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Alice and travelling back in time

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Roksolana Diachuk • Big Data Developer at Captify • Diversity & Inclusion ambassador at Captify • Women Who Code Kyiv Data Engineering Lead • Speaker

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In previous episodes talks…

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Functional forest

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magic-db- cluster-0

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2 years later

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magic-db- cluster-0 Long time no see! !

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NAME READY STATUS AGE launcher-crd 1/1 Running 33s magic-db- cluster-0

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3 months passed

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{ “predictions”: [ [ “B-natural phenomenon”, “O”, “B-geographical entity”, “B-time indicator”, ] ] }

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{ “instances”: [Pods and higher- order functions are in danger]} Test

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5 Days passed

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“Oh, don’t be rude, Alice!
 I will only entertain you a bit with my riddle” “Like it explains anything”

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What was lost can be found only in the anomalies of this world

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ML model Source data Anomalies detected

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01010100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110000 01100001 01110011 …

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No content

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The past is the key to the future

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1 Day LAter

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Alice kept thinking of the note she got and the journey which led her to it. Was someone helping her? And what this note actually means?

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“I need to check magic-db”

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alice% _

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alice% _ You’re now connected to the magic-db

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magicdb event_date = 20140608 event_hour = 1402185600 event_hour = 1402196720 … event_date = 20140609 … event_date = 20211031

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“Wait, there’re some tools that allow to look into data versions”

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No content

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Cloud storage Delta lake storage layer Apache Spark services

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Data fi les Metadata Storage layer

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Ingestion tables Re fi ned tables Agg data store

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ACID Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability

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Transactions issue in Spark Failure during write —> data loss Data update —> data is not consistent

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ACID transactions Schema enforcement Metadata handling Upserts and deletes Time travel

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Time travel “That’s exactly what I need”

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magicdb event_date = 20140608 event_hour = 1402185600 event_hour = 1402196720 … event_date = 20140609 … _metadata

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“Hm, there are already metadata fi les available”

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magicdb _last_checkpoint 00000000000000005536 … _metadata 00000000000000005537 00000000000000005538 00000000000000005539

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Delta lake setup libraryDependencies += “” %% “delta-core” % “1.1.0” val spark = SparkSession .builder()
 .con fi g(“spark.sql.extensions”, “”)
 .con fi g(“spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog”, “”) .getOrCreate()

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Timestamp Entity_name Entity_type Belongs to 2014-06-07 factory-worker-0 Pod StatefulSet 2014-06-07 factory-worker-1 Pod StatefulSet 2014-06-07 factory-worker-2 Pod StatefulSet …“delta”).load(“/magic-db”)

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“It’s possible to look directly into the history of the data!”

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Version Timestamp User Operation Comment 1 2014-06-07 Architect CREATE Default name space city 2 2014-06-08 Architect CREATE Factory … val deltaTable = DeltaTable.forPath(spark, “/magic-db”) deltaTable.history()

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0. World creation

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1. Default namespace city creation

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2. Factory creation

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3. Forest discovery

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4. The fi rst human’s visit

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5. Pod lost NAME READY STATUS AGE pod/magic-db-cluster-0 1/1 Error 15m pod/magic-db-cluster-1 1/1 Running 15m pod/magic-db-cluster-2 1/1 Running 15m

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Slide 47 text .format(“delta”) .option(“versionAsOf”, “4”) .load(“/magic-db”) . fi lter($“entity_type” == “Pod”) .count Result: 10400

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Slide 48 text .format(“delta”) .option(“versionAsOf”, “5”) .load(“/magic-db”) . fi lter($“entity_type” == “Pod”) .count Result: 10399

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6. Anomalies PodLost PodLost PodLost PodLost PodLost PodLost

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“What happened to the pods?”

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7. Second human’s visit

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8. Factory failure

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“Although there was this mysterious visitor…”

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Alice was sitting at the cafe. Even her favourite cheesecake could not console her. She knew s h e h a d t o d o something to save the pods and higher-order functions.

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“I can just write them back into the database”

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val newPods = Seq( (“2021-11-01”, “magic-db-0”, “Pod”, “CRD”), (“2021-11-01”, “magic-db-1”, “Pod”, “CRD”), (“2021-11-01”, “magic-db-2”, “Pod”, “CRD”), ).toDF("timestamp", “entity_name”, “entity_type”, “belongs_to”)

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 .write .format(“delta”) .mode(SaveMode.Append) .save(“/magic-db”)“delta”) .load(“/magic-db”)
 . fi lter($“entity_type” == “Pod”) .orderBy($“timestamp”.desc)

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Timestamp Entity_name Entity_type Belongs to 2021-11-01 magic-db-0 Pod CRD 2021-11-01 magic-db-1 Pod CRD 2021-11-01 magic-db-2 Pod CRD …

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val deltaTable = DeltaTable.forPath(“/magic-db”)

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val deltaTable = DeltaTable.forPath(“/magic-db”)

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Version Timestamp User Operation Comment 9 2021-11-01 Alice CREATE New pods created 10 2021-11-01 System DELETE All pods lost val deltaTable = DeltaTable.forPath(spark, “/magic-db”) deltaTable.history()

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10. All pods lost

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 . fi lter($“entity_type” == “Pod”) .count Result: 0

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“Hm, there was nothing about the functional forest”

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Slide 67 text .format(“delta”) .option(“versionAsOf”, “4”) .load(“/magic-db”)
 .select(“entity_type”).distinct Result: Pod, ReplicaSet, Deployment, CRD…

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“What if the architect could help me?”

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“I should fi nd a way to help them”

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“I need to get back to the world of pods and higher-order functions”

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To be continued…

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Thank you for attention

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My contact info dead_flowers22 roksolana-d roksolanadiachuk roksolanad