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Vue.js * How to make front-end Masanobu Naruse

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Sample 2

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諸注意 3 CSRF 対策とかやってなかったり 取り回しが甘かったりしてます express, vuetify はじめて触りました Vue.js ですけど ts です

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Agenda 1. つつましいエラーハンドリング 2. 認証認可の戦略 3. 全体的なコンポーネント構造 4

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Agenda 1. つつましいエラーハンドリング 2. 認証認可の戦略 3. 全体的なコンポーネント構造 5

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エラー 6

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好きですか? エラー 7

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エラーハンドリング 8

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好きですか? エラーハンドリング 9

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エラーハンドリングは ソフトウェアの使い勝手を 決定づける重要な要素 10

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その上でもう一度 11

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好きですか? エラーハンドリング 12

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僕はあんまり好きじゃないです 13

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本質的じゃないから 14

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どうすれば? 15

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エラーを整理してみよう 16

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ユーザが回復できるエラー システムエラー 17

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ユーザが回復できるエラー システムエラー 拾うべきは? 18

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ユーザが回復できるエラー システムエラー 19

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更にエラーを分ける 20

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クライアントエラー サーバーエラー 21

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クライアントの システムエラー クライアントの 回復可能エラー サーバーの システムエラー サーバーの 回復可能エラー サ ー バ ク ラ イ ア ン ト システムエラー 回復可能エラー 22

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クライアントの システムエラー クライアントの 回復可能エラー サーバーの システムエラー サーバーの 回復可能エラー サ ー バ ク ラ イ ア ン ト システムエラー 回復可能エラー 23

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クライアントの システムエラー クライアントの 回復可能エラー サーバーの システムエラー サーバーの 回復可能エラー サ ー バ ク ラ イ ア ン ト システムエラー 回復可能エラー 24

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Slide 26 text メールアドレス メールアドレスの形式 ではありません 26

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******** パスワード ******** パスワードの確認 27

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******** パスワード ******** パスワードの確認 パスワードが 一致しません 28

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画面ごとに異なるハンドリングのため それぞれの画面でハンドリング 30

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画面ごとに異なるハンドリングのため それぞれの画面でハンドリング ディレクティブなどで共通化 31

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クライアントの システムエラー クライアントの 回復可能エラー サーバーの システムエラー サーバーの 回復可能エラー サ ー バ ク ラ イ ア ン ト システムエラー 回復可能エラー 32

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naruse ユーザ名 メールアドレス ******** パスワード ******** パスワードの確認 33

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naruse ユーザ名 メールアドレス ******** パスワード ******** パスワードの確認 すでに登録されています すでに登録されています 34

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Mail: Name: naruse Password: ******** 36

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Mail: Name: naruse Password: ******** duplicated-email, duplicated-username 37

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Mail: Name: naruse Password: ******** duplicated-email, duplicated-username duplicated-email だからメール欄に エラー表示して 38

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Mail: Name: naruse Password: ******** duplicated-email, duplicated-username duplicated-email だからメール欄に エラー表示して duplicated-username だからユーザ名欄に エラー表示して 39

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duplicated-email だからメール欄に エラー表示して duplicated-username だからユーザ名欄に エラー表示して 40

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duplicated-email だからメール欄に エラー表示して duplicated-username だからユーザ名欄に エラー表示して 画面ごとに ハンドリング? 41

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登録済みのメールアドレスです このユーザ名はすでに取得されています naruse ユーザ名 メールアドレス ******** パスワード ******** パスワードの確認 44

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登録済みのメールアドレスです このユーザ名はすでに取得されています naruse ユーザ名 メールアドレス ******** パスワード ******** パスワードの確認 これなら? 45

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どう実現する? 46

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通信ライブラリを ラップする 47

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48 export default class WraxiosCore { ... public get(url: string, params?: IOptionParameter): Promise> { return this.request('get', url, null, params); } public post(url: string, data?: any, params?: IOptionParameter): Promise> { return this.request('post', url, data, params); } }

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49 export default class WraxiosCore { ... public get(url: string, params?: IOptionParameter): Promise> { return this.request('get', url, null, params); } public post(url: string, data?: any, params?: IOptionParameter): Promise> { return this.request('post', url, data, params); } }

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50 export default class WraxiosCore { ... public get(url: string, params?: IOptionParameter): Promise> { return this.request('get', url, null, params); } public post(url: string, data?: any, params?: IOptionParameter): Promise> { return this.request('post', url, data, params); } } request メソッドへ

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export default class WraxiosCore { ... public request(method: Method, url: string, data?: any, aParams?: IOptionParameter): Pr const params = aParams === null || aParams === void 0 ? {} : aParams!; const requestConfig: AxiosRequestConfig = !params || !params.config ? {} : params.config; requestConfig.method = method; requestConfig.url = url; = data; const calledQueueNum = this.queueNum; return new Promise>((resolve, reject) => { axios.request(requestConfig) .then(res => { if (calledQueueNum !== this.queueNum) { return; } const response = new WraxiosResponse(; resolve(response); }) .catch((e: AxiosError) => { if (calledQueueNum !== this.queueNum) { 51 request 本体

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export default class WraxiosCore { ... public request(method: Method, url: string, data?: any, aParams?: IOptionParameter): Pr const params = aParams === null || aParams === void 0 ? {} : aParams!; const requestConfig: AxiosRequestConfig = !params || !params.config ? {} : params.config; requestConfig.method = method; requestConfig.url = url; = data; const calledQueueNum = this.queueNum; return new Promise>((resolve, reject) => { axios.request(requestConfig) .then(res => { if (calledQueueNum !== this.queueNum) { return; } const response = new WraxiosResponse(; resolve(response); }) .catch((e: AxiosError) => { if (calledQueueNum !== this.queueNum) { 52 axios (通信ライブラリ)をラップ

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export default class WraxiosCore { ... public request(method: Method, url: string, data?: any, aParams?: IOptionParameter): Pr const params = aParams === null || aParams === void 0 ? {} : aParams!; const requestConfig: AxiosRequestConfig = !params || !params.config ? {} : params.config; requestConfig.method = method; requestConfig.url = url; = data; const calledQueueNum = this.queueNum; return new Promise>((resolve, reject) => { axios.request(requestConfig) .then(res => { if (calledQueueNum !== this.queueNum) { return; } const response = new WraxiosResponse(; resolve(response); }) .catch((e: AxiosError) => { if (calledQueueNum !== this.queueNum) { 53 axios の取り回しを 確認してみよう

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axios.request(requestConfig) .then(res => { ... }) .catch((e: AxiosError) => { ... if (response.status === 400) { const clientErrorResponse = this.makeResponse(; const errorHandler = this.selectErrorHandler(params.onError); errorHandler(clientErrorResponse); if (!!params.onErrored) { params.onErrored(); } } else { const unExpectedErrorHandler = this.selectUnexpectedErrorHandler(params.onUnexpectedE unExpectedErrorHandler(resolve, reject, e); } }); 54

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axios.request(requestConfig) .then(res => { ... }) .catch((e: AxiosError) => { ... if (response.status === 400) { const clientErrorResponse = this.makeResponse(; const errorHandler = this.selectErrorHandler(params.onError); errorHandler(clientErrorResponse); if (!!params.onErrored) { params.onErrored(); } } else { const unExpectedErrorHandler = this.selectUnexpectedErrorHandler(params.onUnexpectedE unExpectedErrorHandler(resolve, reject, e); } }); 55 エラーハンドラー選定

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56 export default class WraxiosCore { ... private selectErrorHandler(handler?: IErrorHandler): IErrorHandler { if (handler === null || handler === void 0) { return notifyErrorToMessage; } return handler; } } const notifyErrorToMessage: IErrorHandler = (response: IErrorResponse) => { response.errors .map((x) => x.message) .forEach((message) => ServiceLocator.instance.messageService .addMessage(MessageType.Error, message)); };

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57 export default class WraxiosCore { ... private selectErrorHandler(handler?: IErrorHandler): IErrorHandler { if (handler === null || handler === void 0) { return notifyErrorToMessage; } return handler; } } const notifyErrorToMessage: IErrorHandler = (response: IErrorResponse) => { response.errors .map((x) => x.message) .forEach((message) => ServiceLocator.instance.messageService .addMessage(MessageType.Error, message)); }; デフォルト実装

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58 export default class WraxiosCore { ... private selectErrorHandler(handler?: IErrorHandler): IErrorHandler { if (handler === null || handler === void 0) { return notifyErrorToMessage; } return handler; } } const notifyErrorToMessage: IErrorHandler = (response: IErrorResponse) => { response.errors .map((x) => x.message) .forEach((message) => ServiceLocator.instance.messageService .addMessage(MessageType.Error, message)); }; デフォルト=メッセージシステムに通知

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59 export default class WraxiosCore { ... private selectErrorHandler(handler?: IErrorHandler): IErrorHandler { if (handler === null || handler === void 0) { return notifyErrorToMessage; } return handler; } } const notifyErrorToMessage: IErrorHandler = (response: IErrorResponse) => { response.errors .map((x) => x.message) .forEach((message) => ServiceLocator.instance.messageService .addMessage(MessageType.Error, message)); }; デフォルト=メッセージシステムに通知 具体的なメッセージは?

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axios.request(requestConfig) .then(res => { ... }) .catch((e: AxiosError) => { ... if (response.status === 400) { const clientErrorResponse = this.makeResponse(; const errorHandler = this.selectErrorHandler(params.onError); errorHandler(clientErrorResponse); if (!!params.onErrored) { params.onErrored(); } } else { const unExpectedErrorHandler = this.selectUnexpectedErrorHandler(params.onUnexpectedE unExpectedErrorHandler(resolve, reject, e); } }); 60 さきほどのコード

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axios.request(requestConfig) .then(res => { ... }) .catch((e: AxiosError) => { ... if (response.status === 400) { const clientErrorResponse = this.makeResponse(; const errorHandler = this.selectErrorHandler(params.onError); errorHandler(clientErrorResponse); if (!!params.onErrored) { params.onErrored(); } } else { const unExpectedErrorHandler = this.selectUnexpectedErrorHandler(params.onUnexpectedE unExpectedErrorHandler(resolve, reject, e); } }); 61 レスポンスからエラー用メッセージの生成

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62 export default class WraxiosCore { ... private makeResponse(data: any): IErrorResponse { const response = data as IErrorResponse; if (!!response && !!response.errors) { for (const error of response.errors) { const errorMessageKey = 'error.api.' + error.code; const errorMessage = i18n.t(errorMessageKey).toString(); if (!errorMessage || errorMessage === errorMessageKey) { error.message = i18n.t( 'common.wraxios.unregistered-error-message’, { errorCode : "code:¥"" + error.code + "¥""} ).toString(); } else { error.message = errorMessage; } } } return data; } } エラーメッセージ生成処理

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63 export default class WraxiosCore { ... private makeResponse(data: any): IErrorResponse { const response = data as IErrorResponse; if (!!response && !!response.errors) { for (const error of response.errors) { const errorMessageKey = 'error.api.' + error.code; const errorMessage = i18n.t(errorMessageKey).toString(); if (!errorMessage || errorMessage === errorMessageKey) { error.message = i18n.t( 'common.wraxios.unregistered-error-message’, { errorCode : "code:¥"" + error.code + "¥""} ).toString(); } else { error.message = errorMessage; } } } return data; } } エラーコードからキーを生成

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64 export default class WraxiosCore { ... private makeResponse(data: any): IErrorResponse { const response = data as IErrorResponse; if (!!response && !!response.errors) { for (const error of response.errors) { const errorMessageKey = 'error.api.' + error.code; const errorMessage = i18n.t(errorMessageKey).toString(); if (!errorMessage || errorMessage === errorMessageKey) { error.message = i18n.t( 'common.wraxios.unregistered-error-message’, { errorCode : "code:¥"" + error.code + "¥""} ).toString(); } else { error.message = errorMessage; } } } return data; } } メッセージのデータファイルから読み取り

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65 export default class WraxiosCore { ... private makeResponse(data: any): IErrorResponse { const response = data as IErrorResponse; if (!!response && !!response.errors) { for (const error of response.errors) { const errorMessageKey = 'error.api.' + error.code; const errorMessage = i18n.t(errorMessageKey).toString(); if (!errorMessage || errorMessage === errorMessageKey) { error.message = i18n.t( 'common.wraxios.unregistered-error-message’, { errorCode : "code:¥"" + error.code + "¥""} ).toString(); } else { error.message = errorMessage; } } } return data; } } メッセージのデータファイルから読み取り { "ja" : { "common" : { "routing" : { "no-authority" : "権限が足りません" }, "wraxios" : { "unregistered-error-message" : "予期せぬエラー({errorCode})", "role-changed" : "権限が不足しています" } }, "error" : { "api" : { "/user" : { "POST" : { "too-long-name" : "ユーザー名が長すぎます" } } } } } }

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66 export default class WraxiosCore { ... private makeResponse(data: any): IErrorResponse { const response = data as IErrorResponse; if (!!response && !!response.errors) { for (const error of response.errors) { const errorMessageKey = 'error.api.' + error.code; const errorMessage = i18n.t(errorMessageKey).toString(); if (!errorMessage || errorMessage === errorMessageKey) { error.message = i18n.t( 'common.wraxios.unregistered-error-message’, { errorCode : "code:¥"" + error.code + "¥""} ).toString(); } else { error.message = errorMessage; } } } return data; } } エラーメッセージが見つからない時は デフォルトメッセージ

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これで基本的に 何もしなくてOK 67

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細かく制御したい ときもある 68

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入力画面の難易度が高い エラー発生個所がわかりづらい たとえば 69

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70 export default class WraxiosCore { ... public get(url: string, params?: IOptionParameter): Promise> { return this.request('get', url, null, params); } public post(url: string, data?: any, params?: IOptionParameter): Promise> { return this.request('post', url, data, params); } }

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71 export default class WraxiosCore { ... public get(url: string, params?: IOptionParameter): Promise> { return this.request('get', url, null, params); } public post(url: string, data?: any, params?: IOptionParameter): Promise> { return this.request('post', url, data, params); } }

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72 export interface IOptionParameter { onError?: IErrorHandler; onErrored?: () => void; onUnexpectedError?: UnexpectedErrorHandler; config?: AxiosRequestConfig; } export default class WraxiosCore { ... public get(url: string, params?: IOptionParameter): Promise> { return this.request('get', url, null, params); } public post(url: string, data?: any, params?: IOptionParameter): Promise> { return this.request('post', url, data, params); } }

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73 export interface IOptionParameter { onError?: IErrorHandler; onErrored?: () => void; onUnexpectedError?: UnexpectedErrorHandler; config?: AxiosRequestConfig; } export default class WraxiosCore { ... public get(url: string, params?: IOptionParameter): Promise> { return this.request('get', url, null, params); } public post(url: string, data?: any, params?: IOptionParameter): Promise> { return this.request('post', url, data, params); } } エラーハンドラー登録用

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74 export default class UserAddConfirmPage extends Vue { ... public onSubmitButtonClick() { 'user', this.model, { onError: (res) => { pushNextWithError(res, this.backLocation()); }}) .then(res=> { const data =; this.$router.push({name: "user-detail", params: { id: data.createdUuid }}) }); } private backLocation(): RawLocation { return {name: 'user-add-input', params: this.model}; } }

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75 export default class UserAddConfirmPage extends Vue { ... public onSubmitButtonClick() { 'user', this.model, { onError: (res) => { pushNextWithError(res, this.backLocation()); }}) .then(res=> { const data =; this.$router.push({name: "user-detail", params: { id: data.createdUuid }}) }); } private backLocation(): RawLocation { return {name: 'user-add-input', params: this.model}; } } ページ遷移してエラー通知する

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エラーハンドリングで重要なのは 場合分け 78

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できごと ハンドリング 成功 失敗 例外 セッション切れ 権限変更 (パーミッション変更) 79

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できごと ハンドリング 成功 する 失敗 例外 セッション切れ 権限変更 (パーミッション変更) 80

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できごと ハンドリング 成功 する 失敗 する or しない 例外 セッション切れ 権限変更 (パーミッション変更) 81

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できごと ハンドリング 成功 する 失敗 する or しない 例外 する or しない セッション切れ 権限変更 (パーミッション変更) 82

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できごと ハンドリング 成功 する 失敗 する or しない 例外 する or しない セッション切れ ログイン画面へ 権限変更 (パーミッション変更) 83

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できごと ハンドリング 成功 する 失敗 する or しない 例外 する or しない セッション切れ ログイン画面へ 権限変更 (パーミッション変更) しない(権限エラー通知) 84

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できごと ハンドリング 成功 する 失敗 する or しない 例外 する or しない セッション切れ ログイン画面へ 権限変更 (パーミッション変更) しない(権限エラー通知) 85

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86 できごと ハンドリング 成功 する 失敗 する or しない 例外 する or しない セッション切れ ログイン画面へ 権限変更 (パーミッション変更) しない(権限エラー通知) export interface IOptionParameter { onError?: IErrorHandler; onErrored?: () => void; onUnexpectedError?: UnexpectedErrorHandler; config?: AxiosRequestConfig; }

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87 できごと ハンドリング 成功 する 失敗 する or しない 例外 する or しない セッション切れ ログイン画面へ 権限変更 (パーミッション変更) しない(権限エラー通知) export interface IOptionParameter { onError?: IErrorHandler; onErrored?: () => void; onUnexpectedError?: UnexpectedErrorHandler; config?: AxiosRequestConfig; }

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基本は何もしなくてよくて 必要なときに差し込める というのが大事 88

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Agenda 1. つつましいエラーハンドリング 2. 認証認可の戦略 3. 全体的なコンポーネント構造 89

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こんなシステムは嫌だ 90

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認証してないのにログインできちゃった 91

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権限がないはずなのに操作できちゃった 92

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認証認可を担保するには? 93

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強力な仕組みが必要 94

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人力を排除せよ 95

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認証認可の戦略 1. 認証と認証切れ 2. ルートの認可 3. リソースの認可 96

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認証認可の戦略 1. 認証と認証切れ 2. ルートの認可 3. リソースの認可 97

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98 認証が必要でないページ

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99 import LoginRootPage from "@/views/login/LoginRootPage.vue"; export default { path: '/login', name: 'login', component: LoginRootPage, meta: { noAuth: true } };

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100 import LoginRootPage from "@/views/login/LoginRootPage.vue"; export default { path: '/login', name: 'login', component: LoginRootPage, meta: { noAuth: true } }; ページに認証不要を設定 (未設定=認証必要)

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101 認証確認をしているのは

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102 export default async function globalBeforeEach(to: Route, from: Route, next: Function) { if (await transferLoginWhenNoAuth(to, from, next)) { return; } if (await transferWhenNoRole(to, from, next)) { return; } next(); } ルート変更時のグローバルフック

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103 export default async function globalBeforeEach(to: Route, from: Route, next: Function) { if (await transferLoginWhenNoAuth(to, from, next)) { return; } if (await transferWhenNoRole(to, from, next)) { return; } next(); }

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104 async function transferLoginWhenNoAuth(to: Route, from: Route, next: Function) : Promise { if (isAuthorised(to)) { if (!accountStoreFacade.hasInfo()) { await accountStoreFacade.loadAccountInfo(); if (!accountStoreFacade.hasInfo()) { if (!ServiceLocator.instance.routeService.endure) { ServiceLocator.instance.routeService.releaseOverwrite(); ServiceLocator.instance.routeService.saveBackRoute(to); } next({name: 'login'}); return true; } } } return false; }

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105 async function transferLoginWhenNoAuth(to: Route, from: Route, next: Function) : Promise { if (isAuthorised(to)) { if (!accountStoreFacade.hasInfo()) { await accountStoreFacade.loadAccountInfo(); if (!accountStoreFacade.hasInfo()) { if (!ServiceLocator.instance.routeService.endure) { ServiceLocator.instance.routeService.releaseOverwrite(); ServiceLocator.instance.routeService.saveBackRoute(to); } next({name: 'login'}); return true; } } } return false; } 遷移先は認証が必要か

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106 async function transferLoginWhenNoAuth(to: Route, from: Route, next: Function) : Promise { if (isAuthorised(to)) { if (!accountStoreFacade.hasInfo()) { await accountStoreFacade.loadAccountInfo(); if (!accountStoreFacade.hasInfo()) { if (!ServiceLocator.instance.routeService.endure) { ServiceLocator.instance.routeService.releaseOverwrite(); ServiceLocator.instance.routeService.saveBackRoute(to); } next({name: 'login'}); return true; } } } return false; } 認証の確認

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107 async function transferLoginWhenNoAuth(to: Route, from: Route, next: Function) : Promise { if (isAuthorised(to)) { if (!accountStoreFacade.hasInfo()) { await accountStoreFacade.loadAccountInfo(); if (!accountStoreFacade.hasInfo()) { if (!ServiceLocator.instance.routeService.endure) { ServiceLocator.instance.routeService.releaseOverwrite(); ServiceLocator.instance.routeService.saveBackRoute(to); } next({name: 'login'}); return true; } } } return false; } 認証していなかったらセッション確認

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108 async function transferLoginWhenNoAuth(to: Route, from: Route, next: Function) : Promise { if (isAuthorised(to)) { if (!accountStoreFacade.hasInfo()) { await accountStoreFacade.loadAccountInfo(); if (!accountStoreFacade.hasInfo()) { if (!ServiceLocator.instance.routeService.endure) { ServiceLocator.instance.routeService.releaseOverwrite(); ServiceLocator.instance.routeService.saveBackRoute(to); } next({name: 'login'}); return true; } } } return false; } 未認証ならログイン画面へ

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110 未認証

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111 未認証 認証

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112 async function transferLoginWhenNoAuth(to: Route, from: Route, next: Function) : Promise { if (isAuthorised(to)) { if (!accountStoreFacade.hasInfo()) { await accountStoreFacade.loadAccountInfo(); if (!accountStoreFacade.hasInfo()) { if (!ServiceLocator.instance.routeService.endure) { ServiceLocator.instance.routeService.releaseOverwrite(); ServiceLocator.instance.routeService.saveBackRoute(to); } next({name: 'login'}); return true; } } } return false; }

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113 async function transferLoginWhenNoAuth(to: Route, from: Route, next: Function) : Promise { if (isAuthorised(to)) { if (!accountStoreFacade.hasInfo()) { await accountStoreFacade.loadAccountInfo(); if (!accountStoreFacade.hasInfo()) { if (!ServiceLocator.instance.routeService.endure) { ServiceLocator.instance.routeService.releaseOverwrite(); ServiceLocator.instance.routeService.saveBackRoute(to); } next({name: 'login'}); return true; } } } return false; } 遷移先を保存

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114 export default class LoginRootPage extends Vue { @Action("account/loadAccountInfo") public loadAccountInfo!: () => Promise; public async onLoggedIn() { await this.loadAccountInfo(); const routeService = ServiceLocator.instance.routeService; if (routeService.hasBackRoute) { const nextRoute = routeService.pathToBack(); routeService.clear(); this.$router.push(nextRoute); } else { this.$router.push({name: 'top'}); } } } ログイン画面

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115 export default class LoginRootPage extends Vue { @Action("account/loadAccountInfo") public loadAccountInfo!: () => Promise; public async onLoggedIn() { await this.loadAccountInfo(); const routeService = ServiceLocator.instance.routeService; if (routeService.hasBackRoute) { const nextRoute = routeService.pathToBack(); routeService.clear(); this.$router.push(nextRoute); } else { this.$router.push({name: 'top'}); } } } ログイン後、保存された遷移先へ

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認証認可の戦略 1. 認証と認証切れ 2. ルートの認可 3. リソースの認可 116

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基本的にすべてのルートは 最高権限を必要とする 117

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118 export default { path: '/user', component: UserRootPage, children: [ { path: '', name: 'user-index', component: UserIndexPage, meta: {role: AccountRole.Advanced}, }, { path: ':id', name: 'user-detail', component: UserDetailPage, meta: {role: AccountRole.Advanced}, }, { path: 'add/input', name: 'user-add-input', component: UserAddInputPage, }, ... ] } User 関連

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119 export default { path: '/user', component: UserRootPage, children: [ { path: '', name: 'user-index', component: UserIndexPage, meta: {role: AccountRole.Advanced}, }, { path: ':id', name: 'user-detail', component: UserDetailPage, meta: {role: AccountRole.Advanced}, }, { path: 'add/input', name: 'user-add-input', component: UserAddInputPage, }, ... ] } 最高権限が必要

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120 export default { path: '/user', component: UserRootPage, children: [ { path: '', name: 'user-index', component: UserIndexPage, meta: {role: AccountRole.Advanced}, }, { path: ':id', name: 'user-detail', component: UserDetailPage, meta: {role: AccountRole.Advanced}, }, { path: 'add/input', name: 'user-add-input', component: UserAddInputPage, }, ... ] } Advanced 権限

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121 export default { path: '/', component: TopRootPage, meta: {role: 'any'}, children: [ { path: '', name: 'top', component: TopIndexPage } ] }; Top ページ

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122 export default { path: '/', component: TopRootPage, meta: {role: 'any'}, children: [ { path: '', name: 'top', component: TopIndexPage } ] }; 権限不要

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実際の処理 123

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124 export default async function globalBeforeEach(to: Route, from: Route, next: Function) { if (await transferLoginWhenNoAuth(to, from, next)) { return; } if (await transferWhenNoRole(to, from, next)) { return; } next(); } ルート変更時のグローバルフック

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125 export default async function globalBeforeEach(to: Route, from: Route, next: Function) { if (await transferLoginWhenNoAuth(to, from, next)) { return; } if (await transferWhenNoRole(to, from, next)) { return; } next(); } 認証後に認可の確認がある

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126 async function transferWhenNoRole(to: Route, from:Route, next: Function): Promise { if (!isAuthorised(to)) { return false; } if (isAnonymous(to)) { return false; } if (isAllowed(to)) { return false; } const showMessage = === 'top' ? (message: string) => ServiceLocator.instance.messageService.addMessage(MessageType.Erro : (message: string) => ServiceLocator.instance.messageService.reserve(MessageType.Error, const mesasge = i18n.t("").toString(); showMessage(mesasge); next({name: "top"}); return true; }

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127 async function transferWhenNoRole(to: Route, from:Route, next: Function): Promise { if (!isAuthorised(to)) { return false; } if (isAnonymous(to)) { return false; } if (isAllowed(to)) { return false; } const showMessage = === 'top' ? (message: string) => ServiceLocator.instance.messageService.addMessage(MessageType.Erro : (message: string) => ServiceLocator.instance.messageService.reserve(MessageType.Error, const mesasge = i18n.t("").toString(); showMessage(mesasge); next({name: "top"}); return true; }

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128 async function transferWhenNoRole(to: Route, from:Route, next: Function): Promise { if (!isAuthorised(to)) { return false; } if (isAnonymous(to)) { return false; } if (isAllowed(to)) { return false; } const showMessage = === 'top' ? (message: string) => ServiceLocator.instance.messageService.addMessage(MessageType.Erro : (message: string) => ServiceLocator.instance.messageService.reserve(MessageType.Error, const mesasge = i18n.t("").toString(); showMessage(mesasge); next({name: "top"}); return true; } function isAuthorised(to: Route): boolean { return to.matched.every(record => !record.meta.noAuth); } そもそも認証が要求されるか確認

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129 async function transferWhenNoRole(to: Route, from:Route, next: Function): Promise { if (!isAuthorised(to)) { return false; } if (isAnonymous(to)) { return false; } if (isAllowed(to)) { return false; } const showMessage = === 'top' ? (message: string) => ServiceLocator.instance.messageService.addMessage(MessageType.Erro : (message: string) => ServiceLocator.instance.messageService.reserve(MessageType.Error, const mesasge = i18n.t("").toString(); showMessage(mesasge); next({name: "top"}); return true; }

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130 async function transferWhenNoRole(to: Route, from:Route, next: Function): Promise { if (!isAuthorised(to)) { return false; } if (isAnonymous(to)) { return false; } if (isAllowed(to)) { return false; } const showMessage = === 'top' ? (message: string) => ServiceLocator.instance.messageService.addMessage(MessageType.Erro : (message: string) => ServiceLocator.instance.messageService.reserve(MessageType.Error, const mesasge = i18n.t("").toString(); showMessage(mesasge); next({name: "top"}); return true; } function isAnonymous(to: Route): boolean { return to.matched.some((record => !!record.meta && record.meta.role === 'any')); } 認可が不要か確認

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131 async function transferWhenNoRole(to: Route, from:Route, next: Function): Promise { if (!isAuthorised(to)) { return false; } if (isAnonymous(to)) { return false; } if (isAllowed(to)) { return false; } const showMessage = === 'top' ? (message: string) => ServiceLocator.instance.messageService.addMessage(MessageType.Erro : (message: string) => ServiceLocator.instance.messageService.reserve(MessageType.Error, const mesasge = i18n.t("").toString(); showMessage(mesasge); next({name: "top"}); return true; }

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132 async function transferWhenNoRole(to: Route, from:Route, next: Function): Promise { if (!isAuthorised(to)) { return false; } if (isAnonymous(to)) { return false; } if (isAllowed(to)) { return false; } const showMessage = === 'top' ? (message: string) => ServiceLocator.instance.messageService.addMessage(MessageType.Erro : (message: string) => ServiceLocator.instance.messageService.reserve(MessageType.Error, const mesasge = i18n.t("").toString(); showMessage(mesasge); next({name: "top"}); return true; } function isAllowed(to: Route): boolean { return to.matched.some(record => { if (!record || !record.meta) { return false; } const metaRole = record.meta.role; if (metaRole instanceof Array) { const allowedRoles = metaRole; return accountStoreFacade.isAllowedAny(allowedRoles); } else { const allowedRole = !!metaRole ? metaRole : AccountRole.Administrator; return accountStoreFacade.isAllowed(allowedRole); } }) } 自身の権限と照らし合わせる

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133 async function transferWhenNoRole(to: Route, from:Route, next: Function): Promise { if (!isAuthorised(to)) { return false; } if (isAnonymous(to)) { return false; } if (isAllowed(to)) { return false; } const showMessage = === 'top' ? (message: string) => ServiceLocator.instance.messageService.addMessage(MessageType.Erro : (message: string) => ServiceLocator.instance.messageService.reserve(MessageType.Error, const mesasge = i18n.t("").toString(); showMessage(mesasge); next({name: "top"}); return true; } 権限がないのでTOPへ遷移しエラー表示

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認証認可の戦略 1. 認証と認証切れ 2. ルートの認可 3. リソースの認可 134

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まずサーバー側で 403 を発行する 135

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136 router.get('', authorize("advanced"), (req, res) => { const json = debugDataLoader("user", "get"); res.json(json); });'', authorize(), (req, res) => { const json = debugDataLoader("user", "post"); res.json(json); }); router.get('/:id', authorize("advanced"), (req, res) => { const json = debugDataLoader("user", "get-detail"); res.json(json); });

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137 router.get('', authorize("advanced"), (req, res) => { const json = debugDataLoader("user", "get"); res.json(json); });'', authorize(), (req, res) => { const json = debugDataLoader("user", "post"); res.json(json); }); router.get('/:id', authorize("advanced"), (req, res) => { const json = debugDataLoader("user", "get-detail"); res.json(json); });

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403 のハンドリング 138

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139 const notifyMessageWhenUnexpectedErrorHandler: IUnexpectedErrorHandler = ( resolve: (value?: WraxiosResponse | PromiseLike>) => void, reject: (reason?: any) => void, error: AxiosError ) => { ... const statusCode = response.status; switch (statusCode) { case 401: router.push({name: 'login'}); break; case 403: const message = i18n.t('common.wraxios.role-changed').toString(); ServiceLocator.instance.messageService.reserve(MessageType.Info, message); router.push({name: 'top'}); break; default: router.push({name: 'error-server'}); break; } };

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140 const notifyMessageWhenUnexpectedErrorHandler: IUnexpectedErrorHandler = ( resolve: (value?: WraxiosResponse | PromiseLike>) => void, reject: (reason?: any) => void, error: AxiosError ) => { ... const statusCode = response.status; switch (statusCode) { case 401: router.push({name: 'login'}); break; case 403: const message = i18n.t('common.wraxios.role-changed').toString(); ServiceLocator.instance.messageService.reserve(MessageType.Info, message); router.push({name: 'top'}); break; default: router.push({name: 'error-server'}); break; } }; 権限エラーメッセージを予約してTOPへ遷移

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Agenda 1. つつましいエラーハンドリング 2. 認証認可の戦略 3. 全体的なコンポーネント構造 141

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シンプルな オブジェクト同士の構造は? 142

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ObjectA ObjectB 143

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ObjectA ObjectB 144

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ObjectA ObjectB Method Call 145

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ObjectA ObjectB Method Call Method Call 146

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ObjectA ObjectB Method Call Method Call 147

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } } class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { ... this.objectA.methodForB(); } 148

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } } class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { ... this.objectA.methodForB(); } 149

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } } class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { ... this.objectA.methodForB(); } 150

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } } class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { ... this.objectA.methodForB(); } 151 相互参照

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } } class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { ... this.objectA.methodForB(); } 152 相互参照 コンストラクタに this を渡してると 怪しいかも

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } } class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { ... this.objectA.methodForB(); } 153

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } } class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { ... this.objectA.methodForB(); } 154

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } } class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { ... this.objectA.methodForB(); } 155

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } } class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { ... this.objectA.methodForB(); } 156

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } } class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { ... this.objectA.methodForB(); } 157

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ObjectA ObjectB 158

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } public methodForB2() { ... this.objectB.methodForA2(); } public methodForB3() { this.objectB.methodForA3(); ... this.objectB.methodForA4(); } public methodForB4() { ... class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { this.objectA.methodForB(); ... this.objectA.methodForB2(); } public methodForA2() { ... this.objectA.methodForB3(); } public methodForA3() { ... } public methodForA4() { 159

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } public methodForB2() { ... this.objectB.methodForA2(); } public methodForB3() { this.objectB.methodForA3(); ... this.objectB.methodForA4(); } public methodForB4() { ... class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { this.objectA.methodForB(); ... this.objectA.methodForB2(); } public methodForA2() { ... this.objectA.methodForB3(); } public methodForA3() { ... } public methodForA4() { 160

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } public methodForB2() { ... this.objectB.methodForA2(); } public methodForB3() { this.objectB.methodForA3(); ... this.objectB.methodForA4(); } public methodForB4() { ... class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { this.objectA.methodForB(); ... this.objectA.methodForB2(); } public methodForA2() { ... this.objectA.methodForB3(); } public methodForA3() { ... } public methodForA4() { 161

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } public methodForB2() { ... this.objectB.methodForA2(); } public methodForB3() { this.objectB.methodForA3(); ... this.objectB.methodForA4(); } public methodForB4() { ... class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { this.objectA.methodForB(); ... this.objectA.methodForB2(); } public methodForA2() { ... this.objectA.methodForB3(); } public methodForA3() { ... } public methodForA4() { 162

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } public methodForB2() { ... this.objectB.methodForA2(); } public methodForB3() { this.objectB.methodForA3(); ... this.objectB.methodForA4(); } public methodForB4() { ... class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { this.objectA.methodForB(); ... this.objectA.methodForB2(); } public methodForA2() { ... this.objectA.methodForB3(); } public methodForA3() { ... } public methodForA4() { 163

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } public methodForB2() { ... this.objectB.methodForA2(); } public methodForB3() { this.objectB.methodForA3(); ... this.objectB.methodForA4(); } public methodForB4() { ... class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { this.objectA.methodForB(); ... this.objectA.methodForB2(); } public methodForA2() { ... this.objectA.methodForB3(); } public methodForA3() { ... } public methodForA4() { 164

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } public methodForB2() { ... this.objectB.methodForA2(); } public methodForB3() { this.objectB.methodForA3(); ... this.objectB.methodForA4(); } public methodForB4() { ... class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { this.objectA.methodForB(); ... this.objectA.methodForB2(); } public methodForA2() { ... this.objectA.methodForB3(); } public methodForA3() { ... } public methodForA4() { 165

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } public methodForB2() { ... this.objectB.methodForA2(); } public methodForB3() { this.objectB.methodForA3(); ... this.objectB.methodForA4(); } public methodForB4() { ... class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { this.objectA.methodForB(); ... this.objectA.methodForB2(); } public methodForA2() { ... this.objectA.methodForB3(); } public methodForA3() { ... } public methodForA4() { 166

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } public methodForB2() { ... this.objectB.methodForA2(); } public methodForB3() { this.objectB.methodForA3(); ... this.objectB.methodForA4(); } public methodForB4() { ... class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { this.objectA.methodForB(); ... this.objectA.methodForB2(); } public methodForA2() { ... this.objectA.methodForB3(); } public methodForA3() { ... } public methodForA4() { 167

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } public methodForB2() { ... this.objectB.methodForA2(); } public methodForB3() { this.objectB.methodForA3(); ... this.objectB.methodForA4(); } public methodForB4() { ... class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { this.objectA.methodForB(); ... this.objectA.methodForB2(); } public methodForA2() { ... this.objectA.methodForB3(); } public methodForA3() { ... } public methodForA4() { 168

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } public methodForB2() { ... this.objectB.methodForA2(); } public methodForB3() { this.objectB.methodForA3(); ... this.objectB.methodForA4(); } public methodForB4() { ... class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { this.objectA.methodForB(); ... this.objectA.methodForB2(); } public methodForA2() { ... this.objectA.methodForB3(); } public methodForA3() { ... } public methodForA4() { 169

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } public methodForB2() { ... this.objectB.methodForA2(); } public methodForB3() { this.objectB.methodForA3(); ... this.objectB.methodForA4(); } public methodForB4() { ... class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { this.objectA.methodForB(); ... this.objectA.methodForB2(); } public methodForA2() { ... this.objectA.methodForB3(); } public methodForA3() { ... } public methodForA4() { 170

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } public methodForB2() { ... this.objectB.methodForA2(); } public methodForB3() { this.objectB.methodForA3(); ... this.objectB.methodForA4(); } public methodForB4() { ... class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { this.objectA.methodForB(); ... this.objectA.methodForB2(); } public methodForA2() { ... this.objectA.methodForB3(); } public methodForA3() { ... } public methodForA4() { 171

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } public methodForB2() { ... this.objectB.methodForA2(); } public methodForB3() { this.objectB.methodForA3(); ... this.objectB.methodForA4(); } public methodForB4() { ... class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { this.objectA.methodForB(); ... this.objectA.methodForB2(); } public methodForA2() { ... this.objectA.methodForB3(); } public methodForA3() { ... } public methodForA4() { 172

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } public methodForB2() { ... this.objectB.methodForA2(); } public methodForB3() { this.objectB.methodForA3(); ... this.objectB.methodForA4(); } public methodForB4() { ... class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { this.objectA.methodForB(); ... this.objectA.methodForB2(); } public methodForA2() { ... this.objectA.methodForB3(); } public methodForA3() { ... } public methodForA4() { 173

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } public methodForB2() { ... this.objectB.methodForA2(); } public methodForB3() { this.objectB.methodForA3(); ... this.objectB.methodForA4(); } public methodForB4() { ... class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { this.objectA.methodForB(); ... this.objectA.methodForB2(); } public methodForA2() { ... this.objectA.methodForB3(); } public methodForA3() { ... } public methodForA4() { 174

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } public methodForB2() { ... this.objectB.methodForA2(); } public methodForB3() { this.objectB.methodForA3(); ... this.objectB.methodForA4(); } public methodForB4() { ... class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { this.objectA.methodForB(); ... this.objectA.methodForB2(); } public methodForA2() { ... this.objectA.methodForB3(); } public methodForA3() { ... } public methodForA4() { 175

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } public methodForB2() { ... this.objectB.methodForA2(); } public methodForB3() { this.objectB.methodForA3(); ... this.objectB.methodForA4(); } public methodForB4() { ... class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { this.objectA.methodForB(); ... this.objectA.methodForB2(); } public methodForA2() { ... this.objectA.methodForB3(); } public methodForA3() { ... } public methodForA4() { 176

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } public methodForB2() { ... this.objectB.methodForA2(); } public methodForB3() { this.objectB.methodForA3(); ... this.objectB.methodForA4(); } public methodForB4() { ... class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { this.objectA.methodForB(); ... this.objectA.methodForB2(); } public methodForA2() { ... this.objectA.methodForB3(); } public methodForA3() { ... } public methodForA4() { 177

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } public methodForB2() { ... this.objectB.methodForA2(); } public methodForB3() { this.objectB.methodForA3(); ... this.objectB.methodForA4(); } public methodForB4() { ... class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { this.objectA.methodForB(); ... this.objectA.methodForB2(); } public methodForA2() { ... this.objectA.methodForB3(); } public methodForA3() { ... } public methodForA4() { 178

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class ObjectA { private objectB = new ObjectB(this); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); } public methodForB() { ... } public methodForB2() { ... this.objectB.methodForA2(); } public methodForB3() { this.objectB.methodForA3(); ... this.objectB.methodForA4(); } public methodForB4() { ... class ObjectB { public constructor( private readonly objectA: ObjectA) { } public method() { this.objectA.methodForB(); } public methodForA() { this.objectA.methodForB(); ... this.objectA.methodForB2(); } public methodForA2() { ... this.objectA.methodForB3(); } public methodForA3() { ... } public methodForA4() { 動作順序 把握できました? 179

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ObjectA ObjectB methodForA methodForB methodForB2 methodForA2 methodForB3 methodForA3 methodForA4 180

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ObjectA ObjectB methodForA methodForB methodForB2 methodForA2 methodForB3 methodForA3 methodForA4 把握できました? 181

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どうするか? 182

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ObjectA ObjectB 183

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ObjectA ObjectB Parent ObjectA ObjectB 184

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class Parent { private readonly objectA = new ObjectA(); private readonly objectB = new ObjectB(); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); this.objectA.methodForB(); this.objectA.methodForB2(); this.objectB.methodForA2(); this.objectA.methodForB3(); this.objectB.methodForA3(); this.objectB.methodForA4(); } } 185

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class Parent { private readonly objectA = new ObjectA(); private readonly objectB = new ObjectB(); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); this.objectA.methodForB(); this.objectA.methodForB2(); this.objectB.methodForA2(); this.objectA.methodForB3(); this.objectB.methodForA3(); this.objectB.methodForA4(); } } class ObjectA { public methodForB() { ... } public methodForB2() { ... } public methodForB3() { ... } public methodForB4() { ... } } class ObjectB { public methodForA() { ... } public methodForA2() { ... } public methodForA3() { ... } public methodForA4() { ... } } 186

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class Parent { private readonly objectA = new ObjectA(); private readonly objectB = new ObjectB(); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); this.objectA.methodForB(); this.objectA.methodForB2(); this.objectB.methodForA2(); this.objectA.methodForB3(); this.objectB.methodForA3(); this.objectB.methodForA4(); } } class ObjectA { public methodForB() { ... } public methodForB2() { ... } public methodForB3() { ... } public methodForB4() { ... } } class ObjectB { public methodForA() { ... } public methodForA2() { ... } public methodForA3() { ... } public methodForA4() { ... } } オブジェクトは シンプルに 187

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class Parent { private readonly objectA = new ObjectA(); private readonly objectB = new ObjectB(); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); this.objectA.methodForB(); this.objectA.methodForB2(); this.objectB.methodForA2(); this.objectA.methodForB3(); this.objectB.methodForA3(); this.objectB.methodForA4(); } } 188

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class Parent { private readonly objectA = new ObjectA(); private readonly objectB = new ObjectB(); public method() { this.objectB.methodForA(); this.objectA.methodForB(); this.objectA.methodForB2(); this.objectB.methodForA2(); this.objectA.methodForB3(); this.objectB.methodForA3(); this.objectB.methodForA4(); } } コードを見れば 一目瞭然 189

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コンポーネントも 同じ 190

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TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButton 191

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TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButton Click 192

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TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButton Click unselect() Select 195

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TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButton Click unselect() Select 196

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TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButton Click unselect() Select 197

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TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButtonGroup 198

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TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButtonGroup Click 199

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TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButtonGroup Click Clicked 200

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TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButtonGroup Un Select Un Select Un Select Un Select 201

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TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButtonGroup Un Select Un Select Un Select Un Select 202

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TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButton TabContent Click 205

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TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButton TabContent Clicked TabButtonGroup 206

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TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButton TabContent TabButtonGroup Clicked Clicked (B) Tab 207

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TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButton TabContent TabButtonGroup Tab Un Select 208

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TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButton TabContent TabButtonGroup Tab Un Select Un Select Un Select Un Select Un Select 209

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TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButton TabContent TabButtonGroup Tab Un Select Un Select Un Select Un Select Un Select 210

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TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButton TabContent TabButtonGroup Tab Select (B) 211

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TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButton TabContent TabButtonGroup Tab Select (B) Select 212

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TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButton TabContent TabButtonGroup Tab Select (B) Select 213

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TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButton TabContent TabButtonGroup Tab Change Content 214

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TabButton TabContent TabButtonGroup Tab 215

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TabButton TabContent TabButtonGroup Tab 216

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TabButton TabContent TabButtonGroup Tab メソッド 217

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TabButton TabContent TabButtonGroup Tab メソッド 218

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TabButton TabContent TabButtonGroup Tab メソッド イベント 219

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TabButton TabContent TabButtonGroup Tab メソッド イベント コンポーネントの基本構造 220

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TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButton TabContent TabButtonGroup Clicked Tab Clicked (B) 221

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TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButton TabContent TabButtonGroup Clicked Tab イベント Clicked (B) 222

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TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButton TabContent TabButtonGroup Tab Select (B) Select 223

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TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButton TabContent TabButtonGroup Tab Select (B) Select メソッド 224

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TabButton TabButton TabButton TabButton TabContent TabButtonGroup Tab Select (B) Select メソッド Vue などでは これをバインディングで 実現する 225

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たとえば 226

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227 export default class LoginRootPage extends Vue { ... public formDisabled: boolean = false; public onSubmit(model: ILoginRequest) { ServiceLocator.instance.messageService.clearMessage(); this.formDisabled = true;'/login', model, { onErrored: () => { this.formDisabled = false; }}) .then(_ => { this.onLoggedIn(); }); } ...

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228 export default class LoginRootPage extends Vue { ... public formDisabled: boolean = false; public onSubmit(model: ILoginRequest) { ServiceLocator.instance.messageService.clearMessage(); this.formDisabled = true;'/login', model, { onErrored: () => { this.formDisabled = false; }}) .then(_ => { this.onLoggedIn(); }); } ... 子コンポーネントのイベントをハンドリング

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229 export default class LoginRootPage extends Vue { ... public formDisabled: boolean = false; public onSubmit(model: ILoginRequest) { ServiceLocator.instance.messageService.clearMessage(); this.formDisabled = true;'/login', model, { onErrored: () => { this.formDisabled = false; }}) .then(_ => { this.onLoggedIn(); }); } ...

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230 export default class LoginRootPage extends Vue { ... public formDisabled: boolean = false; public onSubmit(model: ILoginRequest) { ServiceLocator.instance.messageService.clearMessage(); this.formDisabled = true;'/login', model, { onErrored: () => { this.formDisabled = false; }}) .then(_ => { this.onLoggedIn(); }); } ... 子コンポーネントの操作は あくまでそれを保持するコンポーネント

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ページ遷移や通信を行う箇所 231

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PageA PageB ComponentA Button 232

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PageA PageB ComponentA Button Click 233

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PageA PageB ComponentA Button Click 234

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PageA PageB ComponentA Button 235

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PageA PageB ComponentA Button 236

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PageA PageB ComponentA Button Click 237

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PageA PageB ComponentA Button Click 238

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PageA PageB ComponentA Button Click 239

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PageA PageB ComponentA Button 240

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PageA PageB ComponentA Button ページ遷移は ページコンポーネントを見れば 分かるようにすること 241

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PageA PageB Link Component これはページを見れば分かる (ページに遷移先情報がある) ので OK Parameter Link to PageB 242

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... {{}} ... ... export default class UserIndexPage extends Vue {

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... {{}} ... ... export default class UserIndexPage extends Vue {

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... {{}} ... ... export default class UserIndexPage extends Vue {

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通信も同じ 246

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Page Component Data 247

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Page Component Http Data 248

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Page Component Http Http Data 249

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Page Component Http Http コンポーネントの使いまわしが必要ない限り 通信も基本はページ (データもページが保持してバインディング) Data 250

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251 ... export default class LoginRootPage extends Vue { @Action("account/loadAccountInfo") public loadAccountInfo!: () => Promise<void>; public formDisabled: boolean = false; public onSubmit(model: ILoginRequest) { ServiceLocator.instance.messageService.clearMessage(); this.formDisabled = true;'/login', model, { onErrored: () => { this.formDisabled = false; }}) .then(_ => { this.onLoggedIn(); }); } ... }

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252 ... export default class LoginRootPage extends Vue { @Action("account/loadAccountInfo") public loadAccountInfo!: () => Promise<void>; public formDisabled: boolean = false; public onSubmit(model: ILoginRequest) { ServiceLocator.instance.messageService.clearMessage(); this.formDisabled = true;'/login', model, { onErrored: () => { this.formDisabled = false; }}) .then(_ => { this.onLoggedIn(); }); } ... }

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253 ... export default class LoginRootPage extends Vue { @Action("account/loadAccountInfo") public loadAccountInfo!: () => Promise<void>; public formDisabled: boolean = false; public onSubmit(model: ILoginRequest) { ServiceLocator.instance.messageService.clearMessage(); this.formDisabled = true;'/login', model, { onErrored: () => { this.formDisabled = false; }}) .then(_ => { this.onLoggedIn(); }); } ... } 通信はフォームで行わずルートで行っている

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まとめ 254

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重要なこと 255

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無駄な努力はせず 必要な努力をする 256

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チームのメンバーが 注力すべきところはどこか 考えながらコア部分を作っていこう 257

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Auther Masanobu Naruse HomePage Twitter @nrslib