Artisanal Software
(No metaphors were harmed in the creation of this
Friday, February 1, 13
Growth inevitably encourages an industrial approach, how do we avoid losing craft in the
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Let’s confront our
preconceived notions
Friday, February 1, 13
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Handcrafted Treasures
Mass Produced Crap
Friday, February 1, 13
Mass production is often equated with low quality
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Friday, February 1, 13
In America, this is what we think of when we think of mass production
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Friday, February 1, 13
The dollar store, tons of cheap junk at very affordable prices
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Friday, February 1, 13
Apple has sold over 100 million of these
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Friday, February 1, 13
Here’s a mass produced product people like
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Friday, February 1, 13
Handmade Japanese chef’s knife, $900 on Etsy
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Friday, February 1, 13
LAX desk, $4350 on Etsy -- moss design in Chicago
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Cute, but ...
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Expensive and hated
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Craft and mass
production are
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Craft maximizes the
skill and creativity of
the individual artisan
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Mass production
optimizes for
predictability and
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Neither are without their downsides
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Mass production can
make us faceless
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Friday, February 1, 13
Most people don’t want their job to feel like this
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Heroism doesn’t scale
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Friday, February 1, 13
Anthony Bourdain in “Medium Raw”
“Hire more people like Justo” is not a strategy
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Friday, February 1, 13
The elephant in the room: in software development we don’t make things over and over.
Everything is “hand crafted.” Writing code is more like building factories than working in one
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Software is both a set
of instructions for a
computer and a
document written for
other humans
Friday, February 1, 13
Here’s how I put software in this context
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Industrial practices
apply to the first
purpose, craft applies
to the second.
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The question:
How do we grow
without forgetting
about craft?
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The formula
(not perfected)
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Lots of industrial practices to create room for craftsmanship
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Software development,
the industrial parts
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1. process monitoring
2. automation
3. interchangeable parts
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Process Monitoring:
Friday, February 1, 13
The fundamental engineering question is, have we built a system that supports Etsy’s
throughput. From the right side of the graph, you can see the answer is “not always”
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Process Monitoring:
Friday, February 1, 13
Load time for the top 5 pages at You can’t optimize without measurement.
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Process Monitoring:
Friday, February 1, 13
Any industrial process seeks to minimize exceptions while acknowledging that they cannot
be eliminated. We do the same thing in software.
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Process Monitoring:
A/B Tests
Friday, February 1, 13
Deciding what to try is craft, determining whether it worked is math
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Developer setup
Friday, February 1, 13
Every developer has a virtual machine with their development environment set up and the
Etsy code checked out on day one.
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Continuous integration
Friday, February 1, 13
We use Hudson, like most everyone else. We have a very robust set of tests. Unit tests,
functional tests, static analysis, and style checks.
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Friday, February 1, 13
Running pre-production tests and pushing to the pre-production environment requires one
button push. Pushing to production requires another.
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Interchangeable Parts
Friday, February 1, 13
At Etsy, our goal is to keep our stack simple so that developers can be interchangeable parts
-- reducing the friction when moving between teams or projects. This pays dividends that I’ll
talk about shortly
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the crafty
Friday, February 1, 13
What do engineers at Etsy do to make code better for the other engineers?
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Code reviews
Friday, February 1, 13
1. Developers learn by being reviewed
2. Developers learn by reviewing
3. Exposure to more code always helps
4. People get accustomed to constructive criticism
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Friday, February 1, 13
1. New devs -- meet people, learn how teams work, see some code
2. Developers enjoy it, ask to boot camp periodically
3. Senior Boot Camps -- one month boot camp on your annual hire date
4. SPOF insurance
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Friday, February 1, 13
1. New devs -- meet people, learn how teams work, see some code
2. Developers enjoy it, ask to boot camp periodically
3. Senior Boot Camps -- one month boot camp on your annual hire date
4. SPOF insurance
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Friday, February 1, 13
1. New devs -- meet people, learn how teams work, see some code
2. Developers enjoy it, ask to boot camp periodically
3. Senior Boot Camps -- one month boot camp on your annual hire date
4. SPOF insurance
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Bug rotation
Friday, February 1, 13
1. Bugs on features not in active development are pooled
2. Several developers are on bug rotation every day
3. Goal is to get people to work with new people and work on new code
4. Teams can focus on new projects rather than on their bug queue
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Code readers
Friday, February 1, 13
1. One person selects code, not necessarily from Etsy
2. Just like a book club, everyone reads it
3. We have a discussion
4. We build some consensus around “good code”
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The counterfactual?
Friday, February 1, 13
Scaling up process rather than automation
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Friday, February 1, 13
It’s inevitable that your company feels more and more like this as it grows
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Friday, February 1, 13
You want your developers to feel like this
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Measure everything
that can be quantified
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Automate any process
that doesn’t involve
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Use the time you save
to spread the values of
craft through your
Friday, February 1, 13
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follow me on twitter: @rafeco
Friday, February 1, 13