What is really
a value
Does it matter
what teams
look like?
We spent X
months making
product teams
now this?!
How many
should we
Slide 5
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Yeah, how is that different?
Component teams
Feature teams
Delivery teams
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Value Stream
Mapping Teams to Value Streams
Slide 7
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Team assigned to value stream?
Business Domain Expertise
End-to-End Capability
End-to-End Responsibility
Dunbar’s numbers
Product teams Funded for outcomes
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Complexity is too big for the team!
Slide 9
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Complexity is too big for the team!
Slide 10
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Complexity is too big for the team!
Slide 11
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Complexity is too big for the team!
Slide 12
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Done! Done?
Are we there
Slide 13
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Show me the
Value Steam .. I’ll
map the team
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Value Stream
Mapping Teams to Value Streams
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What is really a value stream?
Slide 16
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Think Mars
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Think Mars
Slide 18
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What is really
a value
Does LoB/BU =
Value Stream?
We spent X
months making
product teams
now this?!
How many
should we
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Composable Applications
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Think Automotive
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Value Streams
Multidimensional & Networked!!!
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Consider the system (Fast Flow Of Value)
People (Teams)
Tech (Architecture) Process (SDLC)
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Always start & end with the Customer
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Value Streams & Value Chains
Wardley Mapping
starts with the
Customer, her
needs. Then
helps define
boundaries as
well as what to
build, what to buy
Slide 25
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Value Streams & Customer Journeys
Event Storming
(light DDD) helps
understand the
Customer journey
and how systems
are designed to
support it
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Value Streams & Processes
MBPM = Metric-Based Process Mapping
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Fracture planes help divide complexity
Business domain
Regulatory Compliance
Change Cadence
Performance Isolation
User Personas/Journeys
Team Location
Slide 28
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It is a journey. Iterate!
Slide 29
Slide 29 text
Thank you for listening!
[email protected]
book time with Val