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W A I T … D E S I G N ? I N T R O D U C T I O N

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“We’ve been building this brand new app using cutting-edge technologies for X months, but eventually it was NEVER LAUNCHED…” S O U N D S F A M I L I A R ?

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“I’ve published this NPM package that I spent X months working on, but for some reason NO ONE REALLY USES IT…” S O U N D S F A M I L I A R ?

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W H Y M Y S T A R T U P / P R O J E C T / L I B R A R Y / I S N ’ T S U C C E S S F U L poor marketing

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W H Y M Y S T A R T U P / P R O J E C T / L I B R A R Y / I S N ’ T S U C C E S S F U L poor marketing not the right team

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run out of cash / energy W H Y M Y S T A R T U P / P R O J E C T / L I B R A R Y / I S N ’ T S U C C E S S F U L poor marketing not the right team

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run out of cash / energy W H Y M Y S T A R T U P / P R O J E C T / L I B R A R Y / I S N ’ T S U C C E S S F U L poor marketing not the right team no market need

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run out of cash / energy W H Y M Y S T A R T U P / P R O J E C T / L I B R A R Y / I S N ’ T S U C C E S S F U L poor marketing not the right team no market need ⇵ doesn’t solve anyone’s problem

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the art of solving problems D E S I G N

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Can D esign P rinciples Help Me To Become a Be tter Software Engin ee r? A L E X E Y T A K T A R O V @ M L F R G S P B F R O N T E N D M E E T U P — 0 5 / 0 3 / 2 0 1 9 !

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T H E O R I G I N S O F D E S I G N C H A P T E R 1

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BAUHAUS school of design: art and technology — a new unity 1 9 1 9 — 1 9 3 3

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Bauhaus building in Dessau, designed by Walter Gropius

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Founded in 1919 by Walter Gropius, BAUHAUS mission was to research multidisciplinary art through: C O LO U R T H E O RY, G E O M E T RY, PAT T E R N S A N D M AT E R I A L S

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Gunta Stölzl, 1927 Paul Klee Wassily Kandinsky, 1922

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Most of the artwork was still not available to the general audience.

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Most of the artwork was still not available to the general audience. A P R O D U C T D E S I G N However, BAUHAUS gave birth to what later will be called:

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Wilhelm Wagenfeld, 1923 Marcel Breuer, 1925

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The school was shot down by the Nazis in 1933. ✕

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The school was shot down by the Nazis in 1933. ✕ The artists moved to the U.S., Britain, or Russia, where they were well accepted and took the school tradition to other institutions. ← → →

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Technologies and materials discovered through the war meet the consumer market T H E P O S T W A R D E S I G N

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To make individual products attractive to customers. T H E N E W R O L E O F D E S I G N Max Bill’s wall clock for Junhangs, 1956

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Braun T-24 by Dieter Rams, 1956 Tizio desk lamp by Richard Sapper, 1972

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Nikon-1, 1948 IBM corporate identity, by Paul Rand, 1956 Atari 2600, 1977

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A P P L Y I N G T H E R U L E S O F D E S I G N C H A P T E R 2

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Are there any methods of design that can be applied in Software Engineering? Q U E S T I O N

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“Since the early 50s the activity of designing has been the subject of systematic and scientific analysis, it has been codified into a set of procedures … by manufacturing corporations (Philips, IBM)” P E T E R D O R M E R , “ D E S I G N S I N C E 1 9 4 5 ”

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turns out there are dozens of them…

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V I S I B I L I T Y P R I N C I P L E the more visible functions are, the more likely users will be able to know what to do next. prioritise important functions!

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Panasonic RQ-2101 Panasonic RQ-2105 Visibility Recording is what matters now

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// Cancels an active subscription // and sends a confirmation email function cancelSubscription(user, email, testMode) { // ... } cancelSubscription(user, "[email protected]", false);

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function cancelSubscription(user, email = null, testMode = false) // better! function cancelSubscription(user, options = {}) cancelSubscription(user) cancelSubscription(user, { sendConfirmationTo: '[email protected]', testMode: true }) // Ruby cancel_subscription(user, with_test_mode: true)

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C O N S T R A I N T S P R I N C I P L E an artificially reduced complexity may improve the user experience

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No content

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A S M A R T D O O R L O C K F O U N D I N S W E D E N has only 4 digits, order does not matter 44 = 256 combinations code is 2244 — damn easy to remember

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A S M A R T D O O R L O C K F O U N D I N S W E D E N has only 4 digits, order does not matter 44 = 256 combinations code is 2244 — damn easy to remember

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F E E D B A C K & M A P P I N G P R I N C I P L E S a relationship between user’s actions and effects in the real world

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Mapping When I press ▶ the wheel starts to spin Panasonic RQ-2105 Feedback A button: press to activate, immediate physical feedback

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Feedback & Mapping — is what makes users feel confident with your product. It also powers the creativity.

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Let’s say you’re working on an interactive part of your app that is only activated when a specific element gets into a viewport. E X A M P L E F R O M E N G I N E E R I N G

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Let’s say you’re working on an interactive part of your app that is only activated when a specific element gets into a viewport. E X A M P L E F R O M E N G I N E E R I N G This looks like a black-box, developing this becomes painful: code → refresh → scroll → …

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— proper decomposition — reducing side-effects — testing and TDD — development tools R E D U C I N G T H E F E E D B A C K C Y C L E

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Saving in time feels like simplicity T H E L A W O F S I M P L I C I T Y

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Saving in time feels like simplicity T H E L A W O F S I M P L I C I T Y # code > create-react-app new-app # test > npx localtunnel --port 8080 # deploy > now

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A F F O R D A N C E P R I N C I P L E an attribute of an object that allows people to know how to use it

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Yamaha CR-600 Affordance A Control Knob reflects the natural movement pattern

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A F F O R D A N C E C A N B E I M P L I E D B Y T H E C O N T E X T A Lemon Squeezer by Philippe Starck, 1990

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{matches =>
} Function-as-a-Prop pattern popularised by React-Motion is now widely accepted by the developers

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} Function-as-a-Prop pattern popularised by React-Motion is now widely accepted by the developers

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A D E S I G N P R O C E S S C H A P T E R 3

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Empathy → Problem → Solution → Insight → UX

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Empathy → Problem → Solution → Insight → DX ▶ Alex Kotliarskyi: Facebook product Infrastructure as a developer I know that … … building complex UIs is hard an idea of reconcilation UI(data) React

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S T O R Y T E L L I N G I N D E S I G N a good design is about telling stories

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Feature: uploader with file storage and versions I want to upload files to the filesystem Background: Given an uploader class that uses the 'file' storage And that the uploader class has a version named 'thumb' Scenario: store a file When I store the file 'fixtures/bork.txt' Then there should be a file at 'public/uploads/bork.txt' Cucumber (BDD) is a great example of storytelling in software design

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Timecop’s (a Ruby gem for time travel in tests) design is based on a 1994 sci-fi movie with the same name starring Jean-Claude Van Damme Timecop.freeze(1.week.ago) sleep(10) new_time == # ==> true Timecop.return # "turn off" Timecop

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A R E W E T H E D E S I G N E R S ? C H A P T E R 4

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“Designer — is a planner with an aesthetic sense. He has an ability to respond to whatever demand is made of him … and he helps people to solve certain problems without stylistic preconceptions” B R U N O M U N A R I , “ D E S I G N A S A R T ”

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“Designer — is a planner with an aesthetic sense. He has an ability to respond to whatever demand is made of him … and he helps people to solve certain problems without stylistic preconceptions” B R U N O M U N A R I , “ D E S I G N A S A R T ” Engineer

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Our job as engineers is not about writing code, it’s about solving problems and being responsible for the solution.

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Victor Papanek Design for the Real World Don Norman The Design of Everyday Things Deyan Sudjic The Language of Things John Maeda The Laws of Simplicity • Peter Dormer, “Design Since 1945” • Charlotte and Peter Fiell, “The Story of Design” • ▶ Mike Monteiro, "How Designers Destroyed the World” • ▶ Hainbach YouTube Channel