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Yet Another SW Talk: @ColinBendell CTO Office, Cloudinary Images, Video & The Little Guy Service Worker

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Me Me You You

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Today •Psychology & #WebPerf •Service Workers •SW 4 Media & Perf

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How To: •impress your Boss •impress your Co-Workers •impress your Mom Put Another Way…

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"I just want to share my photos from last night" "I want to buy a birthday present for mom" "I want to check the news"

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Page Load Time: Seconds

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Your Brain Decides Without You Why do users leave when it's slow?

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2 Second Magic Number Page Load Time: Seconds

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#WebPerf: Take Action •Measure user perf. Boomerang, Lux, etc •Empathise •Solve with tech (USSD, Service Workers, PWA, etc) •Business grows Boss gives you a raise

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"Add more Javascript! It will make your website faster!" - Said nobody ever

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Service Workers

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"A service worker is a script that your browser runs in the background, separate from a web page"

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if (navigator.serviceWorker) { navigator.serviceWorker.register('/serviceworker.js'); }

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Source: Google Dev

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/** * Some Typical SW Events */ // trigger on first install or re-isntall addEventListener('install', function(event) { ... } // when the page connects to a SW addEventListener( 'activate', function(event) { ... } // when the browser makes a request (js/css/img/video) addEventListener( 'fetch', function(event) { ... }

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/** * Typical SW cache things */ let CACHE = 'cache-only' myCache => ... )

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/** * Typical SW cache things */ let CACHE = 'cache-only' return myCache => { return myCache.addall(['/logo.jpg', '/prices.json']) }

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/** * Typical SW cache things */ let CACHE = 'cache-only' return myCache => { return myCache.match(fetchEvent.request) }

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• Image optimization • Progressive image delivery (use Intersection Observer) • Use bundle splitting • Deferred fetching with lazy loading • Prefetching • Take advantage of cache and web storage • Pretty much every other thing to make your web app fast and deliver better user experience

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SW for Image/Video Performance

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if (navigator.serviceWorker) { navigator.serviceWorker.register('/serviceworker.js'); }

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addEventListener( 'fetch', ( fetchEvent ) => { } );

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addEventListener( 'fetch', ( fetchEvent ) => { if ( fetchEvent.request.destination !== 'image' ) { // console.log('not an image request'); return; } } );

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addEventListener( 'fetch', ( fetchEvent ) => { if ( fetchEvent.request.destination !== 'image' ) { // console.log('not an image request'); return; } const url = fetchEvent.request.url; fetchEvent.respondWith( fetch(url); ); } );

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addEventListener( 'fetch', ( fetchEvent ) => { if ( fetchEvent.request.destination !== 'image' ) { // console.log('not an image request'); return; } const url = fetchEvent.request.url; fetchEvent.respondWith( fetch( fasterrrrr( url ) ); ); } );

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/image/upload/WomenInTech-115.jpg /image/upload/w_320/WomenInTech-115.jpg

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R: 78 G: 101 B: 23 A: 1 R: 31 G: 33 B: 26 A: 1

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1 2 8 0 X 5 2 0 X 4 B Y T E S = 2 . 6 M B !

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if ( // Save-Data is on fetchEvent.request.headers.get( 'save-data' ) // bandwidth or RTT is slower than a typical 3G connection || (navigator.connection.effectiveType.match( /2g/ ) ) // we have less than ~1GB of RAM || (navigator.deviceMemory < 1 ) ) {

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What is this madness?

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“…25% of new Android phones have only 512MB of RAM.” Jen Fitzpatrick VP of product management for Google Maps

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if ( // Save-Data is on fetchEvent.request.headers.get( 'save-data' ) // bandwidth or RTT is slower than a typical 3G connection || (navigator.connection.effectiveType.match( /2g/ ) ) // we have less than ~1GB of RAM || (navigator.deviceMemory < 1 ) ) {

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3% Use Save-Date !!

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~20% Cell users are laptops !!

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Announcing: Cloudinary Net-Info API Sneak Preview

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GET /.well-known/cloudinary/netinfo ... 200 OK Content-Type: application/json {cell:true, rtt:322}

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addEventListener( 'activate', function(event) { event.waitUntil( fetch(' /.well-known/cloudinary/netinfo') .then(res => res.json()) .then(netinfo => { console.log(`cell: {netinfo.cell}`); console.log(`rtt: {netinfo.rtt}`); }) ) }

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if ( // Save-Data is on fetchEvent.request.headers.get( 'save-data' ) // bandwidth or RTT is slower than a typical 3G connection || (navigator.connection.effectiveType.match( /2g/ ) ) // we have less than ~1GB of RAM || (navigator.deviceMemory < 1 ) // we are on meh cellular || (this.cell === true && this.rtt >= 100) ) {

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Resize Demo

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Progressive Image Demo

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67 Does this feel weird?

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Source: Auth0 Flipkart 3x less data usage 40% higher re-engagement 70% conversion rate @colinbendell

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Source: Auth0 40% lower bounce rate 30% faster page load 10% longer avg session @colinbendell

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Service-Worker Take Action: •Remember the other users •SW to adapt the experience •Offline Caching •Reduce pixels to save bytes & memory

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