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Cookpad Indonesia Technology Stack Didik Wicaksono Informal discussion and sharing at Jogja Digital Valley Mar 12, 2015

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Didik Wicaksono Github: firewalker06 Twitter: did1k ● 2008 => start as a web designer ● 2010 => learn PHP ● 2011 => created (not a co-founder) ● 2012 => won Sparxup and INAICTA ● 2014 => got acquired by Cookpad, learn Ruby

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We are Cookpad

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Cookpad is Japan’s top recipe site allowing visitors to upload and search through original, user-created recipes. Currently being used by most Japanese women in their 20-30s, Cookpad has become an essential tool in enabling families to enjoy cooking across Japan. In 2014, Cookpad acquires Mis Recetas (Spanish), Allthecooks (English), and DapurMasak (Indonesian)

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Before acquired by Cookpad (2013) ● 500 K UU/month ● 5 K recipes ● PHP CodeIgniter ● deploy once in 2-3 weeks After acquired by Cookpad (2014) ● 1.4 M UU/month ● 12 K Recipes ● Ruby on Rails ● deploy once in 2 days

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Cookpad Japan ● over 50 M UU/month ● over 1.9 M Recipes ● Ruby on Rails ● deploy 11+ times a day ● 80+ engineers ● created other products, web & mobile apps related to recipes ● most revenue comes from Premium Member Subscription ● founded in 1997 ● IPO in 2009 ● 3 Ruby Committers, 1 Rails Commiter

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Technology Stack

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Cookpad Indonesia ● Ruby on Rails ● NGINX ● Unicorn ● Elasticsearch ● Redis ● MySQL ● Fluentd Cookpad Japan ● Ruby on Rails ● NGINX ● Unicorn ● Solr ● Memcached ● Redis ● MySQL ● Fluentd ● ???

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Development Lifecycle in Cookpad Indonesia ● Add stories in Pivotal Tracker ● Engineers pick a story to work on ● Create a pull request in Github ● Code reviews by team members ● LGTM! ● Merge pull request ● Test & Deploy ● Finish PT story

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Awesome stuff that Cookpad engineers built ● tofu ○ scalable image (pictures) system ● mamiya ○ ○ deployment system, 150 hosts/m ● switch_point ○ ○ simple master / slave DB connection switch ● rrrspec ○ ○ distributed testing, highly fault-tolerant

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continue... ● database_rewinder ○ ○ fast delete strategy for cleaning up tables after testing ● ridgepole ○ ○ update database from SchemaFile without adding migration files ○ like chef/puppet ● chanko ○ ○ prototyping Rails app by creating “units” of MVC

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continue... ● kage ○ ○ duplicate HTTP requests to another server ● pt-flow ○ ○ integrate workflow between PT and Github ● probably more, but I don’t know yet :(

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Cookpad Engineer’s Blog

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Some Interesting English Presentations ● Continuous Delivery in Cookpad ○ in-cookpad ● Cookpad and Microservices ○ microservices ● The Recipe for The World’s Largest Rails Monolith ○ the-worlds-largest-rails-monolith ● Scalable Deployment ○ deployments-how-we-deploy-rails-app-to-150-plus- hosts-in-a-minute ● Tofu Cookpad’s Image System ○

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Cookpad’s Github

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● Cookpad founded in 1997, IPO in 2009, in 2014 start acquiring recipe sites around the world ● : open source contributions ● : engineer’s blog and talks Conclusion

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Cookpad is open for new recruits!

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Thank you for listening!