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Our communities are separated into silos; they are a collection of institutions and programs operating near one another but not overlapping or touching. —Peter Block

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We’re living in the world of technological connectedness and emotional detachment.

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We participate in flea markets of human interaction.

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How will we gather in the dawn of technological advancement?

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The desire for interpersonal attachment may well be one of the most far-reaching and integrative constructs currently available to understand human nature. —Roy Baumeister and Mark Leary

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Communities are platforms for belonging.

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Society operates on the idea of fitting in.

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People are building blocks of communities.

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How do we make everyone feel welcome?

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Communities are as strong as bonds between its members.

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Commitment comes from different motivations.

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Good leadership is necessary but misunderstood.

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We are fascinated with out leaders. That’s all that counts is what leaders do. —Peter Block

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Leadership was never about power, but empowerment.

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Caring for persons, the more able and the less able serving each other, is the rock upon which a good society is built. —Robert Greenleaf

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We cannot coexist without effective, emphatic way to talk to each other.

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Communication is the mortar that holds together whatever structure you decide to build. —Colin Wright

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Our communities are exclusive.

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Inclusion is inherently about exclusion. —Elle McCann

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We only diversify endpoints.

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We are full of egos.

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We require uncompromised passion.

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We expect more from technology and less from each other. —Sherry Turkle

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We misplace attention.

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Enabling participatory culture —building with, not for.

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Redefining leadership.

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Giving back the courage to claim what’s rightfully ours.

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Embracing and practicing vulnerability.

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Fostering candour and empathy.

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Empathy conveys one simple acknowledgment: You are not alone.

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Learning non-violent communication.

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Shifting from quantitive diversity to qualitative inclusivity.

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Enforcing behavioural norms and conflict handling.

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Deemphasising bad actors.

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Vocalising zero tolerance policies with Code of Conduct.

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Building frameworks for reporting rule violations.

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Our future understanding of what makes for healthy, safe, and sustainable Internet communities will hopefully make us embarrassed of this era. —Adam Brault

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Let’s make the future worth being proud from.