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Scene 1 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 1/283

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Scene 2 Panel 1 Dialog O: ?Do you prefer cleaning your belly button with q-tips or just going right in with a finger? Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 2/283

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Scene 2 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 3/283

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Scene 2 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 4/283

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Scene 2 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 5/283

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Scene 2 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 6/283

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Scene 3 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes Broom Maker struggling offscreen. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 7/283

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Scene 3 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes Footsteps in grass. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 8/283

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Scene 3 Panel 3 Dialog B: Huh! You're right, Hedgehog. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 9/283

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Scene 3 Panel 4 Dialog B: Your mother wasn't a witch. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 10/283

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Scene 3 Panel 5 Dialog B: Your family tree hasn't been touched in a couple generations. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 11/283

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Scene 3 Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 12/283

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Scene 3 Panel 7 Dialog H: A couple generations... Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 13/283

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Scene 3 Panel 8 Dialog H: ...does that mean my great grandma might have been a witch?! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 14/283

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Scene 3 Panel 9 Dialog B: Hedgehog. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 15/283

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Scene 3 Panel 10 Dialog B: ... I don't know. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 16/283

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Scene 3 Panel 11 Dialog B: Cheese and Crust! I've got to get this broom made while the wood is still fresh! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 17/283

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Scene 3 Panel 12 Dialog B: Let's meet at the test block in half an hour. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 18/283

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Scene 3 Panel 13 Dialog B: You two can take the scenic route, that way. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 19/283

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Scene 4 Panel 1 Dialog B: You two can take the scenic route, that way. (It's said to be a route of unceasing beauty and mystery.) Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 20/283

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Scene 4 Panel 2 Dialog O: Um, okayyy... Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 21/283

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Scene 5 Panel 1 Dialog B: Now shut your sauce-box and get going! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 22/283

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Scene 5 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes O dusts the grass off himself. sfx: pat pat pat hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 23/283

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Scene 5 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 24/283

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Scene 6 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 25/283

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Scene 7 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes A strip made out to look like a New Orleans street. Everything looks quite old/dated (like turn of the century/early 1900s). Also an inexplicable amount of geese props. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 26/283

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Scene 7 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 28/283

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Scene 7 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 29/283

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Scene 8 Panel 1 Dialog (maybe) O: inexplicable amount of geese... Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 30/283

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Scene 8 Panel 2 Dialog H: Oscar, these things look really Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 31/283

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Scene 8 Panel 3 Dialog H: old-- Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 32/283

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Scene 8 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 33/283

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Scene 8 Panel 5 Dialog B: (offscreen) You know... Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 34/283

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Scene 8 Panel 6 Dialog B: (offscreen) You know... Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 35/283

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Scene 8 Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes Broom Maker chalking the broomtip like a pool cue. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 36/283

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Scene 8 Panel 8 Dialog B: ...a city street is your most common brooming strip. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 37/283

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Scene 8 Panel 9 Dialog B: I had this test block outfitted to replicate a real-world flying experience. I'm not one to brag, but uh, Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 38/283

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Scene 8_A Panel 1 Dialog BM: my brooming strip is state of the art! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 39/283

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Scene 8_B Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes Velocipede. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 40/283

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Scene 9 Panel 1 Dialog H: umm I don't know if that's still-- B: Well, Hedgehog! Action Notes hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 41/283

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Scene 9 Panel 2 Dialog B: Well, Hedgehog! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 42/283

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Scene 9 Panel 3 Dialog B: Ready to fly? Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 43/283

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Scene 10 Panel 1 Dialog H: (hoarse whisper) Yes sir... Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 44/283

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Scene 10 Panel 2 Dialog H: (under breath) You may not be a wand, but-- Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 45/283

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Scene 10 Panel 3 Dialog B (offscreen) : (innocuously) What was that, Hedgehog? Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 46/283

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Scene 10 Panel 4 Dialog H: (flatly) I, love it. (alt. THANK YOU.) Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 47/283

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Scene 11 Panel 1 Dialog B: Well, give it a go! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 48/283

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Scene 11 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 49/283

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Scene 11 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 51/283

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Scene 11 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes HH immediately curls up. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 52/283

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Scene 11 Panel 6 Dialog B: What's this? What're you doing? Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 53/283

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Scene 12 Panel 1 Dialog H: I don't know. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 54/283

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Scene 12 Panel 2 Dialog H: My body's just doing this. ...I think I'm a little afraid. Action Notes HH tenses up more. Her knuckles whiten. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 55/283

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Scene 13 Panel 1 Dialog B: Hmm. Well... Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 56/283

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Scene 13 Panel 2 Dialog B: Well, baby broom steps. Do a small one, see how it feels. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 57/283

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Scene 13 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 58/283

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Scene 13 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 59/283

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Scene 13 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 60/283

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Scene 13 Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 62/283

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Scene 13 Panel 8 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 63/283

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Scene 13 Panel 10 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 65/283

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Scene 13 Panel 11 Dialog Action Notes HH sucks up her legs and tenses into a ball. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 66/283

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Scene 13 Panel 12 Dialog H: whhooahh Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 67/283

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Scene 13 Panel 13 Dialog H: whhoooahhhh Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 68/283

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Scene 15 Panel 2 Dialog B: Oooh, okay. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 75/283

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Scene 15 Panel 3 Dialog B: Let's have a look at you. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 76/283

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Scene 15 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 78/283

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Scene 16 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes The thermometer fills up. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 79/283

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Scene 16 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes The thermometer fills up. (When it hits the top, it screams?) hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 80/283

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Scene 16 Panel 3 Dialog B: HOO! You have a fearver of 101 Dull Mooshions. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 81/283

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Scene 17 Panel 1 Dialog O: NO, not a fearver! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 82/283

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Scene 17 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 83/283

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Scene 17 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 84/283

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Scene 17 Panel 4 Dialog H: Neither of us know what that means. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 85/283

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Scene 17 Panel 5 Dialog B: Well. It means you have this fear inside of you that you inherited from your mom. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 86/283

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Scene 17 Panel 6 Dialog B: But it's not her fear either. She got it from HER mom. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 87/283

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Scene 17 Panel 7 Dialog B: And her mom from her mom...and so on. (This lineage of moms is often referred to as a moom.) Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 88/283

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Scene 17 Panel 8 Dialog B: There's an old story about it... Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 89/283

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Scene 18 Panel 1 Dialog B: the chicken leg story. Action Notes Hard cut to a phenakistoscope--which looks yellowed with age. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 90/283

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Scene 18 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes Starts spinning. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 91/283

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Scene 18 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes Hard cut to a phenakistoscope--which looks yellowed with age. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 92/283

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Scene 19 Panel 1 Dialog B: There was a girl, about your age, who wondered why her mother always tied the chicken legs together when she made a chicken. Action Notes hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 93/283

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Scene 19 Panel 2 Dialog B: There was a girl, about your age, who wondered why her mother always tied the chicken legs together when she made a chicken. Action Notes hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 94/283

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Scene 19 Panel 3 Dialog B: So the girl asked her mother why she tied the legs together, and her mother replied, that?s the way my mother did it. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 95/283

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Scene 19 Panel 4 Dialog B: When the girl asked her grandmother why she did it that way, her grandmother said, that?s how my mother did it. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 96/283

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Scene 19 Panel 5 Dialog B: When she asked her great grandmother why it was important to tie the chicken legs together, her great grandmother replied, that?s the only way it would fit in my pot. Action Notes hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 97/283

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Scene 20 Panel 1 Dialog O: I am not following. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 98/283

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Scene 20 Panel 2 Dialog O: And also hungry. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 99/283

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Scene 20 Panel 3 Dialog H: I follow. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 100/283

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Scene 20 Panel 4 Dialog B: Great. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 101/283

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Scene 20 Panel 5 Dialog B: All you need to do now is enter the Hall of Mooms and find out which of your ancestors started this hubbub inside you. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 102/283

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Scene 20 Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 103/283

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Scene 20 Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 104/283

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Scene 22 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 110/283

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Scene 23 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes Hollow wind sound gently blowing through keyhole. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 111/283

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Scene 23 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes Hollow wind sound gently blowing through keyhole. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 112/283

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Scene 23 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes Hollow wind sound gently blowing through keyhole. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 113/283

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Scene 23 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes Hollow wind sound gently blowing through keyhole. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 114/283

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Scene 24 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 118/283

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Scene 24 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes A hall that seems to stretch into infinity. It looks like it's the hollowed inside of a great tree, and roots are coming down from the ceiling. It's decorated with elaborate tapestries and rugs, a large sunken fireplace with a magical [...] hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 119/283

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Scene 24_A Panel 1 Dialog (M: Yeah I had to fight a real messed up horse demon for this baby.) Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 120/283

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Scene 24_A Panel 2 Dialog M: Do you want to know how I lost my eye? Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 121/283

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Scene 24_B Panel 1 Dialog (M: The new blood is nigh.) Action Notes Fire crackling sfx. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 122/283

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Scene 24_B Panel 2 Dialog M: And this is from your minds eye or did you just feel the draft? Action Notes Fire crackling sfx. Crow caws. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 123/283

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Scene 25 Panel 1 Dialog HH: All my female ancestors... Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 124/283

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Scene 25 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 125/283

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Scene 25 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes O gasps. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 127/283

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Scene 25 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes O gasping super excitedly. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 128/283

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Scene 25 Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 130/283

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Scene 25 Panel 8 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 131/283

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Scene 26 Panel 1 Dialog HH: Woahh... Action Notes Pan across hall. M08 pulls out greatsword. An arrow hits the blade, shot from M19. M07 is popping up throughout [...] hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 132/283

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Scene 26 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes Pan across hall. M08 pulls out greatsword. An arrow hits the blade, shot from M19. M07 is popping up throughout various doors, runs through hall in the background. Other mooms walking and talking in the hall. HH's mom is absorbed with a [...] hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 133/283

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Scene 26 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes Pan across hall. M08 pulls out greatsword. An arrow hits the blade, shot from M19. M07 is popping up throughout various doors, runs through hall in the background. Other mooms walking and talking in the hall. HH's mom is absorbed with a [...] hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 134/283

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Scene 26 Panel 4 Dialog HH: Cool. Action Notes Pan across hall. M08 pulls out greatsword. An arrow hits the blade, shot from M19. M07 is popping up throughout [...] hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 135/283

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Scene 26 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes Pan across hall. M08 pulls out greatsword. An arrow hits the blade, shot from M19. M07 is popping up throughout various doors, runs through hall in the background. Other mooms walking and talking in the hall. HH's mom is absorbed with a [...] hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 136/283

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Scene 26 Panel 6 Dialog O: You're like Hedgehog but with MUSCLES. Hi I'm Oscar! Action Notes Pan across hall. M08 pulls out greatsword. An arrow hits the blade, shot from M19. M07 is popping up throughout [...] hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 137/283

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Scene 26 Panel 7 Dialog O: Are you the strongest ancestor... Action Notes Pan across hall. M08 pulls out greatsword. An arrow hits the blade, shot from M19. M07 is popping up throughout [...] hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 138/283

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Scene 26 Panel 8 Dialog HM: ...Well what do you mean you don't offer those? Action Notes Pan across hall. M08 pulls out greatsword. An arrow hits the blade, shot from M19. M07 is popping up throughout [...] hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 139/283

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Scene 27 Panel 1 Dialog M: No, advanced placement macroeconomics and theoretical statistics should be... Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 140/283

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Scene 27 Panel 2 Dialog M: Why should that matter that she's in the seventh grade, if she isn't being challenged-- HH: Mom... Action Notes hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 141/283

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Scene 27 Panel 3 Dialog HH: MOM? Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 142/283

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Scene 27 Panel 4 Dialog HHMom: What, Hedgehog. I' busy. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 143/283

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Scene 27 Panel 5 Dialog H: Can you, um, get on this broom? Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 144/283

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Scene 27 Panel 6 Dialog M: Why would I get on a broom? Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 145/283

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Scene 27 Panel 7 Dialog H: Just pretend like you're riding it like a horse for fun. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 146/283

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Scene 27 Panel 8 Dialog M: Fu-- Hedgehog that is incredibly dangerous and - Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 147/283

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Scene 27 Panel 9 Dialog M: - a complete waste of time. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 148/283

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Scene 27 Panel 10 Dialog H: Can you hold it then please? M: ! Hedg-- Action Notes hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 149/283

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Scene 27 Panel 11 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 150/283

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Scene 27 Panel 12 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 151/283

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Scene 28 Panel 1 Dialog H: (OS) Why are you holding it like that? Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 152/283

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Scene 28 Panel 2 Dialog M: I don't know. It just feels safest? Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 153/283

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Scene 28 Panel 3 Dialog H: (OS) Safest? (But you're holding a broom.) Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 154/283

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Scene 29 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 155/283

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Scene 29 Panel 2 Dialog M: Yeah, Hedgehog, I don't know. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 156/283

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Scene 29 Panel 3 Dialog M: Don't you have homework to finish? Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 157/283

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Scene 29 Panel 4 Dialog M: Yes, hello. No, obviously we want to give her a head start if she's going to-- Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 158/283

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Scene 30 Panel 1 Dialog H: Grandma! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 159/283

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Scene 30 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 160/283

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Scene 31 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 161/283

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Scene 31 Panel 2 Dialog G: My hedge baby! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 162/283

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Scene 31 Panel 3 Dialog H: Hi, Grandma! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 163/283

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Scene 31 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 164/283

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Scene 31 Panel 5 Dialog G: Hedgehog! Where's your, Otter? Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 165/283

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Scene 31 Panel 6 Dialog G: What's that you've got there? Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 166/283

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Scene 31 Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 167/283

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Scene 31 Panel 8 Dialog H: uh... Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 168/283

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Scene 32 Panel 1 Dialog O: Wow. How old are you? And what traits of Hedgehog do you think you have? And who do I talk to about getting a copy of the key? Action Notes hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 169/283

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Scene 33 Panel 1 Dialog H: Oh...I have to go--bye Grandma! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 170/283

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Scene 34 Panel 1 Dialog O: Hedgehog! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 171/283

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Scene 35 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 172/283

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Scene 35 Panel 2 Dialog H: Hi... Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 173/283

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Scene 35 Panel 3 Dialog O: This is Esther! She has your ears! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 174/283

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Scene 35 Panel 4 Dialog Esther: I'm your great grandmother, dear. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 175/283

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Scene 35 Panel 5 Dialog H: Um, Esther, would you mind holding my broom, please? Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 176/283

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Scene 35 Panel 6 Dialog E: Ohh, this looks lovely. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 177/283

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Scene 35 Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 178/283

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Scene 36 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 179/283

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Scene 36 Panel 2 Dialog E: ehhhhh Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 180/283

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Scene 36 Panel 3 Dialog H: Esther, why do you sit like that? Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 181/283

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Scene 37 Panel 1 Dialog E: This is how you fly. It's how I was taught. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 182/283

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Scene 37 Panel 2 Dialog H: Who taught you? Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 183/283

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Scene 37 Panel 3 Dialog E: My mother. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 184/283

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Scene 37 Panel 4 Dialog H: Can you point her out?! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 185/283

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Scene 37 Panel 5 Dialog E: There she is... Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 186/283

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Scene 37_A Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 187/283

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Scene 38_A Panel 1 Dialog HH: Great! Thank you! C'mon Oscar-- Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 188/283

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Scene 38_B Panel 1 Dialog E: And my mother was taught by her mother... Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 189/283

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Scene 38_B Panel 2 Dialog E: And my mother was taught by her mother... Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 190/283

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Scene 38_B_1 Panel 1 Dialog E: ...and her mother by her mother before her... Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 191/283

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Scene 38 Panel 1 Dialog E: ...and before her, her mother, Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 192/283

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Scene 38 Panel 2 Dialog E: and her mom's mom... Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 193/283

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Scene 38 Panel 3 Dialog H: Um. Thank you, Margaret. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 194/283

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Scene 38 Panel 4 Dialog H: Um. Thank you, Esther. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 195/283

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Scene 38 Panel 5 Dialog H: Um. Thank you, Esther. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 196/283

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Scene 38 Panel 6 Dialog H: Um. Thank you, Esther. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 197/283

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Scene 39 Panel 1 Dialog H: We're never going to find her! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 198/283

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Scene 39 Panel 2 Dialog H: There are too many Mooms! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 199/283

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Scene 40 Panel 1 Dialog H: How are we supposed to find THE ONE?! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 200/283

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Scene 40 Panel 2 Dialog H: How are we supposed to find THE ONE?! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 201/283

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Scene 41 Panel 1 Dialog H: I'll never ride a broom. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 202/283

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Scene 41 Panel 5 Dialog O: Spot the difference. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 206/283

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Scene 41 Panel 6 Dialog O: MMnn. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 207/283

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Scene 41 Panel 7 Dialog O: Hmm... Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 208/283

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Scene 41_A Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 209/283

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Scene 41_A_0 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes O gasps. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 212/283

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Scene 42 Panel 1 Dialog O: (OS) One... Action Notes An ancestor with bright red hair. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 213/283

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Scene 43 Panel 1 Dialog O: not like the others... Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 214/283

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Scene 43 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 215/283

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Scene 43 Panel 3 Dialog H: Hello. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 216/283

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Scene 43 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 217/283

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Scene 43 Panel 5 Dialog Red: Hello. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 218/283

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Scene 43 Panel 6 Dialog H: Uh, I was wondering, could you, uh, hold this broom for me? Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 219/283

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Scene 43 Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes HH's ancestor rises from her chair. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 220/283

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Scene 43 Panel 8 Dialog O: She's magnificent. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 221/283

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Scene 43 Panel 11 Dialog H: Why do you sit like that? Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 224/283

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Scene 44 Panel 1 Dialog R: Because my hair is red! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 225/283

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Scene 44 Panel 2 Dialog R: I stick out like a sore thumb. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 226/283

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Scene 44 Panel 3 Dialog R: Which is exactly not what you want for broom flying. If I fly sitting up everyone will see me, and I'll be a sitting duck for witch hunters. Action Notes hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 227/283

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Scene 45 Panel 1 Dialog O: (low) ...witch hunters? H: Ohhhh. That makes total sense. Action Notes hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 228/283

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Scene 45 Panel 2 Dialog H: But I don't need to be afraid of that! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 229/283

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Scene 45 Panel 3 Dialog H: But I don't need to be afraid of that! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 230/283

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Scene 45 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes Room dissolves, reference Dark Souls? hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 231/283

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Scene 45 Panel 5 Dialog B: So! Seems you found the source. How do you feel? HH: Looser! Action Notes hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 232/283

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Scene 45 Panel 6 Dialog B: Do you want to try again? Action Notes Cloouds/dissolve-smog dissapates. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 233/283

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Scene 46 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 234/283

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Scene 48 Panel 7 Dialog WOAH Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 247/283

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Scene 48 Panel 8 Dialog Wooahh haha Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 248/283

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Scene 49 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes HH laughing giddily. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 253/283

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Scene 49 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes HH laughing giddily. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 254/283

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Scene 49 Panel 3 Dialog Wah! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 255/283

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Scene 49 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes HH laughing giddily. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 256/283

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Scene 50 Panel 3 Dialog B: Haha, that was some pumpkins! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 259/283

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Scene 50 Panel 4 Dialog B: You want to go for it and fly home? Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 260/283

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Scene 50 Panel 5 Dialog B: I don't have to do any tests to tell you that it's Oscar's bedtime. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 261/283

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Scene 51 Panel 1 Dialog O: I spotted too many differences. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 262/283

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Scene 51 Panel 2 Dialog H: C'mon Oscar. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 263/283

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Scene 52 Panel 3 Dialog H: Thank you, Broom Maker. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 267/283

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Scene 52 Panel 4 Dialog B: Of course, Hedgehog. Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 268/283

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Scene 54 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes HH feeling the wind on her face. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 272/283

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Scene 54 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes HH feeling the wind on her face. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 273/283

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Scene 55 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes Mooms unscrunch in a wave. hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 277/283

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Scene 56 Panel 1 Dialog H: Hey Mooms! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 280/283

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Scene 56 Panel 2 Dialog Moon: What? Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 281/283

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Scene 56 Panel 3 Dialog Moon: Hey! Hedgehog! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 282/283

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Scene 56 Panel 4 Dialog H: No! I said Mooms! Action Notes Slugging hallofmooms AM 062419 Page 283/283