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git in teams Jenni Naiaretti | forLoop

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the team ● Solo ● Strangers ● Colleagues

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why git? Maintain back ups Stage your growth Create versions Remote access Neat experiments Multitask Mix and match Keep records

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workflows ● Centralised ● Feature branch ● GitFlow ● Forking

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centralised * git is a distributed vcs and encourages collaboration One main upstream branch 1..* local branches Merges are paced

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feature branch Commits for a feature are in one branch Branch naming convention { != developer-a} Master is official Parent node of every branch Branches stay in sync Merge when done Review finished work Spot drastic changes Delete after merging

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gitflow Feature + extra branching Production/stable branch master Development branch dev Feature branches Release branches Hotfix branches

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MASTER BRANCH No direct pushes Tag all merges; annotate Update master through release/hotfix branches DEV BRANCH master -> dev Stay in sync with master Should ideally be stable, cover with tests gitflow

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FEATURE BRANCHES Based off of dev NOT master master -> dev <-> feature RELEASE BRANCH Test & fix bugs* Change log & Documentation Version product (tag number) master <- release <-> dev <-> feature gitflow

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HOTFIX BRANCH dev not ready but master can’t wait Create from master master <-> hotfix -> release <-> dev <-> feature master <-> hotfix -> dev <-> feature gitflow

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Omnipresent repository Track upstream remote git remote add upstream repo.git Git pull upstream stable/master My forked repo: me@host forking

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Pushes are restricted to project owner(s) Tag, you’re it! Share one fork - third party project Multiple forks per member: in-house Dependency CI forking

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Merging Pull request → Upstream accepts Fix conflicts and test locally Fetch git merge FETCH_HEAD forking

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damage control ● Pass the test ● Grep ● Ctrl+Z ● Bisect ● Blame someone

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debugging Git is not God Test stable/master branch GREP Search for a pattern View the file lines/name *Rollback a release or checkout a working revision

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the good, the bad, the broken BISECT Initiate a bisect investigation Specify the bad and the good revisions Test manually or run a test script Locate where the problem was introduced git bisect start git bisect bad git bisect good [] git bisect reset

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it was working yesterday! You can blame CLI or Toolkits shipped with git {gitk} Clients Git services It’s all in the setup Use coding conventions to avoid false accusations Understand before you change Who should merge

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people & projects ● Security ● Access management ● Identities

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security & access Don’t track sensitive info Team-defined standards Configurations: personal + team defined rm is not enough Branch restriction/protection Alerts

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tips Init & update all submodules in repo Git clone -- recursive repo.git See more detail by adding -p to most commands Stay on top of stashes with meaningful messages git add can/accept multiple.files *.twig git clean -n instead of rm-ing each file Git GUI Clients

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useful resources Cheat sheet: Damage control flowchart: Getting git right: GitHub git cheat sheet: GitHub help: Git SCM: How to: How to use git & GitHub: Learn git on the browser: