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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak Performance Oriented Spring Data JPA & Hibernate

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak Why so slow?

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak Why so slow? • Poor database connection management • Too many queries • Slow queries • Wrong JPA mappings • Fetching more than needed

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Don’t guess

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak

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Database Connection Management

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak Database JDBC Driver DataSource Application Database JDBC Driver DataSource Application get connection get connection get connection connection connection connection Network

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak Database JDBC Driver DataSource Application Database JDBC Driver DataSource Application get connection get connection get connection connection connection connection Network • TCP Handshake • TLS negotiation • Authentication

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak On the Database side (Postgres) • Each connection sparks a new OS process • Consumes 5-10MB of RAM • CPU context switching

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3ms to execute query, 100ms to establish connection

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak Connection Pooling

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak • On application startup, creates a pool of physical connections • Reuses already open connections • Creates more connections, when pool is exhausted Connection Pooling

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak Connection Pool DataSource Application Connection Pool DataSource Application get connection acquire connection connection connection

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How big is your pool?

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak • Tomcat handles requests with 200 threads • HikariCP default pool size is 10 How big is your pool?

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If you have 10,000 front-end users, having a connection pool of 10,000 would be shear insanity. 1000 still horrible. Even 100 connections, overkill. You want a small pool of a few dozen connections at most, and you want the rest of the application threads blocked on the pool awaiting connections.

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No content

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When is connection acquired? When is connection released?

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Artur Havliukovskyi Vlad Mihalcea

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak Demo 🔥

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak • Turn off `` • Call external services outside of database transaction • Turn off auto-commit • Be very careful with @Transactional(propagation = REQUIRES_NEW) • Use TransactionTemplate when you need more control Summary

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak Summary • Avoid select on insert with @Version or implement Persistable • Use Repository#getReferenceById when you need … references • Always use FetchType.LAZY on @ManyToOne, @ManyToMany • Explicitly fetch associations with fetch join or @EntityGraph • Use @DynamicUpdate for table with large number of columns

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak How to bulletproof mappings?

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Vlad Mihalcea Jean Bisutti

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak Entities - goods and bads • Fetching more data than needed (even with LAZY fetch types) - 😢 • Loaded entities are stored in JPA Persistence Context - memory 🥺 • Dirty Tracking - CPU 😡 • The risk of N+1 - Database 😱 • Handles business logic and enforces invariants

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak Fetch entity with an intention to modify it.

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak Fetch projection for reading.

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak @Entity public class Account { @Id private String id; private String iban; private String firstName; private String lastName; @ElementCollection @CollectionTable( name = "phone_number", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = “account_id") ) private List phoneNumbers; } {"id":"sender-id","firstName":"John","lastName":"Doe"} Expected Response: record NamesOnly(String id, String firstName, String lastName) {} Projection Class

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak record NamesOnly(String id, String firstName, String lastName) {} Projection Class public interface AccountRepository extends JpaRepository { NamesOnly findNamesOnlyById(String id); } Repository

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak NamesOnly findNamesOnlyById(String id); Columns to select where clause

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak @Query("select new NamesOnly(, a.firstName, a.lastName) from Account a where = :id") NamesOnly findNamesOnlyById(String id);

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak @Query(value = "select id, first_name, last_name from account where id = :id", nativeQuery = true) NamesOnly findNamesOnlyById(String id); interface NamesOnly { String getId(); String getFirstName(); String getLastName(); } 😳

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak public interface AccountRepository extends JpaRepository { NamesOnly findNamesOnlyById(String id); }

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak public interface AccountRepository extends JpaRepository { NamesOnly findNamesOnlyById(String id); AccountWithState findAccountWithStateById(String id); }

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak public interface AccountRepository extends JpaRepository { NamesOnly findNamesOnlyById(String id); AccountWithState findAccountWithStateById(String id); AccountDTO findAccountDtoById(String id); }

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak public interface AccountRepository extends JpaRepository { NamesOnly findNamesOnlyById(String id); AccountWithState findAccountWithStateById(String id); AccountDTO findAccountDtoById(String id); AccountLight findLightAccountById(String id); } 😳

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak public interface AccountRepository extends JpaRepository { T findById(String id, Class clazz); } 😎

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak public interface AccountRepository extends JpaRepository { T findById(String id, Class clazz); } 🥴 … but no custom query

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak Just use SQL

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak Takeaways • JPA & Hibernate are NOT easy • Get connections management right • Log queries during development • Consider getting Hibernate Optimiser from Vlad or using QuickPerf for testing • Use projections for reading data

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak Vlad Mihalcea Thorben Janssen

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Maciej Walkowiak | @maciejwalkowiak Thank you!