 3 Decide which of your biases you will address first Step 4 Build a plan and get rid of your biases 4 Steps to Identify and Address Unconscious Bias

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The Landscape of Doubt HUBRIS prepare MYOPIA challenge PARALYSIS learn ANGST validate Fearless Anxiety Not knowing Knowing

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How to build a Professional Development Plan Assess Where I am now 01 OKRs What I want to achieve 02 Retro How it was and what’s next 04 Review What I achieved 03

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Assess yourself - Where I am now ● Knowing yourself is critical ○ Knowing your strengths, interests, values, experiences, skills and abilities —these are what you will bring to the workplace ○ These are your unique talents—only you can bring these to the positions you seek ● Personal SWOT analysis ● The Big Five ● Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ● DISC personality STEP 1

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Personal SWOT Analysis Strengths Advantages like: skills, achievements, certifications, education, connections Weaknesses Skills that should be improved (technical or work habits) Opportunities Events, conferences, new role/project, industry growing Threats Impediments at work, changes, weaknesses lead to threats S O W T Here you can evaluate your profile

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How to identify your strengths ● Listen to feedback ● Consider your passions ● Pay attention to when you are most productive ● Ask others directly ● Take a personality test (Gallup - CliftonStrengths®) ● Seek out new experiences

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Gallup - CliftonStrengths® Domains Influencing Relationship Building Executing Achiever Arranger Belief Consistency Deliberative Discipline Focus Responsibility Restorative Strategic Thinking Activator Command Communication Competition Maximizer Self-Assurance Significance Woo Adaptability Connectedness Developer Empathy Harmony Includer Individualization Positivity Relator Analytical Context Futuristic Ideation Input Intellection Learner Strategic

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OKRs - What I want to achieve ● OKR (Objectives and Key Results) is a goal system used to create alignment and engagement around measurable goals. ○ Objective => WHAT ○ Key results => HOW ● Select between 3 and 5 OKRs ● “It’s not a key result unless it has a number” - Marissa Mayer ● Collect your resources (VARK learning styles) ○ Seminars, webinars, or workshops ○ Learning and development resources ○ Professional networks ○ Continuing education institutions ○ Social media platforms STEP 2

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8 Time Management Techniques 1 . POMODORO TECHNIQUE Is a way to break your workday into productive sessions and breaks. 2. GETTING THINGS DONE (GTD) The more information you’re trying to keep track of, the less likely you are to be productive and focus on your tasks. 3. THE 1-3-5 METHOD Write down 9 tasks that you’d like to accomplish every day but separate them into 5 small tasks, 3 medium tasks, and 1 big task. 4. THE DO IT NOW RULE If a task will take you less than a few minutes, do it immediately. 5. EAT THE FROG Is built on the idea of getting the worst part of your day (e.g., eating a frog) done first. 6. TIMEBOXING Is a goal-oriented time management technique where each task has an associated timebox—or the amount of time in which that task should be completed. 7. TIME BLOCKING Block dedicated periods on your calendar for groups of similar tasks. 8. PARETO PRINCIPLE 80% of outcomes come from 20% of causes, find out which of the tasks will have the highest impact.

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Build good habits that help you to achieve your objectives 1. TRIGGER Make it obvious 2. CRAVING Make it attractive 3. RESPONSE Make it easy 4. REWARD Make it satisfying

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Break bad habits that help you to achieve your objectives 1. TRIGGER Make it invisible 2. CRAVING Make it unattractive 3. RESPONSE Make it difficult 4. REWARD Make it unsatisfying

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Review - What I achieved ● Keep notes of your accomplishments ● Score your results ● Continuous feedback => continuous development ○ Find a mentor STEP 3

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Retrospective - How it was and what’s next ● Did I accomplish all of my objectives? ○ YES => what contributed to my success? ○ NO => what obstacles did I encounter? ● Repeat the process STEP 4

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LESSONS LEARNED ● You are 100% responsible for your career success ● Remember to have courage and challenge yourself ● Find a mentor to boost your career ● If it’s difficult, take a break, then start over

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THANK YOU! Do you have any questions? @magdamiu Slides on LinkedIn & Twitter

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Source: https:/ / Interests Things you’re currently interested in and curious about Strengths List your innate talents, learned skills, and acquired training and knowledge Resources List your assets, including tangible items and intangible items (like time or a large network). Intuition What does your gut say about your purpose? PURPOSE Start with WHY - defining your purpose

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OKR sample Learn Kotlin for Android Development 6 months / weekly review Quantity Goal Quality Goal Result 1 Kotlin Koan per week Learn specific features of the language => 1 feature / week Exercise often and on a set of Koans proposed by JetBrains Write one detailed article about a specific topic per month Improve my writing skills and learn by teaching to others Learn new things, help the community and get feedback 3 code samples runned per week Get a repo with samples that I can re-check (use ktlint) Gain real experience in programming using Kotlin