Slide 14
Slide 14 text
Leveraging DevOps Practices
DevOps DataOps
Incremental , continuous
Data needs to be mined and business intelligence analyzed at speed and with adaptability too.
Systems from backlog to deployment must handle data needs.
CICD & DevOps Toolchains Teams working with data need to leverage the power of automation to maximise throughput
and stability and provide CICD capabilities and limited blast radius.
The Three Ways We want to accelerate flow, amplify feedback and use our data to drive experiments too.
Monitoring and observability are key with AI for feedback.
A high-trust, collaborative
In order to build trust in a DevOps culture we have data-driven, not opinion driven conversations.
Data must be available real-time, on demand and via self-service.
Value stream centric working Truly understanding flow, means all people in the value stream have a profound understanding
of the end-to-end system and this is driven by data insights.
“We build it, we own it.” Teams must be multifunctional, cross-skilling must be standard practice, it must be quick and
easy to get results from tools - choose those designed with usability.
Focus on value outcomes Insights lead to decisions lead to measurement experience improvements for the customer: AI
accelerates mean time to outcome (MTTO).