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Terraform Without The Mess James Nugent @jen20

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The fewer facilities a programming language has, the more important rigour is in everyday use to prevent emergence of catastrophic complexity

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Bio • CTO at Event Store, a company which builds an open source stream database • Terraform Core maintainer at HashiCorp from vEarly to ~v0.8 • Member of the first SRE team at HashiCorp, developing patterns for scalable Terraform and ran for advanced Terraform training classes • Terraform AWS provider maintainer until ~September 2019 • Pulumi contributor since June 2018 • Tweet @jen20 primarily about Rust and Brexit (ffs)

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Survey Questions…

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Infrastructure as Code

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Infrastructure as Code?

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Infrastructure as Code Infrastructure as Software

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Ancient History…

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Terraform 0.1

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Terraform 0.1 • No modules - everything lived in one namespace • No terraform_remote_state resource • No remote state at all! • Very “forgiving” HCL dialect (pre-HCL 1.0)

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Terraform 0.3

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Terraform 0.3

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Terraform 0.3.5

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Terraform 0.4.0

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Terraform 0.6.0

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Terraform 0.6.0

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output “private_subnets” { value = “${join(aws_subnet.private.*.id, “,”)}” } resource “aws_instance” “servers” { // other fields subnet_id = “${element(split(var.private_subnets, “,”, count.index)}” }

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By Terraform 0.6, we had the tools to avoid creating a mess…

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… but people already had large amounts of Terraform code, and the ‘best practices’ were already in the wild.

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Scalable Infrastructure Patterns

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Microservices • This is a tortuous analogy because I don’t actually like the name Microservices, or many of the concepts that it has come to embody. • Perhaps Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a better name • The gestalt is that we prefer to keep services (“applications”): • Small, so they can easily be understood (“micro”) • Independent, so that issues in one service are less likely to affect another • Similar to the UNIX philosophy of applications doing one thing (and doing it well).

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Terraform • We should also prefer to keep Terraform “applications” as small as possible: • An “application” is the module where we type terraform {plan,apply} • One “application” represents a single state file • A single state file is: • A Security boundary (RBAC in TFE, ) • A Blast Radius boundary in terms of accidental destruction

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Terraform • One state file for an entire infrastructure is A Bad Time waiting to happen • Since Terraform 0.4, we don’t have to do this! • Prefer to keep configuration for each aspect of a system in a separate “application” • Aspects of the system live in a hierarchy • Refer to outputs of “applications” lower in the hierarchy by using the terraform_remote_state data source

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Bastion Host “Application” Web Site “Application” Network “Application” terraform_remote_state Private subnet IDs Public subnet IDs terraform_remote_state Private subnet IDs

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Prefer to have more state files which are individually smaller

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“organizations which design systems... are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations.” — Melvin Conway, 1967

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The “Composition Root” Pattern

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The “Composition Root” Pattern • “Where should we compose object module graphs?” • “As close as possible to the application’s entry point” • “A Composition Root is a (preferably) unique location in an application where modules are composed together.” • “Only at the entry point of the application is the entire module graph finally composed” • “Only applications should have composition roots. Libraries and frameworks shouldn’t have them”

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Applying this to Terraform…

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Modules should either manage resources or compose other modules

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There should be one composition root per application, at the root, parameterised for environments

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Composition Root Configuration • Composition Roots should consist of very little code and minimal logic: • Variables - only things that need to change per deployment or workspace at the current time! • State Storage Configuration - to confi gure the backend. • Data Sources - to query the state of the cloud based on variables passed in, and to link to other “applications” in the same system. • Module Declarations - to instantiate the modules which create resources. • Outputs - only the things that need to be provided to other stacks at the current time!

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Resource Modules

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“SOLID” Principles

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Resource Modules • The modules instantiated by composition roots should be: • Simple - no “clever” hacks unless they absolutely cannot be avoided. • Flat - no nested module dependencies. • Pure - treat them like functions. • More importantly they should be: • Cohesive - resources related to the same aspect of a system should live in the same module. • Decoupled - no dependencies on other modules, only on the variables they are passed (and potentially limited data sources).

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Resource Module Structure

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Module Design - An Interface

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Module Design - Resources

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Resource Module Anti-Patterns • Modules to create an individual resource or small group of resources which expose every option as a configuration point • Modules are an abstraction - treat them that way • Modules which instantiate other modules • State file gets complex, as do resource paths (especially pre-Terraform 0.12) • Refactoring is hard • Complexity spirals out of control • Golden rule: Only composition roots instantiate modules

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This approach scales well both with infrastructure size and number of infrastructure developers

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Enforcing a level of rigour regarding this in your organisation helps given the fact that the language does not provide much.

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Testing • Testing has been a thing in application development for some time now. Why don’t we apply it to infrastructure? • The “testing pyramid” defines various stages of testing for software: • Unit Tests - Fast, do not communicate without external resources. Verify results “in the small”. Lots of them. • The unit is the test NOT the test subject. • Acceptance Tests - Slow(er), communicate with external resources and verify results throughout a system. Relatively fewer of them.

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Applying this to Terraform • HashiCorp Sentinal • GruntWork Terratest • ServerSpec • Pulumi Testing Framework and runner • Detailed analysis out of scope for this talk, there are other talks at this conference about this with more information (similarly at FOSDEM with videos)

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For a step-change in the usability of Infrastructure of Code, we need to instead think of Infrastructure as Software

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Resources • Any software engineering book covering functional or object oriented design. • Terraform Design Guide on the HashiCorp website • HashiDays NYC 2017 Talk - Open source code illustrating this pattern in AWS for a wide variety of infrastructure pieces: • Code: • For Terraform 0.11 • Pull Requests Accepted™