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RXJS: Observables 101 By Maina Wycliffe

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ReactiveX JavaScript (RXJS) ● RXJS is a JavaScript Implementation of ReactiveX Library ● ReactiveX is a library for composing async events using the observer pattern ● ReactiveX is a combination of the best ideas from the Observer pattern, the Iterator pattern, and functional programming ● The observer pattern is a software design pattern where a subject maintains a list of listeners (observers) and notifies them of any changes. ● ReactiveX is not specific to JavaScript and there are implementation for other languages such as RxJava, RxDart, RxPHP, RxGo, etc.

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RXJS Concepts ● Observable – future values/events ● Observer – listener to observable ● Subscription – execution of observable ● Operators – pure function for transforming streams ● Subject – Allow multiple observers ● Schedulers – control concurrency, enable coordination

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Why use Observables ● Use of Pure Functions ● Control the flow of streams/data/events ● Transform Values ● Support for Multiple Languages

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Example Listening to a Button Click Event

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Operators They are pure functions Allow easy composition in declarative approach Key to RXJS Kinds of Operators ● Pipeable Operators ● Creation Operators

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Pipeable Operators A Pipeable Operator is a function that takes an Observable as its input and returns another Observable. It is a pure operation: the previous Observable stays unmodified.

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Examples of Pipeable Operators ● takeLast ● takeUntil ● takeWhile ● map ● mapTo ● mergeMap ● mergeMapTo ● tap ● catchError ● retry ● retryWhen ● combineLatest ● concat ● forkJoin ● merge ● race ● zip

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Creation Operators This is a function that creates a new Observable with some common predefined behaviour or by joining other Observables.

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Creation Operators Example 2: Interval Operator

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Examples of Creation Operators ● ajax ● bindCallback ● bindNodeCallback ● defer ● empty ● from ● fromEvent ● fromEventPattern ● generate ● interval ● of ● range ● throwError ● timer ● iif

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Subjects ● A Subject is like an Observable but can multicast to many Observers. ● They maintain a registry of many listeners. ● Every Subject is an Observable ● Observer can not distinguish between an Observable and a Subject ● Unlike Observables, subscribe doesn’t invoke execution, it simply registers the observer

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Subjects ● Unlike an Observable, a subject has the following methods • next(v) – feed new value to the subject • error(e) – feed an error value to the subject • complete() – Close the subject

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Example of a Subject

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There are 3 variants of Subjects: • BehaviorSubject • ReplaySubject • AsyncSubject Types of Subjects

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BehaviorSubject ● Stores the last value emitted to its consumers as the current value ● Emits the current value in store whenever a new observer subscribes ● Must be initialized by a value ● Example personal age or total vote count.

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ReplaySubject ● Records multiple values from an observable execution ● Replays all those values to new subscribers ● The number of values recorded is specified during creating ● Records all values if none is specified

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AsyncSubject ● Only the last value of the Observable execution is sent to the observables ● Only sent when the execution completes

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● ● ● ● Additional Resources

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