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…at school

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…at work

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Productivity is crucial

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The Productive Developer P. Mihaylov, WordCamp Sofia 2017

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Trainer Developer Speaker /PreslavMihaylov Blogging at

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How will this go… But how to implement? What kills our productivity? 30% 60% Q&A 10%

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What kills our productivity?

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Eliminate distractions

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Do tasks in bulk

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Big tasks…

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can be taken step by step

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But how to implement?

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25 min work 5 min break

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Sounds silly?

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Human attention span Attention Time Source:

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When eating an elephant take one bite at a time

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Breaks are good for you

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One more thing...

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KanbanFlow Live Demo

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If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it Peter Drucker “

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Not simply work

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Productive work

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In Sum…

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Productivity is crucial

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Use the right tools…

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/PreslavMihaylov Blogging at …and achieve your optimal performance

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Resources The Productive Developer Keeping yourself organized in today’s world Pomodoro Technique Illustrated * * *